March 27

"Yes, well, their poster child doesn't know it yet, but she's into me."

Jenny Hagel on the queer joy of D.E.B.S. [more inside]
posted by Kitteh at 8:06 AM - 4 comments

Phenomenal aurora australis thrills observers across southern coastline

Phenomenal aurora australis thrills observers across southern coastline. A camera is often required to get a glimpse of the southern lights, but the display recently was so powerful it could be seen with the naked eye.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 7:48 AM - 9 comments

Lil Jon has a guided meditation YouTube stream

10 different 10-minute guided mediations by crunk progenitor Lil Jon. Lil Jon is very serious about meditation, and sharing its benefits. These 10 guided mediations include ones focusing on boosting focus, gratitude, grief, deep sleep, and much more.
posted by Shepherd at 5:14 AM - 16 comments

A lot of the best Graeber has an “undeniable” quality

It has taken a little while and repeated readings for it to sink in, but I think that Graeber was reaching the point of rejecting, or at least severely (if implicitly) qualifying, almost all of these positions by late in his authorship. Particularly in On Kings (2017), his collaboration with his mentor Sahlins, and The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity (2021), co-written with the archeologist David Wengrow and completed just a couple of weeks before his death, Graeber’s politics grew more “mainstream” in a number of respects, even as his narrative of the origins of political authority and economic hierarchy remained fresh, radical, and richly documented, and even as his prose style retained all its charm. But perhaps LSE professorships, FSG book contracts, and the approval of the Financial Times have moderating or even co-opting effects after all. from What Happened to David Graeber? [LARB, ungated] [more inside]
posted by chavenet at 12:41 AM - 23 comments

March 26

The right side of history (and the cost curve)

"We learned when somebody's back is up against the wall, they come up with a lot of creative solutions. And if they don't have a lot of money, like Ukraine doesn't, they can figure it out." As crucial American aid remains tied up in Congress, Ukrainian defenses have been forced to improvise with cheaper, lower-tech, but surprisingly effective countermeasures, from bleeding-edge first-person piloted kamikaze drones and repurposed Soviet tech to pickup truck-mounted MIRV launchers and "FrankenSAM" hybrids to Project Safe Skies: a donation-driven network of 8,000 cellphones and mics on sticks whose crowdsourced acoustic monitoring detected 84 out of 84 Russian UAVs in one day and shot down 80 of them with anti-aircraft fire -- at a cost of only $500 a pop.
posted by Rhaomi at 8:42 PM - 79 comments

What is Australia's most commonly spotted bird?

Lorikeet, miner or magpie — what is Australia's most commonly spotted bird? Last October, 60,000 people spent at least 20 minutes outside to identify the country's bird species and submit their tallies into the Aussie Bird Count app
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 8:39 PM - 10 comments

Generative audio processes by Mirko Ruta

Lucid Rhythms is a Youtube channel with long, slow, calm videos and streams generated by audio synthesis software written by sound designer Mirko Ruta. Ruta also has a separate YouTube channel for music synthesized by hardware- synths, sequencers, and modular contraptions.
posted by a faded photo of their beloved at 2:10 PM - 9 comments

on television, CPR works about 70% of the time

GeriPal podcast has over 300 episodes on geriatrics, hospice, and palliative care (with transcripts!) that are accessible to the layperson and feature a wide range of interviewees. One standout episode is The Language of Serious Illness with Sunita Puri, Bob Arnold, and Jacqueline Kruser: "[doctors] just offer options without context. And given that the culture of medicine is always to do more, the context will always push people to try something." [more inside]
posted by spamandkimchi at 11:29 AM - 6 comments

EU opens non-compliance investigations on Apple, Alphabet, Meta, etc...

The European Commission opened non-compliance investigations under the Digital Markets Act into Alphabet's rules on steering in Google Play and self-preferencing on Google Search, Apple's rules on steering in the App Store and the choice screen for Safari and Meta's 'pay or consent model, as well as Amazon self-preferencing own branded products in searches -- all in violation of the requirements of the DMA. [more inside]
posted by seanmpuckett at 8:15 AM - 62 comments

Bridge Collapse in Baltimore

The 1.6-mile-long Francis Scott Key Bridge opened in 1977 as an outer crossing of Baltimore Harbor, over the Patapsco River, according to the Maryland Transportation Authority, its operator. It was struck around 1:30 am EDT by a container ship on its way out to sea. “What’s been indicated is the vessel lost power, and when you lose power you lose steering,” Cardin said. “But they’re doing a full investigation.” [more inside]
posted by hydra77 at 7:18 AM - 260 comments

The ultimate goal of all this micro-design and shuffling about malarkey

"Procedural narrative is the design strategy, emergent narrative is the goal, the player’s experience." Game design previously.
posted by cupcakeninja at 4:17 AM - 2 comments

We may live in chaos, but there are mechanisms of control

According to Sarah, Andrew’s rage intensified with cohabitation. He fixated on her decision to have children with another man. She says he told her that being with her was like “bobbing for apples in feces.” “The pattern of your 11 years, while rooted in subconscious drives,” he told her in December 2021, “creates a nearly impossible set of hurdles for us … You have to change.” ... A spokesperson for Huberman denies Sarah’s accounts of their fights, denies that his rage intensified with cohabitation, denies that he fixated on Sarah’s decision to have children with another man, and denies that he said being with her was like bobbing for apples in feces. A spokesperson said, “Dr. Huberman is very much in control of his emotions.” from Andrew Huberman’s Mechanisms of Control [NY Magazine; ungated] [CW: abuse & manipulation]
posted by chavenet at 2:19 AM - 142 comments

March 25

What it looks and sounds like when a crocodile is humanely relocated

Have you ever wondered what it looks like and sounds like when a 3.9 metre (12.7 feet) crocodile is humanely trapped for relocation? [more inside]
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 10:48 PM - 16 comments

“I don’t ask questions. I answer them.”

Who was Jack Lord. "When Jack Lord died, he left 40 million dollars to charities in Hawaii. There is Jack Lord's Special Memory of Elvis.' 'Stoney Burke' fan? Jack Lord has a collection of selected works. "This is a critical lesson for any young writer. We want our characters to be “real.” We want our heroes to be “relatable.” But characters are not real and heroes are not normal. They can’t be. If they were, they wouldn’t be heroes." 'The Jack Lord Rule'
posted by clavdivs at 10:44 PM - 16 comments

A celebration of Paris café culture returns after more than a decade

Thousands of spectators gathered to watch more than 200 servers compete in Sunday's "Course des Cafés," the newly-revived version of a century-old race. Waiters and waitresses traversed a 1.2-mile loop starting and ending at City Hall, suited up in traditional crisp white shirts, black trousers, neatly tied aprons and in some cases, bow ties. They each carried a tray loaded with a croissant, a full water glass and an empty coffee cup.
posted by ActingTheGoat at 10:20 PM - 5 comments

Central Park Zoo Releases Postmortem Testing Results for Flaco

[] "The identified herpesvirus can be carried by healthy pigeons but may cause fatal disease in birds of prey including owls infected by eating pigeons. This virus has been previously found in New York City pigeons and owls. In Flaco’s case, the viral infection caused severe tissue damage and inflammation in many organs, including the spleen, liver, gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, and brain. [...] Toxicology testing also revealed trace amounts of DDE, a breakdown product of the pesticide DDT, but the levels detected in Flaco were not clinically significant and did not contribute to his death. Although DDT has been banned in the United States since the early 1970s, it and its breakdown products are remarkably persistent in the environment, and this finding is reminder of the long legacy of DDT and its dire effects on wild bird populations." Previously and previously.
posted by AlSweigart at 5:46 PM - 15 comments

Babar is not quite happy

Laurent de Brunhoff, ‘Babar the Elephant’ author, dies aged 98 [CNN]; Laurent de Brunhoff, l’un des pères de Babar, est mort [Le Monde]; Décès de Laurent de Brunhoff, père d’un Babar controversé [Le Soir] [more inside]
posted by chavenet at 2:36 PM - 37 comments

the wombles could not be reached for comment

Woman mistakes bobble for baby hedgehog and rushes it to Cheshire animal hospital. "Volunteer Danielle Peberdy, 36, said the kind-hearted woman had done the right thing in not ignoring a hedgehog out in the day. She said: "Hedgehogs shouldn't be out in the day so she did the right thing; the only problem was that it was a bobble.""
posted by fight or flight at 1:17 PM - 49 comments

une famille centrale sur laquelle agissent au moins deux familles

"You will probably never read all twenty of Les Rougon-Macquart. I know that. You know that. Let us accept this truth between us. If I had to send you on your way with some minimally sufficient quantity of Zola, let me propose the following, which to me are the greatest examples of Zola’s art..." Brandon Taylor in the LRB, on his two-year project of reviewing Zola's cycle of novels: Is It Even Good?
posted by mittens at 12:33 PM - 12 comments

DJ Set recorded on February, 2024 on the island of Florianópolis

"I was at a party in space with creatures of all kinds and shapes you can imagine, and this was the music playing, the vibe was unbelievable. Influenced by the 1970s space disco, with its synthesizers, funky grooves, and a certain psychedelia, the space DJs know what they're doing, it's time to listen to the voice that comes from beyond, or rather, from the infinite and beyond." COSMIC GROOVES - A Funky, Disco & House Grooves MIX from Outer Space [2h]
posted by hippybear at 11:16 AM - 7 comments

Families in cars, driving all night with the heat on to keep kids warm

A new report on on rural homelessness Finding Home: A True Story of Life Outside (full report) and press release. Of the hundreds of homeless Oregonians interviewed for the report, roughly 60% are employed but cannot earn enough money to meet income requirements, credit scores, and security deposits necessary to re-enter the rental housing market. Interview with report author and former mayor of Ashland Oregon Julie Akins: At what point do we accept that? That you can be a working person and still homeless? That you can be a retiree who worked your entire life — and now you’re unhoused because your wife died, and only one Social Security benefit is not enough? [more inside]
posted by spamandkimchi at 8:48 AM - 47 comments

A Digital Twin Might Just Save Your Life

Equations are just a way of describing nature [...] Air is a fluid and blood is a fluid, so the same equations that model the air around an aircraft are the ones used to model the blood inside your body.” Joe Zadeh writes 6500 words for Noema magazine [via Arts & Letters Daily] [more inside]
posted by cgc373 at 4:57 AM - 31 comments

Free as in Dive. Here's your free thread!

Freediving is a style of underwater experience gated by breath-holding. Do you swim? Do you dive? How low? Or talk about anything you like!
posted by seanmpuckett at 4:41 AM - 104 comments

Some hold that the spice produces a learned-flavor reaction

"Dune - Melange Spice" is about attempting to create a spice blend mimicking the flavor of the geriatric spice described in Frank Herbert's Dune. It discusses flavor profile, descriptions in the novel, and coloration: "There are accounts in Herbert’s later novels of the spice giving off a blue glow, or of the sand where a spice eruption had taken place being a deep purple color. I really like the idea of that, visually, but as it’s complicated enough to get the flavor right, let’s just focus on that for the time being." It's from The Inn at the Crossroads, the noted fantasy cookery website (previously).
posted by cupcakeninja at 4:23 AM - 28 comments

“Time slip” stories are fairly common

The story was so extraordinary that they decided to document a full account in book form. That account, titled An Adventure, was published in 1911. It became the literary sensation of its day, running to numerous editions. As incredible as the tale was, perhaps the most astonishing part was yet to be revealed, for Morison and Lamot did not exist. The real authors of An Adventure were Eleanor Jourdain and Charlotte Moberly, the Principal and Vice-Principal, respectively, of St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford—two highly esteemed academics hiding their names to protect their identities. from The Respected Oxford Professors Who Say They Time Traveled [Atlas Obscura]
posted by chavenet at 1:50 AM - 16 comments

March 24

Dr. Ala Stanford

Winter 2021: Philadelphia native Dr. Ala Stanford had been all over the city, administering free COVID-19 tests with her staff to anyone who wanted them. [more inside]
posted by bq at 10:10 PM - 2 comments

Researchers over the moon as puggle is born in Royal National Park

Researchers over the moon as puggle is born in Sydney's Royal National Park. (A puggle is the word for a baby platypus.) The six-month-old female platypus is the first-known animal of its kind to be born in Australia's oldest national park in more than 50 years, and its arrival comes despite a series of recent pollution scares in local waterways.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 6:36 PM - 12 comments

The Matrix Has You

In the film, one of the representatives of the AI, the villainous Agent Smith, played by Hugo Weaving, tells Morpheus that the false reality of the Matrix is set in 1999 because that year was “the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization, because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization.” Indeed, not long after “The Matrix” premiered, humanity hooked itself up to a matrix of its own. There is no denying that our lives have become better in many ways thanks to the internet and smartphones. But the epidemic of loneliness and depression that has swept society reveals that many of us are now walled off from one another in vats of our own making.
25 Years Later, We’re All Trapped in ‘The Matrix’ [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi at 5:30 PM - 58 comments

The Tapa Room Tapes - Hawaiian music, Hawaiian Village Serenaders, 1950s

The Tapa Room Tapes are a collection of recorded performances by various Hawaiian artists (includingi Alfred Apaka and Jules Ah See) from the Tapa Room of the Hawaiian Village in the late 1950s. Originally uploaded by British steel guitarist Basil Henriques. The sound quality can be variable, but the music is hot Hawaiian swing with plenty of steel guitar.
posted by wellvis at 4:33 PM - 8 comments

Ritual is part of my nature. I would call all of my pieces “rituals"

We hear from Budapest that the eminent composer Peter Eötvös died today. He was 80 and had endured a long illness. After an apprenticeship with Karlheinz Stockhausen, Eötvös emerged in the 1980s as a leading voice in late and post-modernism. Four of his operas were internationally premiered – Three Sisters at Lyon, Love and Other Demons at Glyndebourne, The Tragedy of the Devil at Munich and Sleepless (2021) in Berlin. His final opera Valuska, was premiered in Budapest on 2 December last year.
posted by chavenet at 2:07 PM - 5 comments

The first time they made a Fantastic Four movie....

I'll just put this here. Maybe people will enjoy it. Doomed: The Untold Story of Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four (Full Movie) 2015 [1h24m]
posted by hippybear at 1:42 PM - 31 comments

"...If you love a story, let other people know!"

A Bronx Teacher Asked Tommy Orange to Visit His Class. “In our 12th-grade English classroom, in our diverse corner of the South Bronx, in an under-resourced but vibrant urban neighborhood not unlike the Fruitvale, you’re our rock star. Our more than rock star. You’re our MF Doom, our Eminem, our Earl Sweatshirt, our Tribe Called Red, our Beethoven, our Bobby Big Medicine, our email to Manny, our ethnically ambiguous woman in the next stall, our camera pointing into a tunnel of darkness.” [more inside]
posted by storybored at 8:00 AM - 17 comments

A Scottish landscape painter living in Shetland

Ruth Brownlee's evocative work is described as 'very much about Shetland and its elements' [more inside]
posted by cupcakeninja at 6:52 AM - 5 comments

Punk beetle's chance discovery was almost disregarded as bird droppings

Punk beetle's chance discovery was almost disregarded as bird droppings. Researchers investigating the discovery of the spiky-haired specimen say nothing of its kind has been seen in Australia before.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 6:40 AM - 7 comments

A fleeting personal pleasure to be had mainly alone

But the underlying online vs. real life opposition is harder to dispel. Here it is attached to consumerist identities, like an exploded version of the chain stores vs. mom-and-pop stores opposition from the No Logo era. There is a genuine, authentic way to make a spectacle of the self, but it needs to tap into a rooted habitus and recondite practice (a “context”), and not simply reflect haphazard free play with readily available cultural signifiers (mere “content”). That is, the correct and real self is rooted in distinction (in Bordieu’s sense) and not differentiation. The internet is supposedly undermining the kind of distinction that should matter and proliferating the kinds of differences that are superficial rather than culturally binding. from Spacing the cans by Rob Horning
posted by chavenet at 2:58 AM - 23 comments

March 23

This Was Village Life in Britain 3,000 Years Ago

The superbly preserved remains of a Bronze Age settlement offer a glimpse of a “colorful, rich, varied” domestic life circa 850 B.C. Franz Lidz for the New York Times
posted by bq at 8:18 PM - 17 comments

Piloted with precision

Parents Are Highly Involved in Their Adult Children’s Lives, and Fine With It New surveys show that today’s intensive parenting has benefits, not just risks, and most young adults seem happy with it, too. [more inside]
posted by Toddles at 7:08 PM - 50 comments

Or, random facts about Imperial China

“The Apothecary Diaries” is an anime (/web novel/novel/light novel/manga/other manga) that takes place in a fictional kingdom based on Imperial China. Youtuber LibeliumDragonfly, a Chinese-Canadian translator, provides an episode-by-episode “viewing appendix” to separate the facts from the fiction. (SLYTPL)
posted by ChurchHatesTucker at 4:54 PM - 15 comments

Who Does Ian McKellen Think He Are?

As the 'last of the McKellens', Sir Ian admits to a degree of melancholy as he delves into his family history [1h]. But the results pay off richly for one of Britain's greatest actors and civil rights champions. Ian's journey uncovers a theatrical ancestor, a Victorian political activist and a link to an ancient druidical landmark in the Lake District. [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 2:45 PM - 11 comments

Society for Fantastical Computer Anachronism

Welcome to Picotron: Picotron is a Fantasy Workstation for making pixelart games, animations, music, demos and other curiosities. It has a toy operating system designed to be a cosy creative space, but runs on top of Windows, MacOS or Linux. Picotron apps can be made with built-in tools, and shared with other users in a special 256k png cartridge format. [more inside]
posted by SaltySalticid at 1:36 PM - 16 comments

It's spaceships all the way down

Need some mesmerization in your life? Gaze deep into Life Universe, a zoomable, infinitely-recursive Game of Life simulator [technical explanation]. Inspired by the classic video Life In Life and the OTCA Metapixel (previously). From shr, the developer behind Bubbles (previously), Blob (previously), and a wide variety of other fascinating and fun physics web toys.
posted by Rhaomi at 12:30 PM - 7 comments

"I have not seen a group of attorneys general target a fellow AG before"

What happens when an AG dares to investigate Leonard Leo’s network (Heidi Przybyla, Politico, 2024-03-23). [more inside]
posted by Not A Thing at 9:49 AM - 48 comments

Prince Demah, limner, free Negro

“Negro Artist. At Mr. McLean’s, Watch-Maker, near the Town House, is a Negro man whose extraordinary Genius has been assisted by one of the best Masters in London; he takes Faces at the lowest Rates. Specimens of his Performance may be seen at said Place.” [more inside]
posted by bq at 9:13 AM - 4 comments

Couldn't find a '70s trucker song for this story

We attempted and succeeded in, as far as we know, the first ever wireless drive-by attack on a truck. In the paper Commercial Vehicle Electronic Logging Device Security: Unmasking the Risk of Truck-to-Truck Cyber Worms [PDF], researchers from Colorado State take over a transport truck and outline the risk of self-spreading fleet-wide infections. An article in Fleet Maintenance Magazine puts this risk in broader perspective.
posted by clawsoon at 5:39 AM - 37 comments

The scenes he paints are ghostly and dream-like

Ukrainian painter Vachagan Narazyan is an inspiration to many, including artist Vanessa Lemen, who has written about him a couple times. He's shown at various galleries, including just pre-pandemic at James Yarosh. He came of age as a painter as a Soviet nonconformist artist. His work has been described as "symbolic visions of a deeply personal nature." If video is more your thing, check out this video that James Yarosh shared on YouTube that evokes the feel of Narazyan's work. [more inside]
posted by cupcakeninja at 4:48 AM - 8 comments

Closet logic

"I could watch Carrie and her pig blood, Pam on a hook in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I didn’t mind Seth Brundle spouting wings and pus, Regan MacNeil going from twelve-year-old girl to devil spawn. But when Tom gets bolder, when he transforms, I found it hard to stomach. I didn’t watch the movie again for years. Conceiving of Tom as only a murderer—sociopathic, obsessed platonically—I could ignore how queer he really is." from My Funny Valentine, an essay about The Talented Mr Ripley and realization by Michael Colbert
posted by chavenet at 2:20 AM - 8 comments

March 22


This week, Jasmin Paris became the first woman to complete all five loops of the Barkley Marathons (NYT, gift link) a mere 99 seconds ahead of the 60-hour cutoff time. Only twenty competitors have ever completed the (absolutely bananas) Tennessee event often called the "World's Hardest Race." [more inside]
posted by charmedimsure at 11:41 PM - 22 comments

The fish doorbell

Welcome to the Fish Doorbell. Will you help fish pass the city boat lock? Every spring fish migrate upstream, in search of places to spawn. They swim through the centre of the city of Utrecht. Unfortunatly, the boat lock is closed during spring. You can help the fish. Do you see a fish? Press the Doorbell! All the photos are collected. When there are enough fish waiting, the lock will be opened. This is the link to a cartoon about it. This is the link to the official doorbell site.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 8:18 PM - 19 comments

For a 15% increased efficiency in exposure times

Dr. Fatima presents a video essay on decolonizing astronomy. (slyt, 2h 51m) She focuses on the proposal to build the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, but is able to wind her way through several heavy topics with grace. She dives into the scientific efficacy of the site, the history of colonization on Hawaii, and an aside on Palestinian liberation and solidarity, before finishing with both pathos and praxis. [more inside]
posted by crossswords at 3:16 PM - 7 comments

50 years of Austin City Limits

Backstage with Austin City Limits (ACL): Five Decades of Music | SXSW 2024 [1h] is a panel of people who create the legendary music show talking about the history of the music show. [more inside]
posted by hippybear at 3:02 PM - 0 comments

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