Favorites from mathowie

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CHAIRDANCE: A Global Office Dance Party

Crappy day? Crank your favorite song. Dance in your chair. Act a fool. Submit a GIF. You'll feel much better.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by functionequalsform at 10:58 AM on June 25, 2013 (15 comments)


In Glitchometry, I manipulate simple shapes (black squares, circles, triangles, stripes) in a sound editor, breaking them down into new forms. The earliest work in the series is here. The tumblr is where new work appears.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by rottytooth at 10:00 AM on June 21, 2013 (4 comments)

It has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world

The Bicycle Craze of the 1890s had a significant impact upon women's lives. Leaders of the women's movement saw bike riding as a path to freedom. Many women cyclists enjoyed the freedoms and experiences bikes gave them. Although many health experts recommended biking to women for its health effects, other health experts and some moralists saw dangers in letting women venture off into the wild blue yonder with and without men, danger in potential physical damage to women's bodies, disaster in letting them adopt "unfeminine garb" - and of course, they might enjoy it TOO much.
posted to MetaFilter by julen at 9:17 PM on June 20, 2013 (55 comments)

Voronoi Monologue series.

Voronoi Monologue is an "infinite series" of drawings based around malformations of voronoi patterns.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by pmcp at 5:32 PM on June 20, 2013

Vanity Site that is configured in the form of Amazon.com product page

A while back I remember coming across a really novel vanity site that somebody had come up with. It was a vanity site configured as an Amazon.com products page. It had an identical layout and a place for reviews where former employers and co-workers could write their "product" reviews of this person's work. At the time I came across this site, it was somewhat of a meme and people listed it as a creative way of standing out from the crowd with all of their usually boring sites. Does anybody remember this or have the link to it? Thanks
posted to Ask MetaFilter by RapcityinBlue at 10:59 AM on June 19, 2013 (2 comments)

What to name our RV blog?

We're transitioning into living full time in an RV and several people have expressed interest in reading a blog about our experiences. I know the kinds of things I want to write, but I'm stumped on a name.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by desjardins at 10:07 AM on June 19, 2013 (39 comments)

Senseless: on the lack of forward progress in bicycle helmet design

"Bicycle helmets do an outstanding job of keeping our skulls intact in a major crash. But they do almost nothing to prevent concussions and other significant brain injuries—and the very government agency created to protect us is part of the problem. The time has come to demand something safer."
posted to MetaFilter by killdevil at 1:17 PM on June 18, 2013 (116 comments)

"Best day at work ever."

Motor Trend has put a considerable amount of effort and money into their YouTube presence (autoplay) over the last year or so, and have pulled up a decent batting average for quality videos. However, one of their series stands head and shoulders above the rest: Roadkill (also autoplay). Starring Hot Rod Magazine's Editor in Chief David Freiburger and Staff Editor Mike Finnegan, Roadkill is a roughly 20 minute web series, typically posted the first Friday of every month, and is essentially two hot rod/muscle car guys taking on self-imposed amusingly bad ideas - such as throwing a dart at a map and trying to buy a car and drive home on only $1,500 - or occasionally chronicling the goings on at major Hot Rod Mag events like Hot Rod Drag Week.
posted to MetaFilter by Punkey at 10:26 AM on June 16, 2013 (20 comments)

For years I played as white characters.

Because New Leaf’s tanning doesn’t seem to happen in real time, and because it seems to take days instead of hours now, trying to get a particular mid-level skin tone is more precarious than maintaining a pale complexion. Not only is the outcome hard to predict, but someone who wants the default skin to stay only has to bring a parasol around with them in the summer sun. They literally have access to tools and methods I don’t. It is very hard not to just write “DO YOU GET IT?” over and over again. I don’t have a tanning booth, or tanning lotion. I certainly don’t have a way to lock in my current tan level.

The other implication is that it might be the case that tanning is a disincentive to overplaying. I hadn’t realized it until my friend with the cobblestone roads pointed it out. Let’s say, hypothetically, that you’ve kept your game running for five straight hours for some odd reason. You might notice that your town’s other villagers will greet you with an admonishment. You look tired they say, you should take a rest. You should stop playing. There is a strange, formal parallel between this directive and tanning. Both come only after hours of uninterrupted play. The same activity results in both outcomes. Coupled with the fact that players are outfitted with ways to prevent, but not cause tanning, it’s hard not to draw some connections.

My argument isn’t that Nintendo has gone out of its way to be racist, it’s that the question of race seems to have never been brought up to begin with, and that has its own problems.

Me, On The Screen: Race in Animal Crossing: New Leaf
posted to MetaFilter by timshel at 5:52 AM on June 18, 2013 (54 comments)

It's so loony, it might work

Project Loon: Google is testing an Internet access system mediated by stratospheric balloons. They are starting in New Zealand with 30 balloons.
posted to MetaFilter by grouse at 9:08 PM on June 14, 2013 (56 comments)

They are way cooler than you’ll ever be, basically.

The Avant/Garde Diaries interviews Jarad Dawkins, 11, and Malcom Brickhouse, 12, aka the metal band Unlocking the Truth. Here they are performing on Totally Biased With Kamau Bell [via]
posted to MetaFilter by brundlefly at 9:45 AM on June 14, 2013 (11 comments)

A test for the mind as much as the body

The Self-Transcendence race starts today. It's a run around the block, 5,649 times around the block. Runners cover 3,100 miles, running 6 am to midnight over 52 days, at least 60 miles a day over concrete. The best runners average 75 miles a day. All the runners seem to have the same mantra. The first race was in 1997, “The first couple years, the kids threw things at us.”
posted to MetaFilter by Smedleyman at 9:53 AM on June 16, 2013 (35 comments)

Changing Perceptions, One Icon At A Time

The Accessible Icon Project seeks to change public perception of the disabled by subtly redesigning the traditional blue-and-white accessibility icon. New York City is one of the first to embrace the new design.
Also: OpenDyslexic, a free font designed to lessen confusion between visually similar letterforms.
posted to MetaFilter by Bora Horza Gobuchul at 1:04 PM on June 14, 2013 (31 comments)


Kellie and Alex, better known as Kili and Fili on the Tolkein fan site TheOneRing.net, are sisters who run the webseries Happy Hobbit. They filmed themselves watching the trailer for the new Hobbit film and posted the resulting video on their facebook page. Peter Jackson came across said video, posted it on his facebook page, and then filmed some of his cast as they watched it. Of course this then required a reaction-to-the-reaction-to-the-reaction video.
posted to MetaFilter by tractorfeed at 7:25 AM on June 13, 2013 (30 comments)

Dear AskMe: Thanks.

I don't know y'all's addresses so I'm sending my thank-you note c/o MetaTalk.
posted to MetaTalk by headnsouth at 8:15 PM on June 11, 2013 (40 comments)

Indistinguishable from Magic

Random Weekend Project shows how to seemingly make magic by creating instant ice from flowing water. [slyt]
posted to MetaFilter by quin at 7:38 AM on June 12, 2013 (34 comments)

Before there was a [US] national museum, we had a nation of savers

"In the early 1800s, a hammer was kept near Plymouth Rock for the pilgrim who had forgotten to bring one. By the end of the 19th century, what was left of the rock was fenced off within a memorial." "The United States, it turns out, was a nation of casual plunderers from the start. Visitors to Mount Vernon snapped splinters from the moldings; beachgoers in Massachusetts chiseled off chunks of Plymouth Rock; tourists snipped fabric from the White House curtains. By the early 19th century, newspapers were referring to illicit souvenir hunting as a “national mania.” "
posted to MetaFilter by filthy light thief at 9:49 AM on June 12, 2013 (48 comments)

Better to keep most money in Personal or S-Corp account?

My friend and I were talking the other day about the best way to arrange his personal and corporate accounts for his Corporation he formed to write and direct under. There are no employees and overhead is small to nothing. He says he feels better having the majority of his money in the corporate account in case he gets sued, but isn't that why most people DONT have all their money is that account? I thought most people in his situation started an s-corp to protect and keep their personal assets safe. Am I wrong?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by JJkiss at 12:39 PM on June 11, 2013 (4 comments)

Being the nerd that I am, I was itching to crunch some badass numbers

Debarghya Das, an Indian student at Cornell, wanted to impress his friends by obtaining their examination marks for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Examination and the Indian School Certificate and, thanks to some poorly written javascript, discovers the entire database containing the grades for 200,000 Indian students, as well as potential evidence of widespread tampering.
posted to MetaFilter by elgilito at 4:51 PM on June 7, 2013 (36 comments)

Best website for purchasing website/wordpress templates?

Helping friends set up their small business website. I am not a web designer/developer, just fine with tweaking, dependable and honest--unlike their last web person. They don't need a lot of fancy stuff, but I would like to move them off of google sites and get them something 1)more professional 2) still easily updatable. They are hosted on godaddy with redirects now, which is wasteful. The godaddy webbuilder software does not impress so far.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by pywacket at 10:26 AM on June 7, 2013 (15 comments)

A jam band concert worth of work

Locating the scene from The Grateful Dead's Workingman's Dead album cover required an insane amount of research, painstakingly detailed by Bob Egan. He's done this for other famous locations (previously).
posted to MetaFilter by mathowie at 3:26 PM on June 6, 2013 (26 comments)

How to slow down the speed of time inside your head?

When I looked at the calendar and noticed that this year was half gone, I started to feel panicked. I remember being a child and feeling like each day would never end, now I feel like I can't blink without another week being gone. I know that the feeling that life is speeding up is quite common, and it's a little scary for me. Beyond mindfulness techniques and seeking out novel experiences, I am wondering if people can share ideas/hacks for how to fight this effect. How do I stop feeling like time is passing me by too quickly?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by long haired child at 7:44 PM on June 3, 2013 (25 comments)

Houghton Library Tumblr

We're constantly digitizing new material at my library, which is Harvard's largest for rare books and manuscripts. I post about larger collections on our blog, but I wanted to have a place to put interesting single images as well. Right now, I plan on posting one new item per day. Each image links to the record in our online catalog, for anyone who wants to know more about the source or come in to see it in person.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by Horace Rumpole at 10:45 AM on June 6, 2013 (1 comment)

Madison, you minx!

America's Founding Fathers in pin-up poses. Hat tip to elizardbits' Tumblr.
posted to MetaFilter by Shepherd at 9:41 AM on June 6, 2013 (28 comments)

Makes your rice go bling!

The most astonishing automated sushi roller commercial you'll see today.
posted to MetaFilter by mippy at 7:37 AM on June 6, 2013 (67 comments)

Wedding ceremonies for the non-religious?

What did you, a non-religious person, do for your wedding ceremony? What was the basic structure? What resources did you use to help you plan?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by charmedimsure at 9:15 AM on May 21, 2013 (39 comments)

Give me some life-long exercise habits to squish into my very busy life.

My life is crazy busy (whose isn't?) with school, small children and work, so often exercise is the thing that gets cut. I want to make my daily life more active, so that when I can't "exercise" I have still not been totally sedentary. I loved this question; I now stand like a flamingo every time I brush my teeth. But the question asks for general life tricks, and I am looking for exercise-specific habits. I am having a hard time googling for tricks because I am not looking for tricks or habits to implement while "exercising" or to get me to exercise.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by heybearica at 10:33 AM on May 29, 2013 (20 comments)


Last spring, Chance the Rapper got suspended from High School for 10 days. Faced with an ultimatum from his Dad to make real progress as an artist or drop it and get serious about his studies, Chance spent his suspension making the mixtape #10Day, a critical hit. Now, Chance has released another mixtape, Acid Rap, that delves even deeper (and with even more complex wordplay) into his favorite subjects: hallucinogens, nicotine addiction, the 90s, his mom, and the current dire situation of the south side of Chicago. Many critics are calling it a masterpiece. Download for free here, or listen here.
posted to MetaFilter by Potomac Avenue at 8:27 AM on May 31, 2013 (60 comments)

Oracle of Mefi

The Oracle of Mefi is a collection of intelligent, insightful, funny or otherwise interesting comments from all over Mefi.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by Foci for Analysis at 3:32 PM on May 22, 2013 (4 comments)

Vector tile river map

I made a tutorial for open source maps with vector tiles. The result is a slippy map of American rivers and some pretty static maps of every US river. But my real goal is the tutorial source code, to help other developers learn to make their own vector maps from geographic data.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by Nelson at 11:02 AM on May 21, 2013 (9 comments)

A New Start

"Arrested Development's fourth season is triumphant when it's not completely falling apart." That seems to be the critical consensus, which sees the season as ambitious but flawed—a "hot mess", if you will. The American Prospectcompares Season 4 to the housing crisis; Daniel Fienberg simply calls the season's length "exhausting". But how has binge watching affected the critical response? Showrunner Mitch Hurwitz asked viewers not to watch the whole season in one glut: "[Y]ou can’t really laugh the whole time. You have to take a break. There’s so much material." Some critics agree with Hurwitz; others argue that this season is "essentially a 7-1/2 hour long episode" and that binge watching is the only way to appreciate the new show. (Sadly, Hurwitz's original plan—to have the new episodes be watchable in any order—fell through.)
posted to MetaFilter by Rory Marinich at 12:31 PM on May 28, 2013 (369 comments)

Google Maps, Now Customized

For years, Google Maps has been the map of our world in a historically unprecedented way. The new Google Maps (announcement) will eschew the uniformity of the old Maps and instead customize the map experience based on a user's behavior. Some are concerned how this artificial narrowing will affect the way we experience places and relate to our urban spaces. Others believe the customization makes the new maps more honest. Most, however, will probably just want to comment on the huge overhaul to the interface.
posted to MetaFilter by Defenestrator at 5:12 PM on May 29, 2013 (102 comments)


The Tucson Show 2013 Mineral Rooms.
posted to MetaFilter by Think_Long at 9:56 AM on May 30, 2013 (15 comments)

The memorial that no one wanted built except the veterans

Although ranked tenth in "America's Favorite Architecture," compiled by the American Institute of Architects, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial - sometimes referred to as simply 'The Wall' - was the at the center of political and artistic controversy and opposition from the time of its announcement in 1981. The Wall, situated in Constitution Gardens adjacent to the National Mall, is "...often referred to as the veterans 3rd battle. The 1st being survival in Vietnam. The 2nd, was dealing with the rejection experienced upon returning home from war. And, the 3rd, building the Wall."
posted to MetaFilter by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 8:18 PM on May 24, 2013 (58 comments)

How do I avoid driving into my garage with my bike in the roof rack?

I just bought a roof rack for my bike. Without some kind of alarm in place, I will drive into the garage with bike on the roof. I will destroy the bike and damage my house and I want to avoid this. I need some kind of directed sensor such that when the bike breaks the line of the sensor a light flashes to remind me not to drive into the garage with the bike on my roof. Any ideas along these lines or better?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by alcahofa at 4:08 PM on May 24, 2013 (50 comments)

Loaded like a fright train

Nowadays, fortified wines are the butt of jokes. (previously) However, there was a time when they were considered mainstream and there were even a few commercials made. Of course, we can't leave out the best commercial for fortified wine ever made.
posted to MetaFilter by josher71 at 9:06 AM on May 24, 2013 (69 comments)

Just saw "Total Eclipse of the Heart" for the first time. More, please.

While settling a disagreement over whether Total Eclipse of the Heart was a duet, I just saw the music video and it blew my mind. I grew up without cable, and am pretty much ignorant of everything but the "classic" music videos from the 80's; please let me know what I'm missing.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by a box and a stick and a string and a bear at 8:34 AM on May 23, 2013 (257 comments)

Gone to Carolina and they're fined

While national media coverage of state politics has focused on hot-button topics like gun control and gay rights, a storm has been quietly brewing in Raleigh, NC, where the NAACP has organized protests calling attention to the regressive agenda of the Republican governor and NC General Assembly. Known as "Moral Mondays," these protests have resulted in nearly 160 arrests -- and they're getting bigger each week. With the GA taking a break for Memorial Day, the next showdown is set for June 3.
posted to MetaFilter by Shoggoth at 9:16 AM on May 23, 2013 (74 comments)

The Universal Measure of Land Area

As you may know, large areas are measured in Rhode Islands. For example. Now a handy web site will tell you how big countries are using this vital geographic method. Plus, you will learn some fun facts about Rhode Island.
posted to MetaFilter by GenjiandProust at 6:14 PM on May 16, 2013 (56 comments)

Dum-de-dum-duh-dum. . .

Not to make you feel old or anything, but The Breeder's Last Splash just turned 20. Time for a deluxe reissue and a tour!
posted to MetaFilter by bardic at 12:31 AM on May 15, 2013 (31 comments)

The many ways of showing how we get from A to B

Transit Maps. Designer Cameron Booth's blog and review of transit maps, diagrams, design and artwork from all over the world.
posted to MetaFilter by andrewesque at 9:34 AM on May 13, 2013 (8 comments)

A Recording Venue, Not the Popular Post-Processing Effect.

Hello. DJ Flula (who's commentary on English idioms was discussed previously on MeFi) has discarded the conventional wisdom that the best place to make your recordings is the bathroom, choosing instead to record in cars.
posted to MetaFilter by radwolf76 at 7:57 AM on May 11, 2013 (13 comments)

Precise yet Arbitrary Places

In 1998, Bruce Myren bought a portable GPS unit, and began a project he had been dreaming of since 1991: photographing each of the whole longitudinal degree intersections along the 40th parallel using an 8"x10" camera. In June, 2012, he ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to raise money to finish the project. He completed it last December, 21 years after conception: The Fortieth Parallel
posted to MetaFilter by 1367 at 12:22 PM on May 10, 2013 (44 comments)

Star Wars Kid breaks 10-year silence

The '00s were a the decade for people to laugh at overweight teenage boys. We all remember Numa Numa kid and Star Wars Kid. Well guess what - Star Wars Kid is now Star Wars Man, and he's speaking out.
posted to MetaFilter by amitai at 7:06 PM on May 9, 2013 (93 comments)

CSS Zen Garden is 10 years old, open for business

Today is the 10-year anniversary of the CSS Zen Garden Originally created to showcase and inspire the kind of design possible with CSS2 and standards-based design, the CSS Zen Garden is 10 years old today.
posted to MetaFilter by fifteen schnitzengruben is my limit at 10:27 AM on May 7, 2013 (21 comments)
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