Just let it flow
January 26, 2012 9:54 AM   Subscribe

posted by Pendragon at 10:26 AM on January 26, 2012 [2 favorites]

Man I love that Star Guitar video.
posted by humboldt32 at 11:32 AM on January 26, 2012

Hahaha. That fucking clown.

Last year at Coachella when Chems played the main stage, we met up with some friends before moving back a bit to get more dancey space.

Our friend Barb was on the ground peaking really hard looking like a terrified cartoon rabbit when we left them. Poor thing. Very young and rolling HARD.

So we go back to our spot and 10 minutes later that fucking clown pops onscreen. Several times.

Poor Barb.
posted by Senor Cardgage at 12:24 PM on January 26, 2012

Surrender is one of the first real "party album of the summer" type records I remember from when I first left my home town and moved to the big city. I go back and forth on my favorite track, but the video for Let Forever Be is great.
posted by feloniousmonk at 12:48 PM on January 26, 2012

Oh, I SOOOO love The Chemical Brothers. Exit Planet Dust completely enthralled and mystified me (and horrified all my friends) when I bought it way back when. I don't even remember why I bought it, other than there was something about the packaging and probably where it was placed in the record store that drew my attention. I've been a rabid fan ever since.

Surrender is the album I use to draw in people who are skeptical or who don't know them. A masterpiece, not a dud track anywhere, and The Sunshine Underground... OMFG!

I've seen them once live, in a tiny club that no longer exists in Phoenix. Sasha (without Digweed) opened, and the two sets were entirely different and really great. It's amazing to think that a show with two guys twiddling knobs could be so intense and rock-and-roll feeling, but it was.

And that's part of the charm of The Chemical Brothers. They're electronica, but with rock structure. If you're used to verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus type of songs, then you won't feel out of place with Chem Bros material. Sure, they do huge stuff that isn't structured along those lines (The Private Psychedelic Reel, for instance), but enough of what they do follows that to be a high quality in-road for people who say they hate electronica and love rock.

For those into that kind of thing, their studio album Further has a full-length video album that goes with it. It's a great visualization of their music and works really well.

Sadly, oh so sadly, I see that this movie theater event isn't playing anywhere close to me. I'd be there with bells on if I could get there, but I can't possibly drive the nearly 300 miles it would take for me to get to the nearest place it is playing and then back to be at work the next day.

I'll keep checking back to see if a location has been added in my area, but I'm pretty doubtful. And very sad.
posted by hippybear at 5:48 PM on January 26, 2012 [1 favorite]

I was going to write about how sick I was for the chems, how I've seen them 3 times, having to take off work and drive long distance for two of those shows, how I bought every individual single back in the day, and would even buy the same album I already had if I saw a Japan Only release, but then I looked down and noticed the chemical brothers shirt on me right now, and decided sharing all of that might make me sound ridiculous. So I'll just say thanks for the link, really looking forward to seeing it.
posted by hypersloth at 7:37 PM on January 26, 2012 [1 favorite]

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