Favorites from stavrosthewonderchicken

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Displaying comments 351 to 400 of 1305
MeFi post: "It’s like Kate Bush if she knew how to write a good song."
It sounds like you're the first type of music consumer being mentioned – the one who just wants something pleasant to put on, well-categorized, well-enough-written, that's that.

That's a strange conclusion. Extroverted music listeners, who get a lot of excitement out of interacting with others about music (even passively, in the form of reading and so on) often seem not to get that there's more than one deep and serious way to love... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by two or three cars parked under the stars at 9:11 AM on March 22, 2013
MeFi post: Take a load off
Fuck this "American Standard" bs. The Band is overwhelmingly Canadian. 4/5s. You people can't keep taking credit for our amazing musicians and leaving us with Avril Lavigne and Bryan Adams. Tired of this shit.
posted to MetaFilter by dobbs at 7:57 AM on March 21, 2013
MeFi post: Reticulating Splines
It's not like this stuff was ever offered for free in the past; if something wasn't on the CD you just never got it.

One of the glorious oddities of the brave new world of DLC is that there may, in fact, be content on the CD that is not available until you pony up some extra cash to unlock it. Content that is finished and gold and printed on day one that's firewalled off until you dish up the extra five or ten bucks.

The CD... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 8:44 PM on March 18, 2013
MeFi post: Gone in 60 Seconds: The Impact of the Megaupload Shutdown on Movie Sales
Setting aside eriko's rude sarcasm (Yes, browbeat people for jumping to conclusions, that will certainly encourage better behavior in the future), and speaking as someone who spends most of his day working with statistical models, I think there are a variety of worrisome factors in the approach the authors take. In practice, the question that the authors are taking on is a difficult one, and their analysis is *good* but it isn't *great.* Given the strong feelings people have towards this topic,... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by belarius at 7:40 AM on March 18, 2013
MeFi post: Reticulating Splines
So after a week and reading all that I have about this, it seems like the core of the game is a first-round washout of some 24 hour indie game challenge written by someone with no knowledge of prior art in routing or agent simulation. Which result was then described to some non-technical EA executive as "oh god this is really cool, we can actually do like The Sims but with a whole city!" And the executive's brain saw octarine dollar signs and their brain exploded. And then EA spent... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by seanmpuckett at 5:36 AM on March 15, 2013
MeFi post: We derive our own identities from the act of hating
"There was a period in my life where I was going through some bad shit, and Green Day and My Chemical Romance helped get me through it. And even after that, when they toured together I was too self-conscious to go and see them because of the haters."

You, and many other people, will be so much happier when you let go of being neurotic about your taste.
posted to MetaFilter by klangklangston at 3:01 PM on March 5, 2013
MeFi post: Reticulating Splines
This is frustrating, because my options for people to play it with remain random internet people, who have now played it over and over for years.

I would heartily recommend you head over to MeFightClub and search for whatever the most recent Portal 2 thread is; I'm positive you'd find a few people who haven't been through the co-op campaign or haven't in long enough for it to feel on the new side again who would be willing to give it a go. I'd offer... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 2:03 PM on March 5, 2013
MeFi post: DHS Checkpoint Refusals
[Link fixed. Please do not (a) post bare urls into comments or (b) use url shorteners on mefi.]
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 9:32 AM on February 27, 2013
Good morning, fellow honorable citizen of our glorious nation. Perchance that I might inspect your personage and garments, for the purpose of detecting items of a noxious or threatening essence?

-- Hail, noble guardian of our country's portals! The pleasure I shall derive from your company is vast, and wholly commensurate with my willingness to submit myself to your official and blessed mission.

I thank you as a comrade, and additionally bestow... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by the quidnunc kid at 2:47 AM on February 27, 2013
MetaTalk post: Our friend, WolfDaddy
I feel like my comment about WolfDaddy should be loud, laced with profanity, doused in gin, and followed by a long drag on a cigarette. That's how he would have wanted it.

Everything I try to write comes across maudlin and mopey and I can confirm that WolfDaddy would absofuckingloutely not approve of that shit for one minute. I can sort of hear him now. Not surprising that he could be heard from beyond the veil: that man could make some serious noise! If he heard me... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jph at 5:24 PM on February 19, 2013
MetaTalk post: How does wasting away together in Metafilterville sound?
I used to work at a Korean-owned company and a lot of my coworkers went to Seoul for various functions. The only stories I ever heard about them were about how unbelievably much alcohol was consumed.

So what I'm saying is, that is an option.
posted to MetaTalk by restless_nomad at 9:15 PM on February 15, 2013
MeFi post: A Warning to College Professors From a High School Teacher
Seriously, the start of this thread smacked so much of "tl;dr." I come to mefi to get away from the "this has too many words I don't want it" attitude prevalent on other sites.
posted to MetaFilter by You Can't Tip a Buick at 2:10 PM on February 10, 2013
Interesting article, thanks for the post.

I have grown grudgingly accustomed to being told how the topic of a Metafilter post sucks over and over in the comments section for the past few years, but today along with the usual race to the bottom I get "I could tell you point by point how this sucks, but I am too lazy so just take my word for it" and "I knew a guy who was kind of personally reprehensible and he had the same job as the person commenting on the... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Kwine at 2:05 PM on February 10, 2013
MeFi post: Afghanistan in the 1960s
I actually posted a link to the archive previously, but it's great to have the additional commentary and information.
posted to MetaFilter by ChuraChura at 7:45 PM on February 2, 2013
MetaTalk post: Racial Slur
I have lived my whole life in Alaska, and currently travel all around the west (Yup'ik) and north (Inupiat) coasts of that state, and have friends in just about every village.

As noted, the people who live there refer to themselves as eskimos (cf Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission, World Eskimo-Indian Olympics, etc. etc.). Further, they are a tough and proud people. I doubt it's ever even occurred to them to get their panties in wad, Metafilter style, over some... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Alaska Jack at 10:46 AM on February 1, 2013
MeFi post: Jim Hines Strikes Back. Again.
All I could think of when I saw the photo was "thank God I lost ten pounds last month."
posted to MetaFilter by jscalzi at 9:05 PM on January 21, 2013
MetaTalk post: Edit misuse protocol?
> I was talking only about what I was talking about.

Fair enough, amigo. Fair enough. But I still think you're romanticizing the days of yore. Which I too am prone to, so I cast no stones.
posted to MetaTalk by languagehat at 5:04 PM on January 20, 2013
MeFi post: DJ Shadow: same as he ever was
stavrosthewonderchicken, DJ Shadow doesn't really fit into any molds, in my opinion, so I'll try to come at your question sideways. Perhaps I'm just not well-versed enough in the scene to know. He layers and combines a few different genres in ways that are pretty one of a kind (in this set alone: vintage documentary audio, breaks, dub, d&b, old-school electro, west coast rap, old-school east-coast rap, modern dirty south rap, booty-bass stuff, + more, and even sneaks in a little bit of... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by TheNewWazoo at 5:38 PM on January 20, 2013
MetaTalk post: MeFi is adding titles
Now that I think more about it, a title is really an odd genre of writing. I think what I find so difficult about reading the site now is this genre switching. What was nice about the old version is that you were, mainly, reading a series of sentences. Rather than a title, a description, and a series of links, the Metafilter house style was to elegantly embed the links into a syntactically flowing series of sentences, often in clever ways. This mixture of links and plain text is, at least... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by chortly at 6:34 PM on January 8, 2013
Sorry, I'm being heated and rude and making things worse. I'd edit out all the nastiness if that was what the edit window was for. Sorry, mods and Anil. I'll give myself a walk and come back when I can behave like a grown-up again.
posted to MetaTalk by Rory Marinich at 9:46 AM on January 8, 2013
I can't read anil's comment without immediately recalling how badly SixApart snarfed up making changes with LiveJournal - and the dismissive reactions from SixApart that essentially boiled down to "we know better than you, the users who have been using this all the time for years - so accept our changes to this site you're so invested in & quit complaining already".

Eh, don't want to make this thread about me, but suffice to say, the reason I was a public... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by anildash at 9:18 AM on January 8, 2013
Ahhh kill it with fire.
posted to MetaTalk by Diskeater at 8:56 AM on January 7, 2013
MetaTalk post: teeny tiny
Yeah, we've discussed this a bit today and we think calling it the "byline font" on the preferences page as stavros mentioned would make that setting more clear.
posted to MetaTalk by pb at 11:05 AM on January 4, 2013
MetaTalk post: Achievement Unlocked, Again
what the fuck is a rotato?
posted to MetaTalk by toomuchpete at 12:06 PM on January 3, 2013
MetaTalk post: Curvy arrow pony
With access to the best minds in Web standards, a decade later this is the best markup mathowie can come up with.

And yet here you are.
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 2:24 PM on December 30, 2012
MeFi post: The candidate that "cares about people like me."
It really does make me scratch my head.

Tell me - would a rational person try to convince America to vote Republican next time by telling us that their candidate didn't even want the job?

A terrible fault I try hard to avoid is to characterize people in opposition to you as stupid. Even if your opponent has some stupid ideas, it's often the case that they're pretty competent in their actual operation.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by lupus_yonderboy at 11:48 PM on December 23, 2012
MeFi post: "I will start an era of happiness for the nation"
So Park Gyeun-Hye, by dint of name recognition and personality, Incheon her way into being the Chosun one?

(Thank you thank you, I'll be here all week!)
posted to MetaFilter by the cydonian at 3:29 PM on December 19, 2012
MeFi post: One of the best movies ever made and may be the worst
Bunny and PhoB, you're both making interesting points about the nature of criticism, but I feel that both of you miss the intent of the Plinkett character as a reviewer. Plinkett isn't fulfilling the same role as Film Crit Hulk, whose mission is explicitly to reduce the sort of Pauline Kael-esque ultrareviews down to the level of pop culture, simultaneously acknowledging his own limitations as a critic while attempting that ambitious form of "look at every angle, acknowledge the intent of... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Rory Marinich at 1:05 PM on December 10, 2012
Y'all look so young.

Anyone under 40 looks young to me these days, and that's whole lot of people....
posted to MetaTalk by jokeefe at 4:15 PM on December 9, 2012
MetaTalk post: What's Next?
This may be the final update, owing to both the difficulty in finding relevant comments from my ad-hoc focus group and the inevitable waning of the Obama presidency (end of a fucking era!), but we'll see what 2014/2016 brings. But for now:

Reactions to Barack Obama on Mefi:
January 2007 vs. November 2008 vs. 2010 vs. November 2012

Oh I'm so tired of this guy.
post by delmoi at 6:00 PM on January 16,... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Rhaomi at 12:04 PM on December 6, 2012
Woo Child's Play! Check out this touching moment from one of the PAX Q & A panels if you'd like to hear a personal account of how the charity helps people. Get some tissues handy in case you're allergic to Youtube.
posted to MetaTalk by Diskeater at 2:24 PM on December 3, 2012
MeFi post: this is the gayest of all the possible things: going to a meshell ndegeocello concert, with a goddamned lesbian, that is being held in a motherfucking FOLK MUSIC SCHOOL.
restless_nomad: "I'm a little put off by all the casual dismissals of this piece based on how she has chosen to say things, rather that what she's saying. I wonder sometimes if there's a class thing going on, where we have a tendency to privilege writing that sounds more upper-class (and/or white.) That makes me twitch, a little - there are a lot of really funny, smart people who say worthwhile things in ways that I wouldn't ever think to say them. It's fine to bounce off a piece... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by zarq at 2:11 PM on November 30, 2012
MeFi post: Nation shall speak unto nation using Objective-C
Not just a little unfair.

This is The Register we're talking about. Wouldn't want to push them out of their comfort zone.
posted to MetaFilter by dhartung at 3:42 PM on November 28, 2012
MeFi post: The Pirate Bay moves to the cloud
God forbid there be downtime which prevents people from downloading free shit for a few hours.

As the Internet goes, so goes TPB. I've seen people bitch about the Internet being down for a few minutes.

Now, if only TPB had content worth bothering with, it would be very exciting. Instead, it's mostly mainstream crap that can be legally purchased with zero effort.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by mrgrimm at 12:08 PM on October 19, 2012
MeFi post: Drinking Black Coffee Drinking Black Coffee
A good cup of coffee is totally worth $5

No, it's worth about 20-25 cents.
posted to MetaFilter by mrgrimm at 1:02 PM on November 13, 2012
MetaTalk post: MetaFilter Wiki's Tenth Anniversary
Whoa! There I was just reading an election thread for the 500th time, idly clicked on MeTa and my first thought was, "Dammit, something's wrong with the wiki?" Seriously, the credit should go to people like RichardP and Pronoiac who have worked so hard to keep the place shipshape and spam-free. I just set it up and wrote a bunch of article stubs in a fit of mad enthusiasm. Those guys are even keener motherfuckers.

Anyways, Mefi is always my go-to example of an... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by adrianhon at 3:18 PM on November 9, 2012
MeFi post: we choose to have an election thread and and do the other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard
What the Republican party really needs to do is support campaign spending limits both internally and in elections. Seriously. Right now Republicans think that extra spending translates to extra votes, and they think this is a good thing. They're right, but they're missing the big picture. They've worked themselves into a position where they're highly dependent on silly amounts of money. The only way they can collect this much is by prostituting themselves both at a policy and a preselection... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Joe in Australia at 5:03 PM on November 7, 2012
Malor, maybe you should have a drink or three and relax just for tonight?
posted to MetaFilter by Justinian at 11:23 PM on November 6, 2012
I'm sorry but this is how I feel: take that, GOP, with your voter suppression, and your propaganda channel, and your woman-hating, and your fucking racism, and your fact-ignoring truth-distorting culture warriors, and your goddamned warmongering. Fuck you, fuck your twofaced crypto-candidate and his malfeasant goblin sidekick. Take THAT you sea of vile dirtbags. Fuck off and die, you human pieces of shit. The world is better without you.
posted to MetaFilter by fleacircus at 10:59 PM on November 6, 2012
Fox News: "We are becoming a brown country."

Please, it can't happen fast enough.

Enough of that. There is nothing wrong with being white, just as there is nothing wrong with being black, latino, asian, indian, native american or "any of the above."

"White people" are not the problem, and have never been the problem - rich and ruthless assholes are the problem. You think... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Slap*Happy at 7:20 PM on November 6, 2012
It's bedtime in Korea.

And, as ol' Ronny Reagan said, It's Morning In America.

Goodnight, America, from Tokyo. And... what stav said.
posted to MetaFilter by flapjax at midnite at 5:34 AM on November 6, 2012
posted to MetaFilter by bardic at 4:28 AM on November 6, 2012
This morning, I woke up to see news which calmed my troubled, worried soul. What would the last major block of undecided voters opt for, the Motörhead Faithful. Now Lemmy has spoken to the nation through Rolling Stone: Interviewer: When I interviewed Chuck [Berry], I mentioned the segregated venues he used to play in the South when he was younger. He teared up and recalled, "My dad said, 'I don't know if we'll live to see it but one day we will [have an African-American President] – and I... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Kattullus at 4:05 AM on November 6, 2012
MeFi post: Gangam Gangam Gangam Gangam Style
Gangnam has two n's in it.

Well... it has a ㅇ and a ㄴ.
posted to MetaFilter by Wolfdog at 3:34 PM on October 28, 2012
MeFi post: Psychopathy's Double Edge
Robert Hare has a commercial interest in there being more psychopathy because he gets paid whenever people use the Hare Checklist. This should worry you, because many clinicians also believe Hare's assertion that psychopaths are untreatable, so psychopath panic is probably responsible for a non-trivial number of extended incarcerations and psychiatric imprisonments due to the overzealous interpretation of symptoms that are also associated with borderline personality disorder and addictions.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by mobunited at 9:26 PM on October 26, 2012
MeFi post: Obama and Romney battle it out, rap style
YouTube link to the Key and Peele Sketch uploads by the Comedy Central official account.
posted to MetaFilter by humanfont at 9:27 PM on October 24, 2012
MetaTalk post: warning: flurries inside
I think the general idea is: if you are linking to something potentially disturbing it's a good idea to not create mystery links to that content. At a very basic scale this is as simple as "If you do not add a NSFW indicator we may add it for you" and at a more subtle scale this is "If you are creating a link to content that is extremely graphic in a violent or sexually violent way, please indicate that in the text describing your link because it's polite."

We have been... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 5:15 PM on October 24, 2012
MeFi post: Obama and Romney battle it out, rap style
If each generation of Romneys mutiplies exponentially...

I think Iain Banks calls these "Aggressive Hegemonizing Swarms."
posted to MetaFilter by audi alteram partem at 7:39 PM on October 22, 2012
hellojed, I'm very interested in the kawaii cabinet of which you draw.

Suddenly, I am too.
posted to MetaFilter by hellojed at 7:36 PM on October 22, 2012
MetaTalk post: Movin' On Up
There is no persona.

but if there was, i wanted to be miguel but i turned into crunchland :)
posted to MetaTalk by sgt.serenity at 12:10 PM on October 18, 2012
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