"War Crimes"
April 6, 2003 12:43 PM   Subscribe

"War Crimes" is a powerful Flash video about the war. "Doctor Bushlove" is darkly comic. Both are by Eric Blumrich, and are well-crafted but quite graphic. And in the interests of fairness, Blumrich has given equal time to his critics. [Via BuzzFlash.]
posted by homunculus (18 comments total)

Wow. Some pretty disturbing images. Great find. Thanks.
posted by LouReedsSon at 1:05 PM on April 6, 2003

And for something completely silly, this is what happens when the Coalition of the Willing meets South Park.
posted by homunculus at 1:16 PM on April 6, 2003


Here I was thinking that he was going to play some equal time for reasons that people might support the current war. Instead, he isn't really giving equal time, he's taking the worst of them and ridiculing all of them.

I mean, I'm not exactly pro-war, but I understand that some people are pro-war for some good reasons, as I understand some are anti-war.

I don't find distortions conducive.
posted by Lord Chancellor at 1:40 PM on April 6, 2003

<offtopic> I hear from an inside source that some of the folks from the Lysistrata Project, which coordinated performances of Aristophanes' comedy in 59 countries, will be doing a similar project, Operation Strangelove, with mass viewings of that film you never get tired of seeing. "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. It's the war room!" E-mail me for updates.</offtopic>
posted by hairyeyeball at 2:06 PM on April 6, 2003

Lord Chancellor, I should have qualified how sarcastic that piece is in my post. Sorry if I misled you. As for Blumrich, I think his intention was just to respond to the emails he's received, and I have no idea if the ones he shared are the exception or the rule.
posted by homunculus at 2:22 PM on April 6, 2003

“[O]pposition to war is reflexive, and too often outweighs its outrage on behalf of the oppressed.” -Edward W. Lempinen
posted by aaronshaf at 2:45 PM on April 6, 2003

Hilarious. Thank you.
posted by spazzm at 3:00 PM on April 6, 2003

homunculus: How many dead civilians does it take to horrify the Red Cross?
posted by techgnollogic at 3:44 PM on April 6, 2003

That's what passes for "powerful" these days? Sure, let's take a bunch of unverified photographs from random, usually unidentified sources -- surely, this collage proves that Bush is the devil, or whatever else the author is spouting.

Just another bit of manipulative, one-sided, unobjective, unsupported drivel that fails to acknowledge the complexity of the issue and lends the author very little credibility.

And as for the Red Cross, just how objective is an organization that recognized the Red Crescent of Palestinian ambulances (which have been accused of transporting militants, weapons, and exposives) but not the equivalent symbol on Israeli ambulances? Note that the Red Cross worker has no way of verifying how the casualties came to be -- by American or Iraqi "projectiles."
posted by Krrrlson at 4:03 PM on April 6, 2003

I like how homunculus calls these flash SLIDE SHOWS "well-crafted."
posted by techgnollogic at 4:08 PM on April 6, 2003

So even the Red Cross gets tarred with the 'you're either with us or you're with the terrorists' brush now, do they? God forbid they say something about civilian suffering... Next we'll be hearing from those uppity Doctors Without Borders too I'll et. When will these people learn their place and not question the US?
posted by Space Coyote at 6:56 PM on April 6, 2003

That's what passes for "powerful" these days?

Only if you're as affected by images of horror as I am, I guess.

And as for the Red Cross, just how objective is an organization that recognized the Red Crescent of Palestinian ambulances but not the equivalent symbol on Israeli ambulances?

I don't see how this applies. They're there to help, and who wouldn't be horrified by a truckload of dismembered women and children?
posted by homunculus at 8:21 PM on April 6, 2003

But everything will be fine once we employ the Evil-Seeking Missile!
posted by homunculus at 8:55 PM on April 6, 2003

No, the Red Cross doesn't get "tarred" -- its objectivity as an unbiased aid organization, however, is highly questionable considering its biased stances on many issues. I'm sorry if for you the Red Cross is a symbol of all that's pure and holy, but the reality is different. Forgive me, Space Coyote, but misrepresenting my words and trying to write off my argument with a couple of sarcastic jabs won't work.

This information applies because the organization releasing the statements which you posted is not always an objective source -- that's all. I never tried to play down the horror of dismembered civilians, merely pointed out that the source of information is biased.
posted by Krrrlson at 10:51 PM on April 6, 2003

just how objective is an organization that recognized the Red Crescent of Palestinian ambulances (which have been accused of transporting militants, weapons, and exposives)

What?? You mean to say they've endorced a symbol on an amulance, the driver of which may or may not have used to haul weapons??

Well shit, I'd better go return my first aid certification right away..
posted by Space Coyote at 8:35 AM on April 7, 2003

Funny how you leave out the "but..." part of his statement.
posted by techgnollogic at 8:58 AM on April 7, 2003

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