Favorites from Space Kitty

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MeFi post: How Not to Speak to Someone With ADHD
Space Kitty - dexedrine spansule, for now?
posted to MetaFilter by Iris Gambol at 4:39 PM on January 15, 2024
MeFi post: Someone Who Is Good At The Economy Please Help Me
Clarence Thomas is making the kind of money that upper middle class white collar professionals make in their late 20s.

Tell us more about your friends in finance and private equity.
posted to MetaFilter by Warren Terra at 3:21 AM on January 11, 2024
I feel like there's a real opportunity to take advantage of these men in a somewhat brutal, but arguably deserved way. Something between using it as leverage for a better deal, and funnelling them through to an Onlyfans subscription.

It's kind of already been done. The 'dating' site Ashley Madison ostensibly connected people looking for extramarital affairs. One day its servers were hacked and the user database exposed. It transpired that there had... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Cardinal Fang at 2:20 AM on January 9, 2024
MeFi post: Cicada Safari
This is so cool! Periodical cicadas AND a total solar eclipse in the same year; how lucky can you get!

Please see Exodus chapters 7-10
posted to MetaFilter by DigDoug at 5:31 AM on January 11, 2024
MeFi post: "codewords to use on doctors and such"
for several months instead of filling my Adderall prescription CVS would text me "we don't have any right now but we're totally gonna fill it when we get some, pinky swear"

my psych was like "you can call around and if you find a location that has it in stock I'll send the scrip over there"

ADHD people online were also talking about the shortage & having to call different pharmacies & I was like... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by taquito sunrise at 4:44 PM on January 12, 2024
Jenfullmoon, yes -- I knew I had ADHD for years and developed a series of increasingly ineffective coping mechanisms over the years as doctor after doctor refused to test me for it because "you're too smart and high-functioning to need meds."

Until my GP started having to prescribe me sleep meds (trazodone) and acid reflux meds (protonix) because of the massive amounts of coffee I was drinking (to the point that I was vomiting at work every week, sometimes more... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Unicorn on the cob at 7:23 AM on January 12, 2024
Followup tip: if you are marginalized because of your disability, gender, race, etc., try to bring with you a patient advocate against whose whose appearance, demeanor, etc. there's less systemic discrimination, if that's possible:

I've told the story here before of how my partner was going through a set of miserable symptoms and we were cycling through doctors trying to find one that would take her seriously and get a diagnosis. What ended up... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Dip Flash at 6:38 AM on January 12, 2024
MeFi post: How Not to Speak to Someone With ADHD
Yet another pet peeve - people thinking something like:
ADHD increases rate of substance use disorder -> prescribing stimulants increases risk of substance use disorder. Totally ignoring the protective effect that appropriately dosed, especially long-acting stimulants can have against substance addiction and other addictive behaviours. (see e.g. this paper).

So doctors will see someone with a history of problematic use of substances... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by lookoutbelow at 8:23 PM on January 11, 2024
Based on this thread and others like it, the task of getting an official diagnosis sounds so daunting and unlikely to be fruitful that I'm not sure I'll ever attempt it. I can't even file my taxes or open my mail consistently.

And if that's not enough - it really is a lot, but sometimes you hit a particularly functional period of time and finally do it, which is how I finally did (that my clinic had an online sign-up form was really essential to my... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by urbanlenny at 1:25 PM on January 11, 2024
> In my family of 3 ADHD and 1 normie I think we need a guide for now to converse with the normie. My partner goes a bit nuts when we are talking over each other, interrupting, and seeming to jump all over the place.

so one thing that’s interesting for me is that although i love and cherish the ping-pongy conversations featuring three or four interleaved parts all of which themselves contain six or seven levels of nested tangents that over the... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by bombastic lowercase pronouncements at 2:23 PM on January 10, 2024
Advice I've seen for people looking into ADHD diagnosis as adults is that if there are any questions that you're inclined to answer "No, that's not a problem for me because I have A Process for dealing with it", answer for you how you would be without your Process. Your Process is the result of the self-developed accommodations and mitigations you've managed to come up with, so answering assessment questions based on how you work with those accommodations is like taking a vision test... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Lexica at 1:37 PM on January 10, 2024
just so you know that getting a diagnosis and a scrip isn't the yellow brick road to the executive city, there's an enormous global shortage of adhd meds right now, has been for months, and is predicted to continue.

it's frusttrating as fuck to get authorized for legal amphetamines but not be able to fill that scrip so you're just as fucked up as before but now you know how to fix it and you can't and it's out of your control.

my roomie has... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by seanmpuckett at 11:55 AM on January 10, 2024
There’s a great tweet I’ve seen circulating recently that’s something like “if you were actually lazy, you’d be having fun.” Damn did I need to hear that…
posted to MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 10:08 AM on January 10, 2024
Fun fact #1: if you have depression and anxiety, which perhaps you have because of your ADHD symptoms, they will refuse to diagnose you because it's too confusing for them for you to have more than one issue at a time. You are not supposed to do diagnosis unless you are "baseline" and happy and healthy! I pointed out the ridiculousness of this expectation and got nowhere.

Fun fact #2: ADHD DSM is designed for hyper little boys who can't stay in their seats,... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by jenfullmoon at 7:28 AM on January 10, 2024
If I have so much potential, how come everyone else seems to know what to do and I don't?

Alternatively: I know how much potential I have, much more acutely than anybody who isn't inside my own skin could know. Which just makes my inability to fulfill that potential that much more painful. I don't need the reminder from you. I assure you it's been top of mind since roughly 8th grade.
posted to MetaFilter by penduluum at 7:14 AM on January 10, 2024
Don't tell us how much potential we have. That doesn't actually make us feel better. It just makes everything even worse. If I have so much potential, how come everyone else seems to know what to do and I don't?
posted to MetaFilter by Peach at 7:09 AM on January 10, 2024
MeFi post: SpaceX vs OSHA
In re Mars: It's not just whether or not a colony could be established on Mars; it's whether a colony large enough to "save humanity" could be established independent of Earth - no resupply of drugs or parts or people. Right now, that's laughable, and unless I am grossly misunderstanding the state of technology it is going to be laughable for quite a while. If you can keep a desperate colony of fifty people surviving but just barely, you're not "saving humanity".... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Frowner at 5:51 AM on January 11, 2024

Fully re-usable regulatory capture technology.
posted to MetaFilter by flabdablet at 4:20 AM on January 11, 2024
The idea that Mars could ever provide a survivable environment for more human beings than even the most degraded possible result of the worst possible disaster here is delusional colonialist space-opera nonsense that requires its true believers to ignore centuries of ecological research and insight.

Any pro-survival technology even theoretically deployable to or on Mars is always going to... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by flabdablet at 4:16 AM on January 11, 2024
FanFare post: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
Ugh, I can't find the link, but apparently he and Pratchett had outlined a sequel at some point, so...something exists.

I'm not sure I want more; this has been enough for 30 years, and the miniseries feels just right. That said someone on Tumblr was joking around that they should just put Michael Sheen and David Tennant in a series of period costumes and just film them doing improv in character, and honestly I would fund that myself.
posted to FanFare by kalimac at 2:46 PM on July 31, 2019
miniseries!Aziraphale simply drops it

no! He brings it back too life and it flies off! just like in the book. I am a bit of a bird nut and hate that dead birds are a bit of a shortcut to pathos in so many movies, I was very relieved that the bird lived here!
posted to FanFare by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 10:45 PM on July 27, 2019
So, this theory going around the internet, about Crowley once having been the Archangel Raphael, is fascinating, and I had a lot of thoughts about it, and somehow it came out as fanfiction.

oh god what has happen to me
posted to FanFare by meese at 2:14 PM on June 26, 2019
Sometimes, when an angel and a demon love each other very much, you find yourself charmed by and invested in that love to the point of distraction for weeks on end and compelled to write out complex analyses of that love. Sigh.

Let's talk about how Crowley and Aziraphale love each other. I'm going to talk about the triangular theory of love, which has its faults but can still be quite useful. According to the triangular theory of love, different kinds of love can be... [more]
posted to FanFare by meese at 12:10 PM on June 19, 2019
Oh, I just read on Twitter that Neil wanted to keep it a subtle thing that only the book-readers would know about.
posted to FanFare by greermahoney at 8:43 PM on June 4, 2019
I loved this! I like the book, but I want to love it, and years go by between readings and then I'll be looking for a book and I'll think "ooh! I'll read Good Omens! It's relevant to my interests!", and then it just...kinda doesn't do what I want it to. Although I've read it several times so....

THIS though....I loved. I thought almost all of the differences from the book were just fine (although I wish they'd cut some of the narration, even though it's from... [more]
posted to FanFare by biscotti at 1:43 PM on June 4, 2019
"sauntered vaguely downward"

I'm just going to pick up on this while still on Episode 2. Sauntered. Sauntered. I'm still trying to put words around Tennant's sexy walk. Is it natural, the pants, rehearsed, or the channeling of Mick, Freddy, and Robert? It somehow manages to perfectly triangulate machismo, nonchalance, and swish in a way that would look horribly affected if I saw it on one of the students I work around. But on Crowley it's... [more]
posted to FanFare by GenderNullPointerException at 1:19 PM on June 4, 2019
Aziraphale had tried to explain it to him once. The whole point, he'd said—this was somewhere around 1020, when they'd first reached their little Arrangement—the whole point was that when a human was good or bad it was because they wanted to be. Whereas people like Crowley and, of course, himself, were set in their ways right from the start. People couldn't become truly holy, he said, unless they also had the opportunity to be definitively wicked.

Crowley had thought... [more]
posted to FanFare by jurymast at 11:22 AM on June 4, 2019
...one of Crowley's character bits I love is his slow burn reactions to things because he can't let something go and has to revisit it when there's a moment available.

"Ducks! That's what water slides off!"
posted to FanFare by vverse23 at 10:55 AM on June 4, 2019
Without wanting to speak for anyone else in the Good Omens fandom, or who holds the book near and dear to their heart, I've been trying to articulate just why this adaptation has elicited such a viscerally joyful response from me.

(These particular thoughts brought to you by me forgetting to eat and then getting extremely emotional over takeout pizza at 1am last night.)

Good Omens has been important to me for a lot of reasons. It's a dense,... [more]
posted to FanFare by jurymast at 4:04 AM on June 3, 2019
Nice little easter egg.
posted to FanFare by Pendragon at 11:37 AM on June 2, 2019
I loved realizing that Crowley’s exaggerated side-to-side swagger was him being snake-like.
posted to FanFare by greermahoney at 10:05 AM on June 2, 2019
ACTUALLY... /wensleydale

Mr. Shadwell's accent was unplaceable. It careered around Britain like a milk race. Here a mad Welsh drill sergeant, there a High Kirk elder who'd just seen someone doing something on a Sunday, somewhere between them a dour Daleland shepherd, or bitter Somerset miser. It didn't matter where the accent went; it didn't get any nicer.

posted to FanFare by jurymast at 12:34 PM on June 1, 2019
You might want to have the tissues close by for this:

Prachett's Hat and Scarf had their own seat for the Good Omens premiere.
posted to FanFare by miss-lapin at 9:46 PM on May 31, 2019
My one sadness is that Alan Rickman isn't alive to be in this because I kept feeling he like he should be.
posted to FanFare by miss-lapin at 7:21 PM on May 31, 2019
MeFi post: Happy New Free Thread, MetaFilter ... what do you want from 2024?
I want good health at long last. After nearly 30 years of Crohn’s Disease, my small intestine ruptured and outright died in 2022. I spent a week in a coma with septic shock, then 45 days in the hospital. I had to learn to walk and move my arms again following the coma of nightmarish dreams from which there was no escape. I was not expected to survive, but I flourished and bounced back. I’m even walking without a cane again. My doctors don’t know why I’m still alive. People don’t survive this.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Servo5678 at 6:57 AM on January 1, 2024
MeFi post: Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Plain Text
Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small electrical charges, which is odd, because on the whole, it wasn't the small electrical charges which were unhappy. And so the problem remained, and lots of the people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with native Unicode support. Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake moving from ASCII to Unicode in the first place, and... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by jedicus at 6:00 AM on January 8, 2024
MeFi post: Swift boating
I do not understand anything about Swifties. It's not like there aren't plenty of openly queer, very femme pop and country stars, even in Swift's genres and popularity levels: Lady Gaga, Kesha, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, and Brandi Carlile are all right there. She's not even as aggressive an ally as acts like Dua Lipa, Miranda Lambert, The Chicks, or Kacey Musgraves have been. And yet.

There's this conspiratorial obsession with Swift that I just do not get. I don't know... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by sciatrix at 5:00 AM on January 7, 2024
MeFi post: Therapists: We've heard everything
Let's say you're not normally a social person. Let's say you have trouble navigating social situations that others don't find daunting. Now let's say you want help with that.

In order to get therapy, you have to first figure out what your insurance will cover. You have to navigate whatever online portal or phone tree you'll need to use to schedule some sort of intake, which may be in person or over the phone, answering questions about your deepest problems to a total... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by MrVisible at 12:24 PM on January 5, 2024
I kept trying to steer the conversation away from that topic but they insisted that any alcohol use was the root of all my problems and unless I joined AA I could never get over anything.

The couples' therapist my ex and I saw wouldn't continue seeing us unless we agreed to give up caffeine. The unified front with which we left her office laughing hysterically probably bought our marriage a few more months lol.
posted to MetaFilter by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 11:31 AM on January 5, 2024
I confess that one of the things I want in a therapist is someone who won’t post about the kind of things I say on Reddit.
posted to MetaFilter by Inkslinger at 7:01 AM on January 5, 2024
FanFare post: What If...?: What if… Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?
I need a recording of the Grandmaster going "Alert! Alert!" for notifications.
posted to FanFare by cheshyre at 9:40 AM on December 26, 2023
It might just be my ears - but I was surprised that Tessa Thompson was voicing Valkyrie because it really didn't sound like her and I thought it was a different actress - in the same way that Tony Stark and various other characters have been voiced by sound-alikes in other What If's.

Jeff Goldblum (Grand Master) and Rachel House (Topaz) seemed to be having all the fun though.
posted to FanFare by Faintdreams at 3:51 AM on December 26, 2023
Ask MeFi post: Who am I?!?
It's a process! It will unfold for you as you spend some time unpartnered. Years ago when I was in a similar situation, here are some of the things that were part of that unfolding process for me:
1. I went into every room of my abode, stood in every corner, opened every door and cupboard and drawer, and said, aloud, "MINE". Yes, like a two-year-old. It sounds silly, but it was pretty therapeutic and I highly recommend.
2. When I would think about what I wanted... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by shelbaroo at 4:36 PM on November 27, 2018
MeFi post: “I love you, but you are not serious people.”
2037: "shammin with hoog, in nozzle drone"

1974: "Frammin' at the Jim-jam, Frippin' in the Krotz!"
posted to MetaFilter by Greg_Ace at 5:59 PM on December 26, 2023
"You lucky we ass" is a pretty great thing to say to a team that's just defeated you, though. I respect that.
posted to MetaFilter by Faint of Butt at 5:22 PM on December 26, 2023
Ask MeFi post: What am I not thinking of? Leaving a 150k job for lower pay, better QOL
One BIG culture shock for me when I moved from a city-state megalopolis to my much smaller current city in NE USA (I still often feel tempted to call it "town"), was a shocking loss of mobility (on a literal day to day basis) due to the lack of public transport and lack of walkability.

Being dependent on a car to get around has hemmed me in, caused me to become extremely house-bound (relatively speaking). Americans always look at me like I am crazy when I say... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by MiraK at 11:44 AM on December 28, 2023
Ask MeFi post: Relationship examples where the woman is feral and the man is organized?
Eleanor and Chidi in The Good Place.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by praemunire at 11:49 AM on December 25, 2023
FanFare post: Movie: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
Yeah, I read that as Birdie trying to flirt with Blanc, coming on very strong with one of her go-to lines. Blanc is not interested for several reasons, could probably tell her the exact material if he were at all interested in this conversation, and Birdie, for all of her "understanding ever third word" idiocy, probably knows what material it is, so the "cotton, I think" is just funny.

It reminded me of the exchange in The West... [more]
posted to FanFare by Navelgazer at 3:38 PM on January 5, 2023
At that point in the movie I thought the “cotton, I think” was meant to indicate that he didn’t really know or care that much, but in retrospect there is no conceivable way that a man who packs multiple ascots for a weekend trip and who owns a bathing fez would not know what material his shirt was made from
posted to FanFare by DoctorFedora at 2:53 PM on January 5, 2023
Hugh Grant confirms that Phillip and Benoit are married.
posted to FanFare by Etrigan at 9:32 AM on January 2, 2023
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