279 MetaFilter comments by joemaller (displaying 51 through 100)

Hosting Provider Bans RIAA - According to this press release, Information Wave Technologies will actively block all RIAA IP space because RIAA is intentionally seeking to invade customer networks / hosts to check for copyright violations. Additionally, they are going to deploy a "honeypot" system (simulates a GNUtella client sharing copyrighted material) in order to log requests for the files and correlate them with attempts to invade the host -- RIAA's stated plan to combate music piracy.
comment posted at 11:46 AM on Aug-19-02

Ask Ah-nold how to pump up your puny little girly legs and ahms. Hear him now and call me later, I tell you to watch out, because he's gone completely nuts. Maybe it IS a tumor. (qt clip from japander.com)
comment posted at 12:27 AM on Aug-19-02

Apple is at work on the iPhone, if you believe John Markoff of the New York Times. Do you?
comment posted at 10:29 PM on Aug-18-02

The Bush regime is completely called out. (NYTimes) "If the White House wanted anyone to listen, it would not have staged eight separate panels simultaneously on a Tuesday morning in the dog days of August, assuring that complete coverage would be available only on C-Span."
comment posted at 8:53 PM on Aug-17-02
comment posted at 2:21 PM on Aug-18-02
comment posted at 7:48 PM on Aug-18-02

Wil Weaton cut from new Star Trek movie ... Along with 48 minutes of film, Wil Wheaton's cameo as Wesley Crusher was cut in the first production cut of Star Trek: Nemesis. Rick Berman, Producer, called Wheaton personally to let him know. In heartfelt commentary related through his online journal, Wheaton ended his description of his feelings at the news by saying, "Somewhere in Brooklyn, Wesley Crusher falls silent forever".
comment posted at 10:06 PM on Aug-15-02

Computer Scientists find method to quickly discover primes? If the claims outlined in this article are correct, an age-long problem of number theory maybe solved. I wonder about the implications for cryptography; any cypherpunks care to comment?
comment posted at 7:02 AM on Aug-8-02

Glen Reynolds' Instapundit links to a Meryl Yourish post countering a comment by our own mediareport. I tend to disagree with MR on the Middle East, but seeing as how MeFi is where he expresses himself, it seems appropriate he should have the opportunity to defend himself here. (This is not an I/P thread, this is a meta-I/P thread. Be nice.)
comment posted at 9:18 AM on Aug-6-02

Finally somebody's saying it out loud. A "top Pentagon advisory board" says the real enemy in the War on terrorism is...drum roll, please....Saudi Arabia.
comment posted at 6:53 AM on Aug-6-02

Your new favorite artist: Pinky of Houston and her fabulous decorated eggs. Perhaps Pinky knows that geometric egg art was called pysanky in the Old Country. It later inspired a certain Russian jeweler to new heights. Pinky takes it from there as part of a modern explosion of beautiful eggs, including carved eggs that will make your jaw drop. If you can think of it, it's probably been done to an egg. The emu egg jewelry boxes are particularly elegant. Plenty more at the Egg Art Network.
comment posted at 5:49 PM on Aug-3-02

Zionism - Outspoken criticism from the unlikeliest of places. Neturei Karta, members of this orthodox clique condemn zionism, claiming there is no place in the modern world for a jewish state.
comment posted at 6:38 AM on Jul-22-02

Welcome to Amerika? Tom Ridge (with the blessing of George W.) thinks it's time to re-examine the Posse Comitatus Act with an eye toward giving the Armed Forces more power to act in a domestic law enforcement capacity. After having the National Guard here during the Winter Olympics, I'm not so keen on seeing armed soldiers patrolling the streets again.
comment posted at 9:01 PM on Jul-21-02
comment posted at 9:44 PM on Jul-21-02

War, Incorporated. "'War is a racket. It always has been....A racket is best described as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many.' Words of a radical peacenik? Only if a Marine Corps Major General qualifies as such." Of course, this particular Major General was talking about the oooold days when corporations had the political pillow-patter down, and our elected officials were the best money could buy. Not like the way things are today.

And who was this crackpot Ike, anyway?
comment posted at 8:52 PM on Jul-17-02

Six WTC site plans released by LMDC public-private partnership. Each idea revolves around a different conception of the memorial and is named for that, while showing variation in the structures that will be built around it. There are 3D renderings from above and from the south of the Battery, and skylines as seen from Jersey City, to show how the concept will fit into the existing neighborhood. None as imposing as the Twin Towers, but several include at least one distinctive structure that will rise above the nearest buildings, so Manhattan pedestrians can navigate again. All may be discussed Saturday in a public meeting at Javits Center, expected to attract 5000. I suspect that figure will be low.
comment posted at 10:47 AM on Jul-16-02
comment posted at 11:43 AM on Jul-16-02
comment posted at 12:30 PM on Jul-16-02
comment posted at 12:34 PM on Jul-16-02

To write...means campaigning against cliche: "Not just cliches of the pen but cliches of the mind and cliches of the heart."
comment posted at 8:27 AM on Jul-16-02
comment posted at 8:41 AM on Jul-16-02

"Well, of course I hate you because you are Christian, but that doesn't mean I want to kill you." What a great quote. Sorry, I just couldn't resist. (NY Times)
comment posted at 9:09 AM on Jul-12-02
comment posted at 11:48 AM on Jul-12-02

Kvetch is dead. So what, right? But some of the lessons Powazek says he learned probably also apply here, such as:
Every collaborative project eventually outgrows its owner. You start a project like this because you have a certain way of looking at the world. But when you open it up for group participation, it always changes.

comment posted at 3:20 PM on Jul-11-02

Homer Simpson: Hack your DVD player. It seems in countries in which the DVD Copy Control Authority doesn't own the government, even the giants of corpmedia don't like the "protection" features the platform foists on consumers. On Fox's Simpsons UK DVD release FAQ page, Homer himself says "I have no idea whatsoever what regional coding means. But it is essential that you buy a multi-regional player. Do it now." Is the DVD region-coding system really only relevant in the United States?
comment posted at 6:53 AM on Jul-11-02

Apple Computer buys Emagic, an industry-leading audio software and hardware manufacturer who produces Logic Audio, the professional-level software used to make thousands of records (incl. Radiohead's KidA and Amnesiac.) The announcement heralds the end of Emagic's Windows offerings as well, which will orphan hundreds of thousands of people who paid upwards of $1000 for their software. em411 has some commentary on the announcement.
comment posted at 7:23 AM on Jul-1-02

Want to see my content? It'll cost you your anonymity. Mandatory registration is making the rounds at major online news sites, as media companies try to peel away the Internet's cloak of anonymity and build closer relationships with their customers. But it's a tricky dance, and one that risks alienating news junkies when they bump into registration walls as they surf from site to site. Registration also throws up roadblocks for weblogs, community news sites, discussion boards and e-mail newsletters that point to news articles.
comment posted at 7:26 AM on Jun-29-02

The Political Compass. A questionaire to assess your political leaning. Where do you stand?
comment posted at 7:30 AM on Jun-28-02

Baby bomber Why? I mean really. Why?
comment posted at 7:19 AM on Jun-28-02
comment posted at 1:31 PM on Jun-28-02
comment posted at 5:26 PM on Jun-28-02
comment posted at 7:43 AM on Jun-29-02
comment posted at 7:37 PM on Jun-29-02

Lawmakers blast pledge ruling... Yes I know this thread was started yesterday but at over 130 posts and given the recent news from lawmakers stating they would push for a constitutional amendment authorising the words "under God" if the Supreme Court did not smack down the 9th circuit courts decision I felt compelled to post again on this subject. Smack me down if you like...
comment posted at 8:35 AM on Jun-27-02

Last week was a good week for aliens and a bad week for cows.

UFOs visited sacred sites and tourist attractions in Sri Lanka, Chile declared an official UFO tourism zone, and Scotland claims to have the most reported sightings each year.
much more inside...
comment posted at 8:38 PM on Jun-25-02
comment posted at 8:45 PM on Jun-25-02

Angering Arabs for Dummies, By Ariel Sharon. "Israel will respond to acts of terror by capturing PA territory," says Sharon. How, exactly, will this stop the bombings? Sorry for the I/P post, but this seems fairly important.
comment posted at 10:43 PM on Jun-18-02

So where are Mr. Congeniality (Ari Fleischer) and his bride-to-be registered for their upcoming wedding? Let's see. . .Macy's, Crate & Barrel, and. . .Target?
comment posted at 4:53 PM on Jun-18-02

U.S. Supreme Court rules on searches of passengers on public transportation. In a decision that could aid the government's anti-terrorism efforts, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that police can question passengers on buses and trains and search for evidence without informing them that they can refuse.
comment posted at 2:39 PM on Jun-18-02

With teeny tiny xGB hard drives like the Archos line available, why do PDAs/handhelds have such small memory capacity? The gorgeous new Sony Clie has a mere 16 MB to its name, and most PocketPCs top out around 64MB. When do you think we'll see handheld devices that really parallel the capabilities of a desktop computer?
comment posted at 11:56 PM on Jun-17-02

Yahoo!'s new front page went into beta today.
I know the story was posted, but I thought the actual page deserved a link that wasn't buried in day-old comments...
comment posted at 1:24 PM on Jun-10-02

The Real Biothreat Currently the United States is experiencing shortages of eight of the eleven vaccines required by law for children. In response, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have revised their immunization schedule from "optimal" to "some protection," which means that, depending on the vaccine, kids may get the first shot and not the boosters that solidify immunity, or they may not get the first shot at all until several months past the recommended age...
comment posted at 6:17 AM on Jun-7-02

Wonder Twin powers, activate! Form of...an upcoming live-action Wonder Twins movie. Shape of...my disbelief. Does no one get that even "SuperFriends" fans hate these space losers, and their little Gleek, too?
comment posted at 3:11 PM on Jun-6-02

TV on T-Shirt! Wow! What a cool idea!
comment posted at 7:14 AM on May-24-02

All Lies, All the Time: "In the United States of 2002, it's not a scandal unless the corporate media says it's a scandal, and they will not call something a scandal if it centers on the ability of large corporations to procure gargantuan favors from government. It is only a scandal if a member of the political party that's less than 100 percent devoted to granting corporations their every whim is caught doing something wrong."
comment posted at 9:27 PM on May-21-02

Google says: Don't mess with Malcovich After Anita Roddick called actor John Malcovich a "vomitous worm" on her Web site (in response to his statement about shooting journalist Robert Fisk), she received a message from Google noting that her AdWord had been pulled. Google sent a message to Roddick stating: "policy does not permit the advertisement of 'Sites that advocate against groups or individuals (even John Malkovich)' on our website. We also do not permit sites that sell these products to advertise on Google." How extensive is this policy? Has anyone else run up against it?
comment posted at 1:26 PM on May-21-02

The X-Files TV series is officially over. Two years too late, probably. But the finale definately is in my list of favorite episodes. What are some of yours?
comment posted at 10:18 PM on May-19-02

The Christian Right and Israel is the topic of this interesting article from the editor of The New Republic, who sees the Christian conservatives' interest in Israel as less than persuasive, as it relies on Biblical legitimacy and not Democratic legitimacy. From the article: "for Christian conservatives like Armey and Parshall, Israel's interests cannot be defined pragmatically, because Israel's primary function is to clarify a larger worldview. Whether or not most evangelicals truly believe Israel's wars will usher in the Messianic Age, they are theologically conditioned to see its struggle as Manichaean".
comment posted at 9:15 PM on May-15-02

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