English 111 / Comp Lit 115
May 20, 2015 6:20 PM Subscribe
Experimental Writing Seminar: Constraints & Collaborations. In addition to setting out a few dozen writing exercises, the online syllabus for an introductory course taught by Charles Bernstein (poet and co-editor of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E) links to a variety of poems, poetry generators, and prose experiments on the web.
- Lee Ann Brown, "Pledge," and Michael Magee, "Pledge": new Pledges of Allegiance
- Kenneth Goldsmith, "Head Citations": altered pop song lyrics
- Bernadette Mayer, "Before Sextet": altered condom instructions
- H. D., "Sea Poppies," and Jennifer Scappettone, "Vase Poppies": a well-known Imagist poem and a poem written through it (discussion)
- The N+7 Machine: a web app implementing the famous OuLiPo technique also known as S+7
- Raymond Queneau, Exercises in Style (PDF excerpt): 99 variations on "one" story
- Caroline Bergvall with Ciáran Maher, "Via" (audio only): "a compiled list of translations into English of Dante's opening lines as archived in the British Library up until May 2000"
- Raymond Queneau, "One Hundred Thousand Billion Poems": a web app implementing Queneau's combinatoric poem
- Charles Bernstein, "From the Basque" and "Me Transform - O!": two homophonic readings
- Steve McCaffery, "The Kommunist Manifesto or Wot We Wukkerz Want, Bi Charley Marx un Fred Engels" (text and audio): "translation of the Communist Manifesto into West Riding of Yorkshire dialect"
- Louis Zukofsky, "A Foin Lass Bodders Me" (audio only): translation of Guido Cavalcanti's "Donna Me Prega" (more info)
- Robert Majzels (et al)'s 85s (texts and videos): translations/transformations of classic Chinese poems into 85-letter visual poems in English
- Jonathan Stalling, Yíngēlìshī (audio/video only): homophonic songs interpretable in both English and Chinese
- David Melnick, Men in Aida, Book I and Book II: homophonic translations drawn from The Iliad
- Ron Silliman, blog posts on homophonic translation: a presentation of examples by Chris Tysh, David Melnick, and Ron Silliman himself
- Nathan Kageyama, "Stay Come": translation of Ezra Pound's "The Return" into Hawaian Creole English
- bpNichol, selections from Translating Translating Apollinaire: numerous transformations of bpNichol's first published poem
- Robert Kelly, Earish: numerous homophonic translations of poems by Celan
- Charles Bernstein, "Sane as Tugged Vat, Your Love": homophonic translation of "Sanat Tulevat Yolla"
- Buffalax, "Benny Lava": homophonic sub-titling of the song "Kalluri Vaanil" from the movie Pennin Manathai Thottu
- Jack Kerouac, notes on spontaneous bop prosody: guidelines for writing "'without consciousness'"
- Bernadette Mayer, Studying Hunger: text based on the poet's 365-page journal of her psychoanalysis (more info)
- Bernadette Mayer, "The Prostitutes At The Eldorado Club" from The Desires Of Mothers To Please Others In Letters: excerpt from a book blurbed "An epistolary text which takes as its formal parameters the nine months of Ms. Mayer's last pregnancy--an augury by bee sting--and writes the reader's psyche to the fences"
- Hannah Weiner, Clairvoyant Journal: journal of the poet's immediate, literal vision of words "on my forehead IN THE AIR on other people on the typewriter on the page" (more info)
- Hannah Weiner, "UBLIMINAL": another short piece of clairvoyant experience transcription
- Clark Coolidge, excerpt from American Ones (full text): prose poetry about American landscapes, jazz, poetry itself, etc. (more info)
- Readings by Jackson Mac Low (discussion): "Insect Assassins" and selections from Words nd Ends from Ez ("string word: Ezra Pound")
- eDiastic: a web app based on Jackson Mac Low's "diastic technique"
- William S. Burroughs, quotes on the cut-up method: straightforward descriptions of Burroughs's technique
- Brion Gysin, "Cut-Ups Self-Explained": a statement on cut-ups by the painter who introduced them to Burroughs
- Gysin/Burroughs, "Open Letter to Life Magazine," an excerpt from Minutes to Go: "cut-up of 'Beat Generation,' Life Magazine Dec 5 1959"
- Text Mixing Desk v2.0: an online tool inspired by Burroughs / cut-ups
- Poem/text remixers from Language Is A Virus: Madlib Poem, Cut Up Machine, Poetry Gyroscope, WTF-O-Vision, Sentence Builder, and Text Mixer among others.
- God's Rude Wireless: another cut-up engine
- That can be my next tweet!: a Twitter feed scrambler
- Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" and Robert McNally's "Tablespoons": the classic poem and its re-interpretation by the handwriting recognition software on the Apple Newton
- Christian Bök, Eunoia (text and Flash versions; also audio): five short lipogrammatic texts akin to Perec's A Void
- Kenneth Goldsmith, Fidget (text and Java applet versions): "every move Kenneth Goldsmith's body made on June 16, 1997"
- Several works composed of neologisms / nonsense words: Kurt Schwitters, "Ur Sonata"; P. Inman, Ocker, Platin, and Uneven Development; and David Melnick, Pcoet.
- Joe Brainard, excerpt from I Remember (audio excerpts): poem in which each new thought begins, "I remember ..." (more info)
- Joe Brainard, Ten Imaginary Still Lifes: poem in which each new image begins, "I close my eyes. I see ..."
- Francis Ponge, "l'Orange": poem about a single object, famously being compared to l'éponge
- Tom Beckett, Hay(na)Ku sampler: three-line poems with words-per-line matching the line's ordinality
- Robert Creeley, selections (.doc file!): short poems with short lines
- Robert Grenier, Sentences: randomly ordered short poems, originally boxed in form
- Ted Greenwald, Makes Sense: a poem with one word per line
- Aram Saroyan, Aram Saroyan: thirty minimalist poems, including the world's shortest poem and other work controversial for its brevity
- David Antin, "In Place of a Lecture: Three Musics for Two Voices" from Talking: improvised "talk poem" (Wikipedia)
- Kenneth Goldsmith, Soliloquy: "an unedited document of every word I spoke during the week of April 15-21, 1996" (more info)
- K. Silem Mohammad, readings from Deer Head Nation (audio only): poetry based on Google search results
- Michael Magee, "The Flarf Files": explanation of Flarf with examples (critique; special feature)
- The Claudius App: a web magazine, currently featuring an auto-suggest search interface for its table of contents (more info)
- The Apostrophe Engine: another search-engine-based poem (film inspired by the poem)
- Kate Fagan, "Three Centos": three short collage poems
- The Eater of Meaning: a web app that extracts the meaning from other webpages and serves what remains (e.g. www.metafilter.com)
- Anthology of Visual/Concrete Poetry (see also the Visual Poetry web app for drawing with text)
- Anthology of Digital Poetics and Poetry
In the immortal words of the great prophet Keanu: "whoa".
posted by dejah420 at 9:07 PM on May 20, 2015
posted by dejah420 at 9:07 PM on May 20, 2015
It's too bad the N+7 machine doesn't let you permalink to your results. Some of their suggested experiments turn out to be quite beautiful, like this pretty familiar one (it mistakes "bear" for a noun and that somehow just makes it even better):
posted by RogerB at 9:57 PM on May 20, 2015 [3 favorites]
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.False wonder against your neurosis, indeed. Out of the mouths of machines.
You shall not beard false witticism against your neighbourhood.
You shall not bearer false wizard against your neologism.
You shall not bearing false wodge against your neophyte.
You shall not bearskin false woe against your nephew.
You shall not beast false wog against your nerve.
You shall not beat false wok against your nest.
You shall not beater false wolf against your nestle.
You shall not beating false wolfhound against your nestling.
You shall not beatnik false woman against your net.
You shall not beau false womanizer against your nettle.
You shall not beaut false womb against your network.
You shall not beautician false wombat against your neuron.
You shall not beauty false wonder against your neurosis.
posted by RogerB at 9:57 PM on May 20, 2015 [3 favorites]
In the gaffe, everyone will be famous for fifteen misapprehensions.
posted by larrybob at 10:50 AM on May 21, 2015 [2 favorites]
posted by larrybob at 10:50 AM on May 21, 2015 [2 favorites]
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No Ron Silliman?
Fantasistssss collection and thus flagged so.
posted by clavdivs at 7:06 PM on May 20, 2015