Favorites from borborygmi

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Displaying comments 1901 to 1950 of 4213
MeFi post: This can't be happening at Macdonald Hall!
In other "you are old" news, Beverly Cleary is turning 100.

Granted, at nearly 39 years old, I'm not as young as I used to be. But Beverly Cleary has been over 60 for as long as I've been alive, so I think the "you are old" ball is way more in her court.
posted to MetaFilter by Strange Interlude at 8:33 AM on April 4, 2016
MeFi post: "Find another hobby or you're going to die."
It makes me wonder what other offenses might fall outside the scope of law enforcement when committed inside of a game store.
posted to MetaFilter by Strange Interlude at 7:45 PM on April 3, 2016
MeFi post: Internet -> internet
I think it should be written "e-m-a-i-l" and pronounced "eeeeee em ay eye el" (like the chorus of "Gloria"), just because that would make it so much more fun to talk about.
posted to MetaFilter by GenjiandProust at 4:49 PM on April 2, 2016
MeFi post: I got a little stoned, smoked some weed, put on the Superman costume.
There was a law after that: every morning people had to come to me and make sure she didn't have her contacts in, and that she would act without her contacts. It just made her wonderful.

And THAT'S why Lois Lane never recognized Clark Kent was Superman!
posted to MetaFilter by happyroach at 9:21 PM on April 2, 2016
MeFi post: You gonna rock down to Electric Avenue?
We have a 2000 square foot flat roof on our garage so I was thinking about figuring out how many solar panels it would take to be able to charge an electric car via the sun.

Our 3.5kW system - 14 panels, taking up around 60% of our 995 sq foot roof - generates enough power during the day when the sun is shining to switch the system to bypass our power meter and slow-charge the car directly. However, that's not a safe bet, since the system effectively... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by eschatfische at 9:10 AM on April 1, 2016
MeFi post: Let's Fhqwhgads Again! Let's Fhqwhgads Again!
When the thing is an embedded youtube video, you can't constantly press the tab key, hoping that the hidden link will highlight in yellow so you can click on it before it goes away.
posted to MetaFilter by deadbilly at 12:38 AM on April 2, 2016
MeFi post: drop it like it's hot
If you're concerned about how Google views gmail just consider what happens when someone at Google decides it's just not profitable enough to continue a'la Google Reader.

Gmail was announced on April Fool's Day. When they pull the plug they'll say it was all a gag from the beginning, and we're all dumb for ever thinking it was a real thing.
posted to MetaFilter by Faint of Butt at 5:25 AM on April 1, 2016
MeFi post: Spreadsheets In Space Prepare for Battle
Around this time last year the CFC decided to rebrand itself as The Imperium. It was a cheeky move, but also a clever way to give their coalition a kind of legitimacy over every other group in the game. They even went so far as to swear fealty to a quasi-religious Eve cosplayer who goes by the name Maximilian Singularity VI as a publicity stunt.

So yes, this is a picture of Gianturco kissing the ring of the Space Pope.

What a time to be alive.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Mayor West at 11:22 AM on March 31, 2016
MeFi post: Good riddance, gig economy
Who is John Dot.com?
posted to MetaFilter by Fizz at 9:27 AM on March 28, 2016
MeFi post: Who wants to go into the sun with [the hero that Gotham deserves]?
I pictured BoJack Horseman finally getting meaningful work doing voice acting in Hollywoo and my enjoyment went way up.
posted to MetaFilter by peeedro at 2:16 PM on March 26, 2016
Ask MeFi post: OS X Terminal Tips & Tricks
You can drag a file from the Finder into a terminal window, and it inserts the full path to that file.

You can also insert a path by dragging the little icon that appears to the left of the window title in any open document window.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by alms at 11:30 AM on December 7, 2015
Ask MeFi post: Overcome the mental resistance and get it done.
The biggest change I've made towards this is to stop calling things no big deal after the fact. If it takes a ton of mental effort and focus to buckle down and do the task, it is, by definition, A Big Deal, and I give myself props accordingly instead of being so damn dismissive about it. This has reduced the pre- and post-task self-chastisement, and kind of helps me reframe things a bit. It's not a cure-all, but it's been very helpful as I try to do small and medium sized tasks more consistently... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by deludingmyself at 8:44 AM on March 25, 2016
MeFi post: Latenight mansplaining
It's a little-known fact that during the pre-war years of his presidency, FDR appeared regularly on the Paddy O'Sullivan Duz Soap Radio Hour as Tip, the fat drunken bartender. His famous catchphrase was "One for the customer, and one for good old Tip!"
posted to MetaFilter by Atom Eyes at 11:07 AM on March 25, 2016
Bad day to swear to Christ, man, he's really not in the mood for it today.
posted to MetaFilter by bondcliff at 10:22 AM on March 25, 2016
MeFi post: Paige has a lot of jawn to do
When I was a kid, some friends and I had the word "bodo", which we used to essentially mean "insert word here".

You could use it to bodo just about anything. I guess jawn works pretty well too, but I suspect that I would find it very confusing, for personal reasons.
posted to MetaFilter by mrjohnmuller at 8:35 AM on March 25, 2016
MeFi post: Slaughter at the bridge: Uncovering a colossal Bronze Age battle
Every time I think about just how much of human time on earth is completely unrecorded except in the archaeology, it makes my head hurt. And that's just for homo sapiens sapiens. It's entirely too much or me to consider our ancestor species.

So much we'll just never know. I don't know how historians in the field handle just not knowing.

Then I read an article like this and basically spend half an hour with my jaw hanging open learning... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Happy Dave at 12:06 AM on March 25, 2016
MeFi post: Neural Godwin
Netflix, call me, I have an idea for a Small Wonder reboot
posted to MetaFilter by prize bull octorok at 11:03 AM on March 24, 2016
What else could possibly have happened?
posted to MetaFilter by Huck500 at 10:57 AM on March 24, 2016
MeFi post: We Were Promised Airships
My idea is a massive graphene aerogel cloud, with loads and loads of tiny chambers which (when a current is applied through them) force out the air, creating a practical vacuum airship.

Combine that with a photovoltaic skin covering the cloud, integrated superconductors to store and direct energy, and maybe some tunnels to accelerate and direct the air for propulsion and steering.

I'm thinking the whole thing could be essentially 3D printed, or... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by mrjohnmuller at 11:30 AM on March 19, 2016
MeFi post: In a fight between nurses and doctors, the nurses are slowly winning
The fact is MDs' salaries are not driving the US's insane cost of care (what is? administrative costs!), but please, do go on with the awful divisive crab-bucket labor politics about whose wages "ought to be" depressed. We don't hear enough of that already in America.
posted to MetaFilter by RogerB at 12:47 PM on March 18, 2016
MeFi post: Toward Truthiness: "After the Fact"
Other than ideological purity, I can't imagine a bigger trap than wanting to believe something.

The thing about a capitalist market is that everybody is willing to sell you something. If you want to believe something, you're a pretty easy mark.

Messages are worth a lot to the people who sell them. Religions, governments, political parties, social groups.

Reality exists solely in the minds of the people who perceive it. We... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Strudel at 9:23 PM on March 17, 2016
It's extremely worrying. One of the main reasons I moved left from my teenage libertarian days was simply that I started following politics closely during the Bush years, a time when one party was clearly more in touch with factual reality than the other. The more I've stayed on the more liberal side, the more I've seen believing convenient lies rather than inconvenient truth is not the sole realm of the right. It's very difficult to expect good ideas for government when we govern in an... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Drinky Die at 8:56 PM on March 17, 2016
MeFi post: "The Replicant project was reportedly shut down in December"
I'm really glad that Google won't be playing the role of the Tyrell Corporation in this iteration of "which Philip K. Dick novel are we going to make real this year?"

Unfortunately that just means that it'll be the second-most-terrifying runner-up, Toyota.
posted to MetaFilter by Mrs. Davros at 8:02 PM on March 17, 2016
MeFi post: USA Football/Soccer :(
A more interesting question is "why do we tend to watch sports that we don't play, and play sports that we don't watch"?
posted to MetaFilter by phooky at 6:38 PM on March 16, 2016
Probably for the same reason the UK (a pop music powerhouse since the days of Joe Meek) cannot finish above the bottom five in Eurovision; there's a deeply ingrained disdain for the very competition, and a sense that to try and not do well would be humiliating, so consequently, no effort is made.
posted to MetaFilter by acb at 6:38 PM on March 16, 2016
MeFi post: Nina Simone's Face
But the very fact that there’s such a shallow pool of actors who look like Simone is not a non-racist excuse, but a sign of racism itself—the same racism that plagued Nina Simone. Being conscious of that racism means facing the possibility of Simone’s story never being told. That is not the tragedy. The tragedy is that we live in a world that is not ready for that story to be told. The release of Nina does not challenge this fact. It reifies it.

This... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Rock Steady at 8:44 AM on March 16, 2016
MeFi post: Do we have a source on this? Uh-huh, a bunch of drunken frat boys.
The Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
posted to MetaFilter by the uncomplicated soups of my childhood at 4:22 PM on March 15, 2016
MeFi post: "When You're Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression"
do as you're told:*
Sometimes people use "respect" to mean "treating someone like a person" and sometimes they use "respect" to mean "treating someone like an authority"

and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say "if you won't respect me I won't respect you" and they mean "if you won't treat me like an authority I won't treat you like a... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by kliuless at 7:20 PM on March 13, 2016
MeFi post: Had Bernie been Bernadette
I can't really have that much sympathy for Clinton since she's basically being handed the nomination and is still fucking it up.

Yes, she's fucking it up because she made the dumb move of being Secretary of State when Benghazi happened, and even though numerous other attacks on foreign diplomatic posts happened under her boss' predecessor, this was the one that the opposing party decided to do several... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Halloween Jack at 8:06 PM on March 12, 2016
MeFi post: Dorothy on Adolf
It's the "But he can't possibly / we won't possibly..." parallel that scares me.

sallbrown, I'm reminded of this quote: “The trouble with Eichmann [Hitler] [Trump] was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Fizz at 2:52 PM on March 12, 2016
MeFi post: Dr. Straitslove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Be-Bop-A-Lula
"Sultans of Swing" is my jam, even though I bear no ill will to trumpet playing bands.
posted to MetaFilter by AlonzoMosleyFBI at 1:40 PM on March 11, 2016
MeFi post: March Sadness
Something in me suspects Hope Sandoval is going to slowly sweep this bracket as everyone who was a teen in the 90s realizes that finally FINALLY "Fade Into You" is need of a depressing prom song resurgence.
posted to MetaFilter by Kitteh at 12:20 PM on March 10, 2016
MeFi post: “Winifred, did you hear I mentioned your name, you little twat?”
Miami is nice, so I'll say it thrice.
posted to MetaFilter by Chrysostom at 9:50 AM on March 7, 2016
MeFi post: There will be Netflix on Mars
So, for instance, if I wanted to, I could watch a film about sailors fighting in the dance hall...
posted to MetaFilter by TheWhiteSkull at 8:40 PM on March 6, 2016
MeFi post: Black hole paint
I felt a great disturbance among the goth kids, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
posted to MetaFilter by Cool Papa Bell at 3:07 PM on March 6, 2016
MeFi post: Theft of literary, academic, or cruciverbal work
Oboe, Oreo, and Oleo are taken?
posted to MetaFilter by the uncomplicated soups of my childhood at 7:36 PM on March 4, 2016
MeFi post: Phil Collins: My Life in 15 Songs
I was a kid when this song came out. I really liked it, but I was certain that the words went: "She sees the hat - invisible touch, yeah!" I figured it must mean that the invisible touch, like he said, was something she could use to get whatever she wanted, like a particular hat. I was well into adulthood before I heard the line properly.
posted to MetaFilter by Countess Elena at 5:39 AM on March 1, 2016
MeFi post: Super Tuesday: it's going to be huge
Update from Massachusetts! I was in line when the polls opened, with half a dozen people in front of me. Somehow, folks in line got the idea that it was necessary to produce ID before being allowed to vote, and the woman behind me in line started talking about needing to go back out to the car to get her driver's license, but that would mean she'd be late for work so maybe she'd just leave.

Fortunately, at just this moment, I was next in line, and the poll worker (not... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Mayor West at 6:40 AM on March 1, 2016
It's going to be Trump versus Clinton.
Nelson Muntz versus Lisa Simpson.
posted to MetaFilter by dances_with_sneetches at 5:48 AM on March 1, 2016
I can't believe how much resigned Chicken Littling I've been seeing from people this time around. The election is SO far away, the Republican side is SO in chaos, the Dems are, despite deep disagreements, pretty damn well placed to win regardless of who the nominee is, and yet I see people throwing up their hands as if Presidente Trump's boot was already on their necks so why even bother? It's downright perverse. I think some people just get off on the worst case scenario.
posted to MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 3:11 AM on March 1, 2016
MeFi post: NY Penn Station - could its best days be ahead of it?
"One entered the city like a god. One scuttles in now like a rat."

That reminds me of the clusteruck you find at customs when you enter JFK. 'Welcome to New York, we don't give a fuck."
posted to MetaFilter by Liquidwolf at 6:15 PM on February 29, 2016
Lead us not into Penn Station...
posted to MetaFilter by Anne Neville at 5:37 PM on February 29, 2016
MeFi post: Taking shy bladder syndrome to the next level
A glass-enclosed toilet in Japan was recently named the world’s largest because it’s situated in the middle of a 2,000 square-foot garden. Architect Sou Fujimoto aimed to design a toilet for users "to enjoy this scenery and that feeling of release."

There's a long tradition of this. I was immediately reminded of this bit from In Praise of Shadows, a 1933 essay by novelist Junichiro Tanizaki:

Every time I am shown to... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by J.K. Seazer at 11:17 AM on February 29, 2016
MeFi post: At Sea with America's Largest Floating Gathering of Conspiracy Theorists
Anything that keeps them away from Trump rallies is good by me.
posted to MetaFilter by benito.strauss at 8:01 AM on February 29, 2016
MeFi post: “Whatever happened to predictability?”
“Fuller House” begins as a sitcom family reunion. It becomes a self-conscious, dated and maudlin reminder of the ceaseless march of time and your inevitable demise.

That escalated quickly.
posted to MetaFilter by Splunge at 11:45 AM on February 29, 2016
I was all like WTF Fuller House!? That is clearly not a geodesic dome. Or even a dymaxion...
posted to MetaFilter by rodlymight at 9:22 AM on February 29, 2016
MeFi post: Illinois Budget on hold
Would you like to know if I have opinions? I HAVE A LOT OF OPINIONS.

Actually I'm kind-of rage-choking on them. The basic situation is, the governor has now passed TWO constitutionally-mandated budget deadlines without bothering to present a budget for the legislature to vote on (which he is required to do). He will not present one until the Democratic supermajority legislature agrees to bust unions statewide. That won't ever happen. Some commentators think we could just... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Eyebrows McGee at 6:55 PM on February 28, 2016
MeFi post: "Batshit Crazy"
And I know they've not been out in the Dem primaries. Wait until they can vote to defeat Trump in the fall.

And I can't wait to see Hillary wipe the floor with Trump in debates. She's 4x smarter than he is, and is tougher, too.

I'll need to get some special popcorn for that.
posted to MetaFilter by persona au gratin at 1:39 AM on February 28, 2016
All I can think is that Tool will have so much material for their next album.
posted to MetaFilter by happyinmotion at 12:31 AM on February 28, 2016
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