Favorites from Rat Spatula

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"My sister insisted that the van lifestyle is a major trend. "

You'd Have To Be Crazy
My sister and I are both, in our own ways, like children. When she saw the coat, she ran for it. She picked it up and oohed and aahed over it, turning it this way and that. She showed it to me, and started talking quickly about how much it might be worth. I got embarrassed by how loudly she was talking, and I thought picking a coat up off the ground might be stealing. I was in Seattle to see her; she said she would tell me about what it was like to be homeless.

posted to MetaFilter by the man of twists and turns at 12:26 PM on June 17, 2016 (18 comments)

What are your favourite long, 'ambient' Youtube videos?

I love this three-hour video of Bison grazing at Yellowstone. When I work from home I just have it running via Chromecast on my TV. When friends come over I stick it on as we listen to music and chat. I also love this video of a pushbike ride from the Arctic Ocean to British Columbia. What other long videos on Youtube do you like?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Cantdosleepy at 5:11 AM on June 15, 2016 (13 comments)

'That one actually happened to a friend of mine.'

"How 'Silicon Valley' Nails Silicon Valley" [SLYNY, Andrew Marantz]
posted to MetaFilter by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 3:27 PM on June 9, 2016 (46 comments)

Reel Wild Cinema

Hosted by Sandra Bernhard, clips from Something Weird Video’s (previously) catalogue and a heavily edited main attraction that cut down some feature length z-movie to a presentable bite-sized clips made up 1996's Something Weird Video. SWV has put up the entire run on their Youtube channel, so if you’re looking for some trashy fun, check it out. It’s not safe for work, but Puritans will be happy to know everyone’s best bits get covered in episodes like the “Nudist Camp Night.” Ta-tas get covered with happy faces and front bottoms with Stop signs! (via the twice Hugo nominated Black Gate).
posted to MetaFilter by Mezentian at 3:38 AM on April 30, 2016 (1 comment)

Oh googley eyes, you make stuff come alive

I have purchased a package of 500 pairs of self-adhesive googley eyes in various sizes. Help me figure out what in my house to stick them on.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by KathrynT at 3:22 PM on April 26, 2016 (85 comments)

Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend

Hobbes and Me: an obviously unauthorized, yet surprisingly true-to-the-original, live-action Calvin and Hobbes by Rafael Casal and featuring Daveed Diggs.
posted to MetaFilter by jacquilynne at 1:43 PM on April 26, 2016 (21 comments)

A graphical programming toy for Monday

BOX-256 BOX-256 is a 8-bit fantasy computer, with 256 bytes of memory, 16 color 16x16 display. It is also a programming game, where the player tries to pass the graphics tests and optimize the code to perfection. The ultimate goal is to use as little CPU cycles as possible, by employing multithreading and other optimization tricks. A manual is available.
posted to MetaFilter by boo_radley at 8:18 AM on April 18, 2016 (19 comments)


"Depression stole decades of our lives together. Depression lies. I have to tell the truth." Eleni Pinnow writes in the Washington Post about the obituary she wrote for her sister, Aletha.
posted to MetaFilter by roomthreeseventeen at 5:46 AM on March 23, 2016 (18 comments)

Best product question: furniture pads version

We have hardwood floors and despite the use of carpets, there are now lots of scratches in areas of heavy use. We have felt pads on the legs of our stuff but the things seem to come off at every opportunity, especially on items that are moved often (dining chairs). I hate having to reapply them and I hate the stupid black felt circles that come off knocking around the floor all the time. Is there a better way? What is the absolute best pad I can buy? Most items have wooden legs but a couple are metal. Can't easily increase amount of rug converge.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bq at 12:36 PM on May 26, 2015 (7 comments)

Tired of vinaigrettes, looking for new salad dressings

I eat lots of salads and bowls. I'm getting tired of vinaigrettes and paying for overpriced bottled dressings. I'm looking for your best salad dressing recipes. More specifics after the jump.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by slogger at 6:16 AM on March 10, 2016 (35 comments)

At Sea with America's Largest Floating Gathering of Conspiracy Theorists

It’s an experience that may not appeal to everyone—a seven-day cruise at sea, with the aim of “taking back power from corrupt and greedy institutions, attain true self-authority, and realize our genuine Self behind the masks … discovering the truth, taking command of our lives, and attaining genuine inner realization” —with every odd belief you can think of listed as entertainment: GMOs, Monsanto, bee colony collapse, ecology, global warming, climate change, fracking, HIV, autism, Big Pharma, medical suppression, vaccinations, fluoridation,… electoral fraud, identity chips, 2nd amendment, and so much more. Anna Merlan writes charitably yet unflinchingly for Jezebel about her experience joining them
posted to MetaFilter by Blasdelb at 7:35 AM on February 29, 2016 (118 comments)

Investigative reporting in Moab UT

Jim Stiles at the Zephyr does a thorough job reporting on a small group of people dismantling small town governments in the Rocky Moutnain west. Are Rebecca Davidson and crew agents of change bringing small town 20th century bureaucracies into 21st century reality? Or are they neocons dismantling “big government” from within one small town at a time? Or they just conmen snowing ignorant/greedy city councils? Story long and well researched and still in progress.
posted to MetaFilter by Mesaverdian at 2:39 PM on February 21, 2016 (16 comments)


Threadbase purchased 800 of the most popular Men's t-shirts in every size that they could get their hands on. They then measured the shirts, washed them repeatedly, and tracked their shrinkage/stretching over time. Notably, they observed that shirts get wider and shorter over time, but actually wearing the shirt undoes most of the shrinkage that happens in the wash. Also, sizing systems vary wildly across manufacturers.
posted to MetaFilter by schmod at 8:20 AM on January 22, 2016 (40 comments)

A frosty visit to living relics, muskox

In a remote corner of the world a living relic from a prehistoric age still exists. A creature that once roamed the northern plains alongside mammoths and sabertooth cats.
In Between is a short video that takes you to visit muskox in their frozen habitat.
posted to MetaFilter by filthy light thief at 11:41 AM on January 6, 2016 (24 comments)

Adrian Street: Sadist in Sequins

A shot of the wrestler ‘Exotic’ Adrian Street and his father (taken by press photographer Dennis Hutchinson in 1973) has been described by the artist Jeremy Deller as ‘the most important photograph taken in Britain after the war […] it is the perfect summation of the difficulty post-war Britain had to come to terms with being a post-industrial country.’ Its subject is quoted in a BBC News piece (by Steven Green) as having said that the picture is ‘worth a million words, because it hasn’t shut its gob [...] ever since it was taken.’
posted to MetaFilter by misteraitch at 4:15 AM on January 4, 2016 (16 comments)


Many years ago, I introduced Metafilter to Pappy's Golden Age Comics blog. Well, for Christmas Day, Pappy has posted a wonderful gift: the comic book adaptation of the Beatles' Yellow Submarine.
posted to MetaFilter by wittgenstein at 7:03 AM on December 25, 2015 (7 comments)

Oh, spiffing. Absolutely spiffing. Well done.

Three attempts were made to create a Fawlty Towers for American Television. Chateau Snavely was supposed to be a tour de force starring Betty White and Harvey Korman, but the pilot never made it to air. Watching the second adaptation, Bea Arthur's Amanda's by the Sea (1983), was like being eaten alive by Filigree Siberian Hamsters. It lasted all of six weeks on ABC -- and hopefully someone gave everyone involved in that production a damned good thrashing. And then there was John Larroquette's Payne....
posted to MetaFilter by zarq at 10:09 PM on December 24, 2015 (37 comments)

Animation by René Jodoin

Spheres is a short 1969 animation by René Jodoin and Norman McLaren, soundtrack by Glenn Gould, published by the National Film Board of Canada.
posted to MetaFilter by carter at 6:21 PM on December 20, 2015 (11 comments)

Don't make unnecessary journeys

Ireland is having a spot of weather, as Teresa Mannion reports. Her coverage of storm Desmond went instantly viral, earneding a remix from Super Céilí as well as numerous homages. Skip to 1:30 on the main link if you like, but I kind of enjoy the slow burn of it.
posted to MetaFilter by Iteki at 10:37 AM on December 6, 2015 (16 comments)

Jingle Rock Bell

A terrible desecration of a beloved Christmas song. Sic it on your relatives today!
posted to MeFi Music by Lentrohamsanin at 7:11 AM on December 24, 2008 (91 comments)

I worked in a video store for 25 years

Here's what I learned as my industry died (slVox)
posted to MetaFilter by box at 5:52 PM on December 2, 2015 (91 comments)

Template maker: Free custom box-making templates

Need to wrap an odd-shaped gift? Create a box for it! Measure it up, choose a template and print it. This page is a resource for DIY artists, graphics designers and everyone who likes paper crafts. It contains an ever-growing number of templates for gift boxes and increasingly more other interesting things that can be made out of paper. What makes this site special is that the templates are all dynamic: you can customize almost all dimensions. All templates are free, no login is required.
posted to MetaFilter by paleyellowwithorange at 4:30 AM on November 25, 2015 (14 comments)

Christians in the Hand of an Angry God

In a five part series he wrote a few years ago, blogger J. Brad Hicks breaks down how, in the mid-1960s, the Republican party made a conscious decision to rebrand themselves as the party of Christians, and in doing so, how they had to shift the ideology of the churches to what he calls a "false gospel".
posted to MetaFilter by quin at 1:36 PM on September 15, 2010 (190 comments)

you've been hit by a smooth cardboard roll

Patrick Mathis performs a pretty rad arrangement of Smooth Criminal on an orgue de Barbarie.
posted to MetaFilter by en forme de poire at 10:53 PM on November 12, 2015 (29 comments)

Online clothes retailer for a larger gentleman

Where can I buy clothes online for a plus-size male?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by signal at 12:24 PM on November 16, 2015 (5 comments)

We’re high above the atmosphere now talking about abstractions.

Pinboard's (and MeFi's own) Maciej Cegłowski live-tweets O'Reilly's Next:Economy conference.
posted to MetaFilter by tonycpsu at 9:51 PM on November 15, 2015 (23 comments)

Victorian Nipple Rings

A longtime legend in the piercing community has it that during the Victorian Era, young women from England were briefly caught up in the fad of having their nipples pierced. It was all the rage, and then it went out of style. It’s one of those stories, like Julius Caesar’s own pierced nipples, or King Tut’s stretched lobes, that seems made up, or at least padded with potential exaggeration. It’s the sort of thing that raises eyebrows, challenges how we think about Victorian Culture (The same people who supposedly covered their table’s legs because they too closely resembled female ankles were getting their nipples done?) and just plain seems impossible. Except it’s all true and then some.
posted to MetaFilter by sciatrix at 8:50 AM on November 10, 2015 (58 comments)

Slowest Rube Goldberg Machine

The world's slowest Rube Goldberg machine. [SLYT]
posted to MetaFilter by spitefulcrow at 7:02 AM on November 8, 2015 (25 comments)

Ben Carson Gets Schwifty

Ben Carson just dropped his rap radio ad for president.
posted to MetaFilter by Muddler at 6:05 PM on November 5, 2015 (313 comments)

Canada National Fillm Board: Wild Life (animation)

This animated short tells the story of a dapper young remittance man, sent from England to Alberta to attempt ranching in 1909. However, his affection for [polo and] badminton, bird watching and liquor leaves him little time for wrangling cattle. It soon becomes clear that nothing in his refined upbringing has prepared him for the harsh conditions of the New World. A film about the beauty of the prairie, the pangs of homesickness and the folly of living dangerously out of context. [SLYT Canada NFB]
posted to MetaFilter by davidpriest.ca at 9:48 PM on November 5, 2015 (11 comments)

How to spot manipulative behavior

How to Spot Manipulation - PsychCentral
How to Pick Up on Manipulative Behavior - Basic guide from WikiHow
Are You Being Manipulated? Keys to Hidden Aggression - Good Therapy.org
Psychological Manipulation Resources - Band Back Together
Eight Ways to Spot Emotional Manipulation - cassiopaea.com
Subtly Controlling Behavior - Abuse and Relationships
posted to MetaFilter by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 9:48 AM on October 29, 2015 (85 comments)

Podcasts Please

I love 99 Percent Invisible, Radiolab, Serial & This American Life. What else do I love?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by thebrokenmuse at 1:11 PM on October 21, 2015 (51 comments)


What are some good synthwave/outrun/retrowave/whatever compilations that are not Valerie & Friends (because I have that one)?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by griphus at 5:10 PM on October 20, 2015 (6 comments)

And together, THEY FIGHT CRIME!

During the late 1970's and 1980's, Glen A. Larson's lighthearted television dramas were incredibly popular: Knight Rider. B.J. and the Bear. The original Battlestar Galactica. Quincy M.E. The Fall Guy. Magnum, P.I. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Larson had hit after hit and it seemed he could do no wrong. But he did produce three flops in the 80's, (and another in the 90's that managed to last two seasons): Automan, The Highwayman, Manimal and Night Man.
posted to MetaFilter by zarq at 11:03 AM on May 16, 2014 (136 comments)

"And I've learned that life is an adventure."

In May 1991, ABC launched a half-hour drama series called "My Life and Times." The premise: An 85 year old man living in a retirement community in 2035 looks back on his life and shares his experiences with friends and family. Framing sequences were set in 2035 while the bulk of the episodes featured flashbacks to the 1970s, 1980s or 1990s. The show begins on April 9, 2035.
posted to MetaFilter by zarq at 9:54 AM on October 14, 2015 (21 comments)

The Little Printf

So I lived my life flying around the world, telling people how to do things I had sometimes never done myself, while everyone suddenly seemed to believe I was a real programmer because of things I did that were mostly not related to programming in the first place. One day, I was stuck in an airport coming back from a conference, furiously typing at a terminal, when an odd, gentle voice asked me: If you please, design me a system!
posted to MetaFilter by modernserf at 3:33 PM on October 12, 2015 (38 comments)

SuperSisters! 1973 feminist trading cards

SuperSisters! This 1973 deck of 72 trading cards each featured a different famous woman (although Anita Bryant, Phyllis Schlafly and Angela Davis were not included...and a number of others, including Jane Fonda, declined respond when asked to participate). Peruse the whole deck at the University of Iowa Digital Libraries!
posted to MetaFilter by chesty_a_arthur at 8:17 PM on October 6, 2015 (16 comments)

"You know the thing I'll be great at?"

Your Drunk Neighbor: Some rich asshole. (Oh, and that's "Some rich asshole" for those of you without the browser add on)
posted to MetaFilter by flapjax at midnite at 4:47 AM on October 6, 2015 (18 comments)

Attention K-Mart Shoppers

"This is a digitized version of an in-store cassette tape that was played within a Kmart store. See the title of the file for the month and year. I worked at Kmart between 1989 and 1999 and held onto them with the hopes that they would be of use some day. Enjoy!" (via)
posted to MetaFilter by griphus at 8:27 AM on October 2, 2015 (42 comments)

Shiny and Monochrome

"George Miller has said that the best version of his film is in black and white, with no dialogue. BLACK & CHROME is an attempt to realize Miller’s alternate vision. The cinematography, the editing, the sound design, and the score, are now represented in a completely new experience."
posted to MetaFilter by saturday_morning at 7:23 PM on September 22, 2015 (57 comments)

"The Multiverse is surrounded by grazing pastures"

Atop the twin spires of the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies the eerie call-and-response of bagpipe players echoed across the valley. I watched four siblings race one another up to the top of the Multiverse's spire as their mother, standing at the base, tried to maneuver a cell phone around the fifth child strapped to her chest.
-The Duke, the Landscape Architect and the World's Most Ambitious Attempt to Bring the Cosmos to Earth by Alina Simone is an article about the Crawick Multiverse in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and its designer, landscape architect Charles Jencks. The garden is designed to represent modern cosmological theories.
posted to MetaFilter by Kattullus at 2:11 PM on September 18, 2015 (8 comments)
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