Favorites from Jaltcoh

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How to stop being a racist?

How (or: Why) do people begin to stop being racist? How did you begin to learn to appreciate people of different races to your own?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by cleardawn at 7:15 AM on September 21, 2005 (36 comments)

Historical letters to a Virginia doctor

I send you some of the urine I pass in the morning: A large, interesting, well-presented archive of notes and letters (includes facsimiles) written by ordinary Virginians in the early 19th century to a country doctor, William Carmichael of Fredericksburg. Also includes medical instruments and pharmaceuticals of the time, and browse a facsimile of the doctor's daybook. Carmichael also tended to the health of slaves.
posted to MetaFilter by Rumple at 8:23 PM on December 23, 2005 (11 comments)

19th Century

A Dictionary of Amercanisms by John Russell Bartlett, published 1848. A "vocabulary of the colloquial language of the United States" during the mid-19th century. As noted by jmorrison at the nonist (the source for this link), it is interesting to see much of what we find so common today " called out as 'americanisms' not yet included in the dictionary." The site has other goodies too, such as The Slave's Friend, a Christian anti-slavery tract, and Memoirs of a Captivity Among the Indians of North America, by John Dunn Hunter, published in 1823 and 1824 and recounting his life after being captured as a young boy and raised by Native American tribes. It provides an intimate, inside look at their societies, customs and battles.
posted to MetaFilter by caddis at 3:09 PM on December 17, 2005 (17 comments)

What experience most shaped who you are?

Life-altering experiences. Can you point to a single experience in your life, as a child, which you can define as having contributed to the person you are today? (+)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jeremias at 4:41 AM on February 2, 2005 (210 comments)

When is it ok to pile on a poster?

Regarding this question. What's the rule of thumb here? Is it ok to pile on a poster and not answer his question if he's a minor? If his parents are possibly rich? If he lives in LA? If you don't like his attitude? If you're mad because you had a shitty car when you were 16, or even -- GASP -- no car at all, and this kid totally doesn't even deserve one, much less a NEW one?
posted to MetaTalk by fishfucker at 3:22 PM on April 19, 2006 (161 comments)

What do you wish you would have done with your young child?

Single dad with almost 4 yo son. For those with older children, looking back, what do you wish you would have done/started when your child was young. I'm thinking along the lines of "take more photos, buy life insurance, force them to learn an instrument, save $50/week for college, etc."
posted to Ask MetaFilter by crosten at 8:21 AM on January 24, 2006 (67 comments)

What's That?

What's That? Sadly, the education of the youth of amerika is declining in more than one way. The other day I was at the grocery store and the checker was unable to identify a portabello mushroom. And no, she wasn't new...and to make matters worse the checker next to her didn't know either. (more inside)
posted to MetaFilter by MiHail at 9:25 AM on November 12, 2005 (1011 comments)

Advice for A Graduate

My 18 year old brother is graduating high school next week. I am compiling a book of "advice for living" for him as a grad gift. Does anyone have any good advice or anecdotes they would like to offer? Some suggested topics are Drugs, Being a Musician/Artist (he's an accomplished guitar player), Sex, Dating, Working, Money, Lifestyle, Cooking, Home Decorating, Women, Being a Man etc.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by evilcupcakes at 12:11 PM on June 10, 2005 (54 comments)

What were your favorite albums of 2004?

What were your favorite albums of 2004? The critics will be releasing their lists soon and I'm curious what Metafilter liked.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by driveler at 6:21 AM on December 6, 2004 (84 comments)

Awkwardfulness is. Long is not

Pentasyllabic is. Edible is not. Some words refer to themselves, some do not - an introduction to the paradox of language and a way to amaze your easily-amazed friends. In a similar vein, you may already test yourself by using e-prime, but do you know the thirty-two eskimo words for snow?
posted to MetaFilter by blahblahblah at 8:11 PM on November 30, 2004 (97 comments)

NES Synth Covers

NES Synth covers of classic songs by those goons at Something Awful. Previous NES music stuff: 8bitpeoples' "Axel F" and "The 8 Bits of Christmas", The Video Game Pianist and his famous videos, A Capella NES Themes, SMW Soundtrack, etc. On the Marimba, too, just a few minutes ago. (via BB...via waxy)
posted to MetaFilter by BlackLeotardFront at 11:24 PM on November 21, 2005 (35 comments)

Hometown loss

Images of the Lower 9th Ward by Trent Reznor.
posted to MetaFilter by setanor at 11:56 AM on November 1, 2005 (55 comments)

Indie Rock Recommendations

Music recommendations for someone who has grown up/apart from indie rock.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by kmel at 11:22 AM on April 13, 2006 (39 comments)

cortex records matthewchen is spamming

This is a litle weird, maybe, but so cool I wouldn't want anyone to miss it before it drops off the MeTa front page. adamrice said 'matthewchen is spamming', so I said 'there's a jangly, wistful guitarpop song somewhere in the phrase 'mathewchen is spamming'....' and cortex agreed and went ahead and recorded the song. How cool is that? I love this place sometimes.
posted to MetaTalk by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:04 PM on March 28, 2006 (151 comments)

Ghost signs | Fading Ads

"Ghost signs" or "fading ads", are a window to an earlier time. "There may have even been successive ads painted on a particular wall -especially if it was in a prime location- so that the several layers of paint in their various states of decay now extend quite a mysterious message!" Toronto, Texas, Ogden. . . .Ogden? Meet one of the last of the "wall dogs". Browse a book. Somebody please buy me one of these. <Previously>
posted to MetaFilter by spock at 4:50 PM on September 29, 2005 (18 comments)

Tracking Down An Address In 1939 Vienna

How can I get my hands on a Vienna phonebook from circa 1938? I will be spending a weekend in Vienna next month, and I would love to see the apartment where my late grandfather lived before fleeing the Nazis. Unfortunately, nobody in the family knows the address, and there aren't any letters or other documents to provide it. Things are also complicated by the fact that I won't be visiting on a weekday, so any archives that might have this information will presumably be closed. Plus, I don't speak German. Am I out of luck, or is there any way to track this information down in the next few weeks?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by yankeefog at 7:22 AM on October 18, 2005 (38 comments)

american atheist or agnostic

Please it's not a debate about if its right or wrong to be godless !
posted to Ask MetaFilter by luis huiton at 4:17 AM on May 6, 2006 (66 comments)

How do you cultivate gratitude?

Do you have ways to put your life into perspective and force yourself to appreciate that you're really pretty privileged? Or do you allow yourself to get bored and solipsistic and desirous of more (material or otherwise) stuff?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by catesbie at 12:11 PM on June 10, 2005 (37 comments)

How do you deal with a curious 5 year old?

How do you deal with religion and children? My wife and I are not really religious, I was bought up as a Catholic - but reached 13 or 14 with serious doubts and left religion behind, I'm curious and and understanding of beliefs and faiths. My wife is a confirmed non-believer, and had no religious upbringing - so struggles with explaining all of the questions. My five year old son however...
posted to Ask MetaFilter by mattr at 8:33 AM on June 27, 2005 (22 comments)

is none singular?

Which is correct, and why? (a) "None of those were..." (b) "None of those was..."
posted to Ask MetaFilter by cortex at 5:44 PM on July 14, 2005 (28 comments)

Christian Logic Question

Christian beliefs logical question.....
posted to Ask MetaFilter by TheFeatheredMullet at 10:29 AM on July 20, 2005 (38 comments)

Is it ever right to allow a population to starve?

Please help correct my cold utilitarian calculus: is it ever right to allow a population to starve?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hoverboards don't work on water at 5:19 AM on May 1, 2006 (24 comments)

Why do we say "um"?

When we hesitate when we speak, the most often heard sound is "um". Why is this? Is it learned? Mechanical? Is it the same in other languages?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by peacay at 5:30 PM on May 9, 2006 (37 comments)

What happens when young dreams grow old?

How have your life lessons/philosophies/epiphanies etc changed over the course of your life so far? What has changed now? What don't you believe in now that you did ten years ago? And vice versa.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by twirlypen at 2:16 AM on May 10, 2006 (26 comments)

Library educated, thank you very much.

I've often wondered if the quote from the movie Good Will Hunting: "You wasted 150 grand on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library" is feasible.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by pwally at 8:55 AM on May 10, 2006 (42 comments)
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