481 MetaFilter comments by bargle (displaying 1 through 50)
High and Dry
Yes, while you were glued to teh noose about the big K, burning man happened. Even there, Katrina had a presence. The next camp over from mine, a man was worried about his relatives in NO (He later heard they were alright.)
Burning man was awesome as usual. And painful. And cathartic. And I had a ball. Those times I wasn't suffering, that is.
comment posted at 7:44 PM on Sep-7-05
comment posted at 7:44 PM on Sep-7-05
Meet The Duggars!
?Michelle and Jim Bob have had 15 children in 16 years all with first names that start with the letter “J”. Recently they had their own 1 hour reality TV show called: 14 Children and Pregnant Again. They belong to the Full Quiver movement which states that you should receive as many children as God blesses you with. The women dress Little House on the Prairie fashion and refer to themselves as Prairie Muffins. The men get to dress normally. This is what the White Supremists think of them and this is what other Christians think of them.
comment posted at 6:49 PM on Nov-30-04
comment posted at 6:49 PM on Nov-30-04
Giant Jesus
stops traffic in Ohio. Church officials say their King of Kings statue is the largest in America, but the folks in Eureka Springs, Arkansas might have something to say about that. Their seven-story Jesus weighs in at over two million pounds.
comment posted at 2:13 PM on Nov-30-04
comment posted at 2:13 PM on Nov-30-04
... home to abandoned DOS games, for discussion and download.
comment posted at 6:45 PM on Dec-1-04
comment posted at 6:45 PM on Dec-1-04
The MilkDrop visualisation now comes by default with Time Warner's Winamp, and is the greatest thing ever.
comment posted at 8:01 AM on Nov-30-04
comment posted at 8:01 AM on Nov-30-04
Canadian authorities have arrested US President George W. Bush and charged him with offences under Canada's War Crimes Act.
Says (Canadian Prime Minister) Paul Martin: “This decision was not made lightly. But, it was also a decision that was impossible not to make. The United States is not outside the rule of law, and cannot expect to get an unlimited “free pass”. This decision puts a grave strain upon both our nations, and I urge calm and restraint from our American neighbours, as well as from Canadians. I have met with the cabinet, and with our colleagues in the House. This is a time of great crisis for us as a nation. But as people, we will survive this test. Earlier I enacted the Emergency War Powers Act. This is necessary to guarantee our domestic security. This is not a time for panic, for lawlessness, for anything other than a responsible and sobre focus on what lies immediately ahead.”
comment posted at 4:53 PM on Nov-29-04
comment posted at 4:53 PM on Nov-29-04
An odd category for this DVD.
I was searching for a favorite film of mine, The Hebrew Hammer, when I noticed that Overstock.com had filed it under the wrong category. This made me chuckle and I hope it makes you smile too.
Happy two days before thanksgiving everyone!
comment posted at 1:04 PM on Nov-23-04
comment posted at 1:04 PM on Nov-23-04
Song meanings
is a site where you can read the lyrics to a song and then post your thoughts on what the song means.
comment posted at 4:43 PM on Nov-18-04
comment posted at 4:43 PM on Nov-18-04
This is the best of the web if e'er there was one. Go play.
comment posted at 4:39 PM on Nov-16-04
comment posted at 4:39 PM on Nov-16-04
The Final Hours of Half-Life 2:
A fascinating look at the development hell that HL2 went through in the last year and a half. (via, of course, PA)
comment posted at 8:32 PM on Nov-13-04
comment posted at 8:32 PM on Nov-13-04
Upon closer inspection, it seems the vice president’s smile was not his biggest, ahem, asset. Is that what we think it is?
comment posted at 3:47 PM on Nov-12-04
comment posted at 3:47 PM on Nov-12-04
comment posted at 3:47 PM on Nov-12-04
comment posted at 3:47 PM on Nov-12-04
Virtual Bartender.
A sexed-up version of subservient chicken. Despite the name, lousy at mixing drinks.
comment posted at 11:58 AM on Nov-12-04
comment posted at 12:12 PM on Nov-12-04
comment posted at 11:58 AM on Nov-12-04
comment posted at 12:12 PM on Nov-12-04
Let the Eagle Soar
[mp3] John Ashcroft has resigned as attorney general, saying "the objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved." He leaves behind a legacy of DOJ Accomplishments in the War on Terror (many of which seem to have been accomplished by non-DOJ parties) despite not actually convicting anyone of terrorism. I feel safer already.
comment posted at 7:37 PM on Nov-9-04
comment posted at 7:37 PM on Nov-9-04
Last night's aurora borealis was seen in, among other places, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana,
Nebraska, New York, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Recent sightings are reported here, and lots of charts and graphs that I don't understand are here courtesy of the government.
comment posted at 7:52 PM on Nov-9-04
comment posted at 7:52 PM on Nov-9-04
Mr. Bush's first big political move.
Banning gays? Killing babies to produce oil? No, tax reform! What? Nothing sinister in that, you say! Except he might totally do away with the current system and create a flat tax or national sales tax. Quick, everyone read up on flat taxes, and national sales tax! Blogger's favorite economist Atrios gives his two cents. With everything going on, it is almost nostalgic to see tax reform become an issue.
comment posted at 1:02 PM on Nov-8-04
comment posted at 1:02 PM on Nov-8-04
Ever wonder how the world is going to hell in a handbasket if gay marriage runs amok? Our own digaman recounts his ceremony from a couple years ago, after being together with someone for ten years. Sounds like every other wedding I've ever been to (except for the lack of bridesmaids). I'm always telling family members that don't have gay friends like I do: don't fear them, I assure you they're just as boring as you and I.
comment posted at 6:32 PM on Nov-5-04
comment posted at 6:32 PM on Nov-5-04
We're so unbelievably sorry, everyone...
Seriously. We're not even kidding.
comment posted at 6:49 PM on Nov-5-04
Seriously. We're not even kidding.
comment posted at 6:49 PM on Nov-5-04
Only in 1967 did Loving v. Virginia
overturn vigorously-enforced laws against interracial marriage in these 15 states--Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Only in 1964 did the Civil Rights Act overturn laws against equal access to voting, public accommodation, and public education. Only in 1963 did the Equal Pay Act mandate that men and women be paid the same wage for the same work at the same job.
History isn't a superhighway, leading us in straight lines toward utopia. We fall back and we move forward, but over the past fifty years, the United States has become considerably more inclusive and equality of access to opportunity has widened. Take a look at this article from the Atlantic Monthly in 1956--1956!--if you don't believe me.
comment posted at 5:55 PM on Nov-4-04
comment posted at 5:55 PM on Nov-4-04
Plotting your escape?
Marry a Canadian. "Legions of Canadians have already pledged to sacrifice their singlehood to save our southern neighbours from four more years of cowboy conservatism." [via Gothamist]
comment posted at 5:16 PM on Nov-4-04
comment posted at 5:16 PM on Nov-4-04
OK, take a deeep breath and relaaaaax... Just relax... Nothing new here, nothing threatening, just relax.
comment posted at 7:31 PM on Nov-3-04
comment posted at 7:31 PM on Nov-3-04
Philippe Starck's been making lots of stuff lately, but I didn't know he was producing shoes for Puma until today (flash site features an odd naked guy you can make jump and walk). Clean and sleek, but they're fetching $200+ a pair which is kind of outrageous. Another bunch of freaky expensive wacky shoe designs I found are from Fessura. Click through their gallery to get an idea of what they offer. Medium continue to be my personal favorite shoes, but I'm always on the lookout for more interesting things to wear. If you've seen any interesting shoes lately, do share.
comment posted at 7:40 PM on Nov-3-04
comment posted at 7:40 PM on Nov-3-04
It's unOFFICIAL! yet again!
Bush wins re-election! And Nader nowhere to shoulder blame.
The consequences.
The deciding demographic? The Evangelical vote. (Interestingly, look how the vote went for Carter, born-again Southern Baptist, in the '76 election.)
So who's to blame? Personally, I point the finger at the PR. Because everyone should damn-well accept the fact that it's not about the issues.
Let the recount and litigation begin!
comment posted at 11:39 PM on Nov-2-04
Bush wins re-election! And Nader nowhere to shoulder blame.
The consequences.
The deciding demographic? The Evangelical vote. (Interestingly, look how the vote went for Carter, born-again Southern Baptist, in the '76 election.)
So who's to blame? Personally, I point the finger at the PR. Because everyone should damn-well accept the fact that it's not about the issues.
Let the recount and litigation begin!
comment posted at 11:39 PM on Nov-2-04
Early exit polling shows strong Kerry battleground states edge
: lots of variables in play, and these numbers do not include early voting. Further, early exit polling has in the past tended to favor Republicans. This election, though, that trend may no longer hold. We'll see. Get out and vote! Vote vote vote! (more inside).
comment posted at 3:10 PM on Nov-2-04
comment posted at 3:10 PM on Nov-2-04
Leave It To Bush! - No. 2.
In which George Bush discusses relationships and family with Bill Cosby. On the Moon. [Flash]
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Nov-1-04
comment posted at 4:26 PM on Nov-1-04
NYC Critical Mass ride dampened by heavy police presence
Critical Mass, A peaceful demonstration that takes place on the last friday of the month at hundreds of cities around the world. The gathering of hundreds to thousands of cyclists to stress the importance of nonpolluting transportation alternatives and promote the cycling community.
Last night's critical mass was faced with a very heavy police presence (including 3 helicopters that followed the cyclists on the route). I was there and the police were peaceful, but perhaps necessary and the helicopters were just intimidating. The whole aura assumed there was going to be some type of crime. There type of people that take part in Critical Mass are generally the opposite of violent. It felt violating to be followed around, by not one, but three helicopters and hundreds of officers on scooters. The Critical Mass was being treated as if we just shot up a building or robbed a bank. The whole thing was stupid, and people got arrested for stupid reasons. Thanks NYPD the Judge said we could be there.
33, 47, whatever, it was too many.
comment posted at 5:28 PM on Oct-30-04
comment posted at 5:28 PM on Oct-30-04
Go outside and watch the eclipse
[if it's night where you are]. Tonight's lunar eclipse -- visible on all continents except Australia -- marks the first time there has been an eclipse during a World Series game. If Fox is feeling generous, it could be the widest TV audience a total eclipse of a "Blood Moon" has ever had. If you're in the US, click on this time zone map to get a quicktime movie of what the moon will look like overhead in your state.
comment posted at 5:24 PM on Oct-27-04
comment posted at 5:24 PM on Oct-27-04
Hey, no crying in baseball! Who would you like the Red Sox to win it for? A Sox fanboard thread dedicates the hoped-for, possibly imminent World Series championship to loved ones living and dead. NSFW, if your employer frowns on tears streaming down your cheeks.
comment posted at 8:49 PM on Oct-27-04
comment posted at 8:49 PM on Oct-27-04
There's a new iPod out, with a 60 gig harddrive, colour screen, and iPhoto compatibility. There's also a Super Keen Black iPod, with U2 on it or something.
comment posted at 10:23 PM on Oct-26-04
comment posted at 10:23 PM on Oct-26-04
Why I love live TV.
Anyone remember Elvis Costello shaking things up a bit on SNL in 1977? Succulent pop-star Ashlee Simpson did the same thing tonight only it wasn't intentional. Appears the lip synch track started before she was ready. Video also mirrored here if first one gets filtered'
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Oct-24-04
comment posted at 2:50 PM on Oct-24-04
Not porn, just gay
PayPal suddenly delists queer sites: “[H]e raised objections to PalPal’s action, saying his organization’s aim is to educate the public on ways to avoid AIDS. He said PayPal never responded to his concerns.... PayPal sent [another site owner] a reply saying the company would consider reinstating his account if he submits a statement promising to ‘remove the book covers wherein individuals are touching each other’ ”
comment posted at 12:11 PM on Oct-23-04
comment posted at 12:11 PM on Oct-23-04
My Hed Iz Pastede On Yay.
This Thread Iz Pastede On Yay! My S2 Iz Pastede On Yay! My red iz pastede on yay! My gold medal iz pastede on yay! My Bond iz pastede on yay! Your face iz pastede on yay? Your religion iz pastede on yay. Six months on, the meme is only just getting started. (Support provided by the Google Meme Observatory.)
comment posted at 6:31 PM on Oct-22-04
comment posted at 6:31 PM on Oct-22-04
Porn and politics bump and grind synergistically in an erotic flick benefiting the Kerry campaign.
With the hotly contested election looming, nothing brings our country together like pornography. At least that's the theory behind Fahrenheit 69: The Porn for Kerry DVD.
A group of Ivy League grads, appalled by the prospect of four more years of Bush, seized the opportunity to meld their passions for business, politics and porn into Porn for Progress. The crew, led by Executive Director "Dick Tater," a 23-year-old Wharton biz-school alum, spent two months creating this full-length film, which retails for $19.99 (more info at www.pornforprogress.com [WARNING: some content VERY NSFW]).[mi]
comment posted at 12:49 PM on Oct-22-04
comment posted at 12:49 PM on Oct-22-04
During a question-and-answer period, someone says they'd once heard Johnston call for the execution of gays and lesbians. He vigorously denies the charge. Later, he tells me that the decision to put gays to death is a matter best left up to the states.Ohio's precedent-shattering new ballot initiative and the people behind it. (Salon, ad req'd.)
comment posted at 9:30 AM on Oct-19-04
Bill O'Reilly Hit with Sex Suit: Female Fox coworker details lewd behavior of cable TV star:
"Based on the extensive quotations cited in the complaint, it appears a safe bet that Mackris, 33, recorded some of O'Reilly's more steamy soliloquies. For example, we direct you to his Caribbean shower fantasies. While we suggest reading the entire document, TSG will point you to interesting sections on a Thailand sex show, Al Franken, and the climax of one August 2004 phone conversation."
comment posted at 3:46 AM on Oct-14-04
comment posted at 3:46 AM on Oct-14-04
"I would not bring my two sons to the Capitol between now and the election,"
says Sen. Mark Dayton (D-Minn.), who is closing his DC office through election day because of a recent top-secret intelligence report.
comment posted at 11:26 PM on Oct-12-04
comment posted at 11:26 PM on Oct-12-04
is a Flash game about mining Mars. It just devoured my morning. Be careful.
comment posted at 11:12 PM on Oct-12-04
comment posted at 11:12 PM on Oct-12-04
The Most Unfortunate Campaign Sign Ever
Is it a sign of the Apocalypse? Is it a sign of how the future will be if the religious reich gets the federal power they want? Or is it just unfortunate?
comment posted at 7:50 AM on Oct-11-04
comment posted at 7:50 AM on Oct-11-04
Bush & Kerry Round Two: Town Hall
It was going to be done. I'm just the one doing it.
comment posted at 9:31 PM on Oct-8-04
It was going to be done. I'm just the one doing it.
comment posted at 9:31 PM on Oct-8-04
Star Wars Chick.
Not to be confused with the star wars kid. Besides, Star Wars Chick looks much better in her handmade Slave Leia Cosutme [ via memepool ]
comment posted at 3:14 PM on Sep-30-04
comment posted at 3:14 PM on Sep-30-04
Would You, as a Human Being, be Willing to Shake Hands with a Jew?
comment posted at 12:54 PM on Sep-29-04
comment posted at 12:54 PM on Sep-29-04