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MetaTalk post: Are these an acceptable use of Ask.me or not?
I'm going to get me a cat, and then I'm going to name her Ask Metafilter. And then I'm going to sublet my account to her, have her walk all over the keyboard whenever somebody writes "help me, Ask Metafilter".

Then, after a month or so, I'll get her a friend. Hive Mind, I'll call him.
posted to MetaTalk by soundofsuburbia at 1:40 PM on December 19, 2006
MetaTalk post: More Inside
It's about lording one's position within the community over others by redirecting comnmentary into stylistic quibbling.

You know what? Style fucking matters. I am so very tired of people acting like it doesn't (see also: superscript). You may be a booger-eating mouth-breather who wouldn't know taste if it bit him in the ass, but many of us aren't. And if you think multiple paragraphs aren't ugly or antithetical to the purpose and... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by dame at 11:32 AM on December 12, 2006
MetaTalk post: Reading Comprehension 101
Ten things I learned about people from MetaFilter:

10. People want to know why their computer is beeping.
9. People don't understand that they control what happens to their withheld tax.
8. People can't read plain English. Some of them don't even have the excuse of knowing another language.
6. People can't count to 10.
5. People don't understand what inflation means, or how holding money makes them currency... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by ikkyu2 at 5:30 PM on December 5, 2006
MetaTalk post: NYC music meetup
Hooray for grumpuses!
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 12:41 PM on December 4, 2006
MetaTalk post: Metatalk Tags
if you can't discuss this idea sensibly right now then no problem

At the end of the day the only thing that actually matters is if Matt thinks it's a beneficial idea (and then finds time to implement it) so it seems somewhat irrelevant what actually goes on in this thread... unless a team of trusted ninja-tag-editors must be assembled, and in that case, let me be the first to say, "I want absolutely nothing to do with that thankless task."
posted to MetaTalk by Rhomboid at 7:26 AM on November 27, 2006
MeFi post: A clever little trick to protect your passwords.
what I do is just bring a heavy lead pipe with me to the internet cafe, and bash whatever computer i was just using into pieces before i leave
posted to MetaFilter by wumpus at 12:51 PM on November 23, 2006
MetaTalk post: Why was a question about Limbaugh's and Hannity's reaction to the election deleted?
Can someone sum up today's Mary Worth?

I have the paper, I just can't bring myself to read Mary Fucking Worth.
posted to MetaTalk by Alvy Ampersand at 8:27 PM on November 8, 2006
MetaTalk post: Deletion Reason
What an awesome callout. Next time, maybe also tell me to also spend my time on a treadmill working off my fat lazy ass.
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 11:48 AM on November 7, 2006
MetaTalk post: MetaFilter Debate Society.
I'll take Hitler. Great orator, and likely to undercut Godwinning bullshit from the other side.
"You know who else had 'free-speech zones'? Hitler."
"No, actually, I did not."
posted to MetaTalk by klangklangston at 5:52 AM on November 6, 2006
MetaTalk post: xxxx questions answered
See, I completely understand and pretty much agree with everything you've said. But still, when I hear people say "should of" instead of "should have", I want to wring their necks.

I hear you. I'm the same way, except with me it's "may have" used where I would say "might have." "If he'd run faster, he may have caught the ball"—no, no, no! It's might have, dammit! But there's no contradiction... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by languagehat at 10:49 AM on November 3, 2006
MetaTalk post: Mefi-CBC Radio crossover
Love your username, regardless. I don't think Gibson has written anything more compelling that his ode to piratical procrastination, All Tomorrow, Sparties.
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 5:26 AM on October 31, 2006
MeFi post: Runaway inflation or just Ebay-as-usual?
I have turned the UK pounds in my pocket from $1.40 to $1.90, just by watching six years of American deficit spending.
posted to MetaFilter by rhymer at 1:34 AM on October 30, 2006
MeFi post: Best of teh Web, and by best, I mean worst.
posted to MetaFilter by quonsar at 7:15 PM on October 27, 2006
MetaTalk post: Don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about
Shorter MeTa thread:
reklaw: Hi everyone, I'm a huge asshole.
Everyone else on the internet: Fair enough, but also you have no idea what you're talking about.
posted to MetaTalk by ibmcginty at 12:56 PM on October 26, 2006
MeFi post: We're familiar with Miss Manners work but wouldn't dream of being familiar with Miss Manners herself.
She could have a field day with the uncouth behaviors exhibited here.

She went to Wellesley. Do you think she chows box?
posted to MetaFilter by Mayor Curley at 6:26 PM on October 24, 2006
MetaTalk post: Is MeFi protected against cross-site request forgery?
eat a bag of dick, quonsar.
posted to MetaTalk by mathowie at 2:27 PM on October 22, 2006
MetaTalk post: Animated Gifs in MeFi
"Failure to capitalize properly - or at least consistently - bugs the hell out of me. Especially when it is done in a post. I think we should ban it. You?"
posted by loquacious at 2:15 PM AEST on October 20

Right. That's it. I'm sick of all these people bitching about capitalization and the way people use it. Please sign the following document to end such bitching.

posted to MetaTalk by Effigy2000 at 8:29 PM on October 19, 2006
MeFi post: Beautiful NYC Women – Video Site
"You always look at other women," Frances said. "At every damn woman in the city of New York."

"Oh, come now," Michael said, pretending to joke. "Only pretty ones. And, after all, how many pretty women are there in New York? Seventeen?"

"More. At least you seem to think so. Wherever you go."

"Not the truth. Occasionally, maybe, I look at a woman as she passes.
... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by grabbingsand at 11:21 AM on September 18, 2006
MetaTalk post: OP starts judgements early
MetaFilter: I think it's best to give people the benefit of the doubt, and- Hahahaha!... hah... heh... oh my.
posted to MetaTalk by Alvy Ampersand at 6:44 PM on September 12, 2006
MetaTalk post: Were we pwned?
Actually, it'd be better characterized as the "i'm in ur X Yin' ur Zs" joke. Compare:

"i'm in ur base, basing your bases"

"i'm in ur complaint, templatizing your peeve"
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 2:48 PM on September 6, 2006
MeFi post: "I hope I'm still around to catch the cockring at Sulu's. . ."
Andy Dick finally gets put in his place! It's about time comedians tackled that sacred cow.
posted to MetaFilter by Blazecock Pileon at 6:30 PM on August 29, 2006
MetaTalk post: Can anyone help me understand why this post was deleted?
I just assume any internet acronym of more than four letters means "quietly taking my pants off again." Then I don't have to google the meaning, and threads like this are vastly more entertaining.
posted to MetaTalk by frykitty at 2:03 PM on August 28, 2006
MeFi post: The Hive Mind Discovers Aliens
Eideteker, his eyebrow cocked, his mouth frowning.
posted to MetaFilter by Optimus Chyme at 10:34 AM on August 28, 2006
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