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One Hundred Million Seeds of Porcelain Contemplation

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei’s latest installation: one hundred million hand-painted pieces of porcelain that resemble the shells of sunflower seeds.
posted to MetaFilter by Rory Marinich at 1:59 PM on October 13, 2010 (83 comments)

My mind likes to dwell on the negative

Help me get over my obsessive feelings of bitterness regarding setbecks and disagreements. Whenever I face an external setback that I can't solely blame on myself, I start mentally obsessing over the issue, dwelling on it, playing out multiple outlandish potential resolutions in my head, & leads to procrastinating on important unrelated issues & generally feeling unproductive.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 6:14 PM on October 12, 2010 (9 comments)

Keep it fresh!

How do I best store my food so it neither goes bad nor attracts fruit flies?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ocherdraco at 2:08 PM on October 12, 2010 (28 comments)

The Art of Beautiful Strength

The Bar-Barians. The Calisthenics Kingz (and their Kiwi First Lady). Hannibal & Barilla.
posted to MetaFilter by Pirate-Bartender-Zombie-Monkey at 10:02 AM on October 12, 2010 (2 comments)

Utilitarian knowledge…?

Britain’s Frank Kermode is, sadly, dead, aged ninety. I was reading the obits, and memories, and definitely agreeing with the general sentiment that literary criticism (and all of the rest of us) had lost a giant.
posted to MetaFilter by JL Sadstone at 12:11 PM on October 11, 2010 (12 comments)

Teach me to cook steak.

Which course is the best for learning how to cook steak?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Solomon at 10:35 AM on October 10, 2010 (10 comments)

Know some good lamps?

I am an artist. I broke an old lamp that I used as my main light when drawing and coloring. Can you please suggest some cool lamps you know?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by fantodstic at 5:52 PM on August 31, 2010 (8 comments)

Need Help Making a Decent Amateur Movie

I need help with making a very low budget film. First, what equipment is absolutely necessary for a not-so amateur-ish film?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by boots77 at 12:23 PM on October 8, 2010 (15 comments)

What can I learn from disaster?

What steps can I take to reduce the risk of, or prepare myself for, common disasters in life? The first time my hard drive crashed, I learned to back up my data regularly; when a friend's dad had a heart attack when I was younger, I learned how to eat healthily and exercise; it took a root canal for me to realise that brushing my teeth isn't enough. I've also learned the hard way that just because a young woman asks you out, doesn't mean that you can skip the step where you ask, "Hey, uh, you don't have a boyfriend, do you?" I'd like to learn more of these vital lessons without having to go through the disaster part first. Have you learned things from surviving a disaster, that you can pass on? I'm most interested in things that happen to nearly everyone: having a hard drive crash, losing your parents, stuff like that, but if there are other things I should know, I'd like to hear those, too.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by surenoproblem at 7:52 PM on October 7, 2010 (51 comments)

amazing dancers from Georgia, the country

Wow l more. That incredible and joyous exuberance was created by the Georgian National Ballet, Sukhishvili in training l On stage in costume.
posted to MetaFilter by nickyskye at 7:14 PM on October 7, 2010 (26 comments)

What can we do after Gijs?

Gijs Gieskes is an astonishing inventor/hacker/bender/maker of electro/mechanical/audio/artistic devices.
posted to MetaFilter by mhjb at 3:16 AM on October 7, 2010 (4 comments)

Take me on a smelling spree.

Through surgery, I regained my full sense of smell today. I haven't smelled clearly since 2006. I live in Washington, DC. It's brisk Fall. Feeling 100%. What should I go smell this week?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by metajc at 2:30 PM on October 6, 2010 (60 comments)


Raymond Queneau's 100,000,000,000,000 Poems online (annotated, with both French & English text)
posted to MetaFilter by juv3nal at 4:09 PM on October 6, 2010 (16 comments)

The Organic Egg Scorecard from the Cornucopia Institute

The Cornucopia Institute's Organic Egg Scorecard ranks egg producers on a scale from 1 to 5 eggs, using criteria like outdoor access, indoor space per bird, ownership structure, beak trimming and other factors [pdf]. The scorecard is part of the Institute's new report, Scrambled Eggs: Separating Factory Farm Egg Production from Authentic Organic Agriculture. The executive summary [pdf] provides some political context.

"Whole Foods, Walmart, A&P, Costco, Meijer, Safeway, and Trader Joe's store-brand eggs all received the lowest possible rating in Cornucopia's study."
posted to MetaFilter by mediareport at 5:11 PM on October 5, 2010 (69 comments)

Art History in HD

Haltadefinizione is a gallery of extremely high resolution pictures of some of the greatest art treasures.
posted to MetaFilter by gman at 2:43 PM on October 4, 2010 (22 comments)

Evolution of the Lindy Hop

This year at the International Lindy Hop Championship, Andrew Thigpen and Karen Turman’s routine showcased the Evolution of Lindy Hop (a takeoff on the Evolution of Dance) – from its origins as a variation on the Charleston to the Gap Khaki commercial to its current incarnation.
posted to MetaFilter by ChuraChura at 8:54 AM on October 3, 2010 (16 comments)

Art Inconnu

Art Inconnu [unknown art] (nsfw): Collected here are works by artists who are forgotten, under appreciated, or little known to the mainstream. The focus here is primarily painting by 19th and 20th century artists but everything is fair game. Different sets of images: Reading l Some Women Painters l Chess l The World in Miniature l Weather l Motherhood l Mixed Bag. Art Inconnu's Flickr set.
posted to MetaFilter by nickyskye at 3:29 PM on October 3, 2010 (10 comments)


posted to MetaFilter by MetaMonkey at 6:17 AM on October 2, 2010 (28 comments)

Healthy sandwich ideas?

If someone had to eat the same sandwich for lunch every single day, what is the healthiest possible sandwich they could make?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by windbox at 12:53 PM on October 1, 2010 (20 comments)

Lots of questions about memorization.

What's the best (free) spaced repetition program right now? What additional memorization techniques do you recommend?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jsturgill at 9:27 PM on September 30, 2010 (15 comments)

I'd like to be less hunchy please

I've come to the conclusion that I need a bed desk. Any good recommendations for the sub-$50 budget? Sub-$100?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ilikecookies at 6:01 PM on September 28, 2010 (9 comments)

We put the "S" in "struck down"

A superior court judge in Ontario has struck down several prostitution laws, on the basis that they endanger prostitutes. That is all.
posted to MetaFilter by mightygodking at 11:47 AM on September 28, 2010 (41 comments)

Write a novel in a month? How??

I have a story in my head, and since we're relatively close to November, I figured I'd give NaNoWriMo a try this year to get it written. What are your experiences with NaNoWriMo, and how can I overcome my obsessive self-editing and various sources of distraction to be successful?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by litnerd at 2:40 PM on September 27, 2010 (25 comments)

The Citizens United Shall Never Be Divided

The latest attempt to mitigate the impact of the Citizens United decision has failed, with an attempt to pass transparency rules for corporations funding political advertising failing to reach cloture. Obama comments on this vote in his most recent weekly address. Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (2010) held that corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in candidate elections cannot be limited under the First Amendment.
posted to MetaFilter by lucien_reeve at 3:40 AM on September 24, 2010 (42 comments)

Original manuscript of AA's "Big Book" to be made public

For millions of addicts around the world, Alcoholics Anonymous's basic text - informally known as the Big Book - is the Bible. And as they're about to find out, the Bible was edited. After being hidden away for nearly 70 years and then auctioned twice, the original manuscript by AA co-founder Bill Wilson is about to become public for the first time next week, complete with edits by Wilson-picked commenters that reveal a profound debate in 1939 about how overtly to talk about God.
posted to MetaFilter by Joe Beese at 1:53 PM on September 22, 2010 (76 comments)

Flake, unserious, or maybe...shy?

Why might my co-worker talk about the two of us hanging out after work and then never follow through? Details of our situation inside, of course.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by houndsoflove at 6:52 PM on September 20, 2010 (34 comments)

Affordable men's striped dress socks

I love these Paul Smith classic striped men's socks, but can't justify the cost ($30 a pair!). Does anybody know of similar styled socks at a more affordable price point?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by thisisnotbruce at 9:21 PM on September 18, 2010 (9 comments)

messenger bag organizer

Hi, I have a Manhattan Portage messenger bag. I've had it since 1996 and it's still in great shape. It's a fairly simple design with one small pocket on the inside. I'm looking for some sort of organizer. Something that can handle all the various wires, earbuds, papers and just general detritus that accumulates. I currently don't carry a laptop but I'm open to any form of organizer. Any suggestions? Thanks
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shanachie at 9:06 PM on September 18, 2010 (9 comments)

Backwards on a pig, baby monkey

Baby monkey riding on a pig. That is all.
posted to MetaFilter by dersins at 4:34 PM on September 17, 2010 (60 comments)

Five t-shirts that you probably shouldn't wear

Few things are more American than t-shirts and pissing people off for no reason. Vice Magazine designed six wildly offensive t-shirts and managed to get all of them printed. (nsfw)
posted to MetaFilter by The Devil Tesla at 11:34 AM on September 16, 2010 (61 comments)

Being healthy, choose-your-own-adventure style!

Health Month is a game, currently in beta, that takes a "choose-your-own-adventure" approach to motivating you to improve your health.
posted to MetaFilter by Phire at 5:03 AM on September 16, 2010 (18 comments)

Needle program exchange

The Haystack application aims to use steganography to hide samizdat-type data within a larger stream of innocuous network traffic. Thus, civilians in Iran, for example, could more easily evade Iranian censors and provide the world with an unfiltered report on events within the country. Haystack earned its creator Austin Heap a great deal of positive coverage from the media during the 2009 Iranian election protests. The BBC described Heap as "on the front lines" of the protesters' "Twitter revolution", while The Guardian called him an Innovator of the Year. Despite the laudatory coverage, however, the media were never given a copy of the software to examine. Indeed, not much is known about the software or its inner workings. Specialists in network encryption security were not allowed to perform an independent evaluation of Haystack, despite its distribution to and use by a small number of Iranians, possibly at some risk. As interest in the project widens and criticisms of the media coverage and software continue to mount, Heap has currently asked users to cease using Haystack until a security review can be performed.
posted to MetaFilter by Blazecock Pileon at 4:46 PM on September 13, 2010 (30 comments)

Need a very decent sound card that is affordable. Name that brand.

Recommend a very decent sound card that's also affordable
posted to Ask MetaFilter by watercarrier at 3:42 AM on September 12, 2010 (6 comments)

Smile! You're In My Candid Camera Now.

How can I "do the right thing" as a photographer?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by mentalmouse at 8:38 AM on September 12, 2010 (31 comments)

This Is About Power, Not Security

I Am Detained by the Feds for Not Answering Questions.
posted to MetaFilter by bwg at 4:29 PM on September 10, 2010 (275 comments)

How can I lose this flab and keep my muscle

I've gained some muscle...and lots of fat. I need some help with losing the extra fat, keeping the muscle I have gained, and dealing with feeling lots heavier.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 12:28 PM on September 11, 2010 (9 comments)

Hulk Smash!

Macho Salad. [SLYT]
posted to MetaFilter by Fizz at 6:31 AM on August 21, 2010 (33 comments)

What is Rebetiko?

What is Rebetiko?

My own opinion is that it is the range of musical styles, that arose from the interaction and combining of the following ingredients:- the music played by the Greeks who were in Smyrna until 1922 (Smyrnaika) the songs called "Amanadhes" the music used for dancing by the Zeybeks the music that was being played in Greece up to the 1920s, that had developed from folk music any other influences I have forgotten or never heard of!.

Previously on Metafilter.
posted to MetaFilter by vostok at 4:25 PM on March 2, 2010 (9 comments)

Recent events in Solar Power

Solar power continues to become more economical with every passing month. The price of standard monocrystalline/polycrystalline 210W to 300W modules has halved, from above $3/watt to below $1.70/watt in the past 12 months. The Canadian province of Ontario has become the first location in North America to offer an aggressive feed-in tariff comparable to the feed-in tariffs in Germany and Spain, paying above 80 cents/kWh for power generated by small rooftop photovoltaic installations. The US federal government is also offering massive tax breaks for solar installations as part of the 2009 ARRA act.
posted to MetaFilter by thewalrus at 12:24 PM on February 27, 2010 (47 comments)

Not too milky, not too frothy

If you're in London these days and are serious about your coffee, then you'll know what a Flat White is. It is part of the emerging coffee scene in London, host of 2010's World Barista Championship and home of last year's winner - Gwilym Davies. Here's a guide and map from London's TimeOut to the city's best coffee shops, many of them staffed by antipodean baristas.

Predictably, Starbucks in the UK wants a piece of the action.
posted to MetaFilter by vacapinta at 6:48 AM on February 27, 2010 (122 comments)

Life, the Universe and Everything -- explained

The Perimeter Institute is a center for theoretical physics in Waterloo, Canada. Among other outreach activities, they host a series of public lectures on a variety of physics related topics.
posted to MetaFilter by empath at 2:26 PM on February 26, 2010 (11 comments)

The R Project for Statistical Computing

R is quickly becoming the programming language for data analysis and statistics. R (an implementation of S) is free, open-source, and has hundreds of packages available. You can use it on the command-line, through a GUI, or in your favorite text editor. Use it with Python, Perl, or Java. Sweave R code into LaTeX documents for reproducible research.
posted to MetaFilter by parudox at 4:07 PM on February 15, 2010 (114 comments)


Presenting the hexacopter fantatsic miniature helicopter with multiple rotors. boy this thing can fly. has camera and gps. single link, wimp.com
posted to MetaFilter by marienbad at 9:45 PM on February 14, 2010 (108 comments)

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

No one is drunk or under any narcotic influence, and yet all three men are moments away from what Fitzpatrick will later describe as "a mindfuck". A year on, Gibson concurs. "It left me with the sense that one of my basic anchors on reality had been ripped loose," he recalls. Wales still talks about the all-nighter with reverent awe:"It was amazing. It was a work of art. It was a thing of beauty."
It was, more specifically, a parlour game.
posted to MetaFilter by empath at 10:44 AM on February 14, 2010 (85 comments)

The Big Picture: Olympic Torch Relay — Goofy Canadian Style

The Big Picture: Olympic Torch Relay Canada's goofy-assed torch relay. Half the pictures are WTF moments — where is she going? Why is it in a swimming pool? Is that a T-Rex? Where's he going after he climbs to the top?
posted to MetaFilter by five fresh fish at 8:28 PM on February 11, 2010 (95 comments)

Help me teach myself Physics via the Feynman Lectures

I've decided to nerd out by working through the Feynman Lectures. Help me turn that desire into a workable plan.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Tomorrowful at 8:15 PM on January 17, 2010 (22 comments)
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