Activity from twiggy

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Thirding sleep now. Set an alarm for ample time to eat a reasonably healthy breakfast and get some studying done so you've been awake enough hours before the essay to shake off the groggies. SLEEP. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by Mariemma
Ask MeFi comment - Five years ago

Cat pee is killing me! :-(
favorited 5 times, recently by starelephant
Ask MeFi post - Five years ago

First and foremost, I'm nthing the request to have something delivered and include a note. What's appropriate? Food, a movie or two that would cheer him up, etc. Don't get anything too personal or too "romantic"-ish. I do feel… [more]
favorited 18 times, recently by buttonedup, forza, Librarygeek, palomar, fantine, wemayfreeze, hazyjane, jroybal, arha, Weaslegirl, t0astie, ambient2, SkylitDrawl, game warden to the events rhino, june made him a gemini, Cygnet, asciident, 5_13_23_42_69_666
Ask MeFi comment - Five years ago

languagehat drinks the blood of puppies. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by adamvasco
MetaTalk comment - Five years ago

[I am not a doctor, but I read a lot about this stuff] What you're experiencing is similar to, or perhaps exactly, what is described as an "Amygdala Hijacking". In times of stress, your amygdala is overcome by chemical reactions and… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by oogenesis, yueliang, snowleopard
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

The most fun thing my company did, I helped set up at a place in Chicago. I am not sure if NY has an equivalent, but I can't imagine it's the most unique thing in the world. It's called WhirlyBall [pops in new window] and it was universally… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by youdontmakefriendswithsalad
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Find things you do love in life, and pursue them. This may mean trying new things, and trying a bunch of stuff you don't like. You don't need to care about status, fancy cars, etc, to be happy in life, nor do you need it to be motivated… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by tango!
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Understanding the brain chemistry of what's going on helps considerably. Also, while it may seem a bit too new-agey, the Zen practice of "Mindfulness" has scientific backing... What's likely happening is you're the victim of… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by yueliang, snowysoul
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

As much as it sucks, especially when there's no animosity, you really need to not talk to each other for a while... That's the healthiest thing you can do... It's too tempting for a lot of people to take "subtle" (quotations used… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by intensitymultiply
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Creepy? No. Not normally talked about or accepted by society? Sure. Well, let me qualify that: Probably not creepy. In and of itself, the concept of polyamory isn't creepy... that doesn't mean an individual who practices it isn't, though… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by billiebee
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

what do you think makes you more or less afraid to let your PM know when things are running behind? It seems that often, letting the PM know things are running late is not an established part of the process. The fear comes from not wanting… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by limeonaire
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

As a former developer and current PM, I can tell you the following: 1) It's politically incorrect to say, but developers are statistically more likely to be introverted and different from "average people." That doesn't mean they're… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by limeonaire
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Upper middle class people have chauffeurs and maids? Wow... I guess I'm lower class than I thought. You shouldn't feel embarrassed for them. They're in that job of their own volition. Maybe they're happy working a job with little… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by ichomp
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

In my experience, YES, it matters. I didn't think it did back when I was in college, but man am I glad I went to a good school. If I'm hiring a developer, and I see applicants from smaller, unknown or second tier schools, I'm going to be way more… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by stoneandstar
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

You're not "cheap", you just don't understand the true market value of design. A logo from a designer who's worth the money you pay him/her will not be had for $100. A logo that looks decent/acceptable might be. $1,000 is more like a… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by Oli D.
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Not quite a tightrope...
favorited 12 times, recently by filthy light thief
MeFi post - Over five years ago

I'd like to recommend against serazin and others recommendation of swearing your head off, kicking in cars, etc. It's a stupid way to react and could potentially (even if the likelihood is low) get you injured or in trouble. Document what's going… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by tenstairs
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Is there a streaming media box that does what I want?
favorited 3 times, recently by jagalt
Ask MeFi post - Over five years ago

You cannot change him. He will get motivated someday only if he wants to. I'm thinking that you know this, but you're posting this question hoping to be proven wrong. If you can't accept who he is then the problem really lies in your view on… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by mrdmsy
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Having the right tools to save time helps immensely. So does knowing a little or a lot about nutrition. For those nights where you don't have such time - keep the following things on hand: - George foreman grill or something similar - High… [more]
favorited 4 times, recently by splitinfinitive, chara, chicainthecity, luckyveronica
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

If a girl suggests hanging out at your place, she's either into you, or she thinks you're gay (or at least "safe")... Let's assume the former... I like the cooking idea, but you should get outside... How about you buy some nice… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by jander03
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

There's really 2 key points here: 1) To lose weight, no diet changes the fact that you must burn more calories than you take in. 2) You must stick to it. There are ways to address these 2 key points. Le'ts start with #1: - If you plan to… [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by Jane Austen
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Everyone is on to good points, I'll summarize and add one or two of my own: - Wash your hands a few times a day - Get enough sleep (SO important) - Eat well (sounds like you are) - If your job (or school) is very stressful - this can affect you… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by dmbfan93
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Jairus sums it up pretty much. Honestly, the answer is you just DO it. There's no magical voodoo to it at all, you just do it. The reason you're a promoter and someone else isn't is because you got off your ass and called a few venues and asked… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by kittens for breakfast
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I strongly prefer The World Famous's response to geoff.'s ... It's more straightforward/honest... I think while geoff. means well in his response, his suggestion has more potential to be viewed as impersonal / rude / hurtful, even if it's not… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by showbiz_liz
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I'm sure I'll get a lot of heat for this post, but as someone who used to work in the financial services industry, I'd like to play devil's advocate for a moment here: There is a question that should be asked before "Can I get a loan /… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by BryanPayne
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I'm surprised people are being so nice to you, to be honest. You already know you want an iPhone without a voice plan, and there's only one place in the United States that offers it. So, why don't you call AT&T and ask them? [spoiler: The… [more]
favorited 3 times, recently by fantine, nineRED, dfriedman
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Come on, the most prominent glasses costume ever is the Sarah Palin costume! Get some horror-movie-loving friends to help you create something resembling a dead wolf carcass or some dead polar bears and you're golden... [more]
favorited 2 times, recently by davidmsc, eatyourcellphone
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

I was the same way with Twitter.. it has a sort of "figuring out WTF I'd use this for" curve... Here's the reason (in my opinion): The media keeps calling it a social networking tool, and pitting it against Facebook as if they're… [more]
favorited 8 times, recently by chalbe, hecho de la basura, bryghtrose, Kirklander, safetyfork, pointystick, Twicketface, Jaltcoh
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Don't listen to people calling you shallow - that's just unrealistic and rude as hell. If you wouldn't talk to her or be her friend because of her weight - you'd be shallow, and you could rightfully be called a jerk. However, you're not shallow… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by IAmBroom
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

Are you kidding, this thread is turning into pure comedy gold. We should have a meet up of all the posters and video tape them saying their comments so we could throw it up on youtube. This would be awesome. [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by Mitheral
MetaTalk comment - Over five years ago

I'm assuming you plan on playing limit hold 'em. Let's say you play 14 hours a day, which is about as much as you should play due to fatigue, etc... You've got to make $15k in 14x5 (70) hours - or win at a rate of $214/hour. This will not… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by ignignokt
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

After 1-3 dates, I think not returning calls/e-mails is the best way. God damn.. sorry, I have to repsond one more time to this because it seems there's female concensus here. You're talking about "best way" for you. Easiest… [more]
favorited 15 times, recently by RubberMullet
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

cmonkey: Most companies give off "observed" holidays when the majors (christmas, new years) fall on weekends. Mine does, and you'll find that most of your friends companies do too unless they work for very small places. Part of a job… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by kiki_s
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

"Doris, it sucks that you're going through all of this right now... I can totally empathize... It seems like it's all we talk about when we hang out, though... I'm here to listen when you need to talk about it, but talking about it so much… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by arcticseal
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

You'll run into him and it will be tremendously uncomfortable the first time. You'll see him from afar and hope to hell he doesn't see you. And you'll also be sort of secretly hoping he does, too. And you won't know if it's because you want him to… [more]
favorited 1 time, recently by SkylitDrawl
Ask MeFi comment - Over five years ago

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