Favorites from Effigy2000

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Displaying comments 51 to 100 of 1004
Ask MeFi post: How to stop a friend's slide into pseudoscientific belief?
Uh, when I got to Bill Hicks, the old Sesame Street song "One of these things is not like the other" started playing through my head.

And, in a way, I think you have to engage with it with that in mind. Are there problems with corporate healthcare? Yes. Steven Brill just wrote a hefty look at it in Bitter Pill. But just because something is wrong, doesn't make every criticism or alternative equally valid. People get into nonsense politics, like Abraham... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by history is a weapon at 6:50 PM on May 15, 2013
MetaTalk post: YOU get a favorite and YOU get a favorite and EVERYBODY GETS A FAVORITE!
Okay, pb looked at the numbers

"We had 36,176 comments in April 2007, the first year favorites were added. We had 54,018 comments in April 2013. That a 49% increase."

so, given that, we decided to up favorites to 240 (thinking "ten an hour" but there are no hourly limits) We can revisit this again at a later date. See how it feels for now.
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 9:23 AM on May 14, 2013
MetaTalk post: Do comments here on Metafilter get "disappeared"?
[ 0 ] Days Since Last Nonsense
posted to MetaTalk by QueerAngel28 at 8:43 PM on May 9, 2013
Ask MeFi post: My wife doesn't want kids but I do -- is change of her mind possible?
Having children will not interfere with her career (she is government employee), and might be even helpful as she wants to attend university on weekends but can't due to frequent business travels.

It sounds like you're badly underestimating how much work it takes to raise an infant. It's not going to be like "Oh, now that I have weekends home, I have all the time I need to get my degree!" It's going to be more like "Holy shit, this is... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Now there are two. There are two _______. at 4:08 PM on May 5, 2013
MeFi post: Boardgames are fun again!
Since we're talking about good card games, does anyone know any that work in that most difficult of situations - a largish group of somewhat drunk people?

Cards Against Humanity is designed for exactly this situation.
posted to MetaFilter by Coobeastie at 5:53 AM on April 15, 2013
Anyone else like the "two rows" Ascension variant?
posted to MetaFilter by rivenwanderer at 11:12 PM on April 14, 2013
MeFi post: Anti-Tax Voters Darken Colorado Springs
I used to love playing SimCity 2000. It was the last good SimCity game before Maxis decided that I also wanted to control the timing of stoplights, slope of sidewalk ramps, what species of grass a park had, etc.

One of the things I used to enjoy doing was using a cheat to get an absurd amount of money, lowering taxes to zero, and then pausing the game. I would then build a paradise on Earth, a wonderful utopia for my citizens. The second I unpaused the game, BAM! the... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Legomancer at 6:19 AM on February 2, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Help me help my marriage
You might try taking more of a command approach and tell her, in the moment when you feel the need, what you want.

Say she's washing the dishes and you walk up to her, don't touch her, and tell her to kiss you. If she gives you a peck and you want something longer, say no no, that wasn't good enough, kiss me like you mean it. Make it a game. If she balks and asks why she should, say it's because you want it. Or because you love her. Or because the grass is green.... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by griselda at 6:22 PM on May 22, 2012
7life :
Is your wife like my dad?
If so, yes - there is a desire of yours that is not being met. But you really have nothing to complain about.

... the hell?

Takes a lot of arrogance to tell someone suffering painful loneliness they "really have nothing to complain about."

Ignore this crock, OP. You have every right to your feelings, and to ask for what you need.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by IAmBroom at 6:15 PM on May 22, 2012
Oh yeah - totally hear you. You're busy communicating to her in your love language. This is less effective than I'd like.

My love language is 'gifts'. Doesn't matter what you brought me, what matters is that you thought of me. Bring me a piece of wood because you know dark brown is my favorite color, and you're pretty much getting lovin'. His love language is decidedly not gifts. Oh, he likes to receive them all right. But DOES. NOT. GIVE. THEM. This officially Does... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by anitanita at 4:33 PM on May 22, 2012
Ask MeFi post: Research supporting that homosexuals are born homosexuals
I recommend watching the2008 BBC documentary The Making of Me. In it actor John Barrowman "sets out to unearth what the latest scientific research can tell him about the origins of his homosexuality." He travels to different science centers in Europe and the U.S and meeting with the scientists who are focused on this question. It's compelling what the studies show.

YouTube - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6.... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ericb at 6:26 AM on December 16, 2009
MeFi post: Furore over sexism being called out at PyCon
And Danila, I'm upset because I've spent almost 30 years of my life fighting REAL sexism in tech. Like being asked to go get coffee for the team, when I'm the team leader, like being asked to promote a man over a woman because "he's a provider and she's going to get married", like seeing contemporaries make less money because they have boobs.

I'm furious when people take the fight I've been fighting for all these years, and turn it in to "I"m gonna... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by dejah420 at 5:17 PM on March 20, 2013
Here's what I had to say on a different forum; Here is the guy's perspective, i.e., the guy who's picture she took and published on the internet.

For the record, he was a dad, with three kids, who is now unemployed in a state with high unemployment, all because she overheard something, and didn't realize it was an inside joke and felt justified by the word "dongle" to publicly humiliate him and subsequently put his children at risk.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by dejah420 at 4:58 PM on March 20, 2013
welcome to the future, have a pair of Google Glasses

- Search: "conversation I will personally be offended by"

- 821,371,000,000 results. Would you like to find the nearest "conversation I will personally be offended by"?

- Yes.

- The nearest "conversation I will personally be offended by" is 7' from your location. Would you like to know the... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by turgid dahlia 2 at 3:55 PM on March 20, 2013
While I think being more thoughtful of others is a good idea in general, I am not totally comfortable with the idea that when in public, people should avoid ever saying anything that anyone eavesdropping could be offended by, on pain of their livelihood.
posted to MetaFilter by ricochet biscuit at 3:49 PM on March 20, 2013
MetaTalk post: An emergent pattern on Metafilter FPPs
Down with this sort of thing!
posted to MetaTalk by Tell Me No Lies at 7:52 PM on March 30, 2013
Hear, hear. I think we can all agree that there has been far too much of This recently, and should return post haste to a greater quantity of That.
posted to MetaTalk by threeants at 7:14 PM on March 30, 2013
MeFi post: Google Illiterate
goddammit TWELVE hours at Dominos I was supposed to get off almost FOUR hours ago I am so angry right now I am vibrating at a frequency that gives off visible light rays, at least Metafilter will have something to cheer--


for the love of GOD google can you do NOTHING right anymore i mean SERIOUSLY i'm so fucking ANGRY right you can BET i'm typing in EACH and EVERY <small> and <b> tag INDIVIDUALLY right now the sheer... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 7:07 PM on March 13, 2013
Ask MeFi post: Ripping Gaiam DVD for iPad - Handbrake Not Helping
Does Handbrake still require VLC be installed for it to successfully decrypt during a DVD extraction?

Even though this is old, that's what it indicates: How to rip a DVD with HandBrake.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by smallerdemon at 3:36 PM on January 28, 2013
MeFi post: What if Seinfeld were made today?
Hmmm, the early Nedroid piece had "George writes a scathing review on Yelp and is banned from the coffee shop", and in the Metafilter thread, Effigy2000 wrote, "Everything is spot on, except I thought this one would be more of an Elaine thing." This new Twitter feed cribs from the Nedroid piece, but it's Elaine who gets banned because of Yelp. A Metafilter influence, maybe?... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by painquale at 8:13 PM on December 10, 2012
Ask MeFi post: xbox controller you'll be the death of me
I use a Logitech Harmony remote plus some cheap IR receiver I bought on ebay and it works like a charm.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Jairus at 12:41 PM on November 2, 2012 marked best answer
MeFi post: Those aren't the generic film franchises you're looking for
Pixar presents: Grim Fandango.
posted to MetaFilter by hellojed at 1:08 PM on October 30, 2012
Oh, no! What will we do if Disney ruins the "Star Wars" franchise?
posted to MetaFilter by infinitywaltz at 1:08 PM on October 30, 2012
MeFi post: Is it curtains for Windows 8?
"They trying to drive me to Mac?"
posted to MetaFilter by Egg Shen at 3:54 PM on August 23, 2012
MetaTalk post: Movin' On Up
See, this is the kind of thing I'm talking about. If a woman mentions misogyny on MetaFilter, it's taken seriously and generally supported with a ton of GRAR towards the offender. But when a man mentions misandry, it's met with derision and jokes involving genitals. (Which would be completely unacceptable if the genders were reversed.)

Nope, no double standards here! None whatsoever.
posted to MetaTalk by wolfdreams01 at 4:31 PM on October 26, 2012
MetaTalk post: It was not Treaty of Westphalia length
Sorry about the delay, I'm at lunch.

That was 20 whole minutes, you slacker.
posted to MetaTalk by DarlingBri at 6:15 PM on October 11, 2012
lazaruslong: "I bet he has a super loud alert klaxon for posts in the bugs category."

*cue bug report alarm*

The iPad Begins Speaking:

"Good afternoon, pb.

A bug has been detected on the front page of metafilter.

Please click the glowing periplaneta americana icon for further details.... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by zarq at 3:18 PM on October 11, 2012
MeFi post: As you wish!
My mom worked in PR when I was growing up, Hollywood kind of stuff. It was a great childhood--endless swag T-shirts, movie screenings all the time, riding in limos occasionally, etc. We were never high flyers ourselves, so it was amazing to have relatively constant access to that world.

One of the highlights of my childhood was seeing the NY (maybe world?) premiere of the Princess Bride at age 12. All the more so because it was my first date ever! I took a girl I had... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Admiral Haddock at 4:27 PM on September 25, 2012
MeFi post: These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before.
whitaker, since you have the season one Blu-ray [...] can you please tell me whether or not this spectacular film restoration of which you speak has improved this shot in Encounter at Farpoint? Note the weird around shadows around the age of the screen. I'm curious as to whether this was intentional or mistake on the directors part because it always seemed weird.

That's definitely still there (although the colour and clarity of... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by whittaker at 9:54 AM on October 2, 2012
Ah here, I found it. Ron Moore discusses his time on Voyager and the problems with it, including that exact critique about the Starfleet and Maquis crew members getting along.

When I made that first comment that included "Ron Moore talks more shit about Voyager," it was with that article in mind.

I think I first read it back when I was still trying to convince myself that any Star Trek, even Voyager, was better than... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by palidor at 7:36 PM on October 1, 2012
MetaTalk post: Comment Editing
And to get a couple of core things out of the way:

- We really mean "use this for small changes" as a rule, not a suggestion; this is for typos and miskeys and autocorrect problems, not for changing the substance of your comment.

- We really mean we will be tracking how this is used; please do not be that guy who tries to do something stunty or manipulative with editing, because that will just piss us off and turn you into that guy who... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 2:07 PM on October 1, 2012
MetaTalk post: Adam Savage Prefers Metafilter's Format
Reddit is the most confusing web site I have ever come across.
posted to MetaTalk by dfriedman at 5:22 PM on September 30, 2012
MeFi post: I'm dreaming of a white president.
I'd sure hate to be that William Howard Taft guy right about now.
posted to MetaFilter by Fritz Langwedge at 7:55 PM on September 18, 2012
Ask MeFi post: How to talk about odiforous intimate parts
Nthing not in bed. Also not out in public, as on a walk.

I think it's ok to preface the conversation with something like, "I need to talk to you about something important, but I feel really awkward because I'm afraid it's going to make you feel bad. I want to let you know that that is the last thing I'd ever want to do, because I love you." Framing your concern as a health issue is good, but also put a BIG helping of "I love you, I love being sexy with you,... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Sublimity at 9:44 AM on August 21, 2012
MetaTalk post: Teensy Text on iPad
What's preventing the "Reader" function from displaying the whole thread?

We don't know, and Apple doesn't share how the Reader function works. They don't want sites to game that system to show ads. My guess is that on most sites the comments section is noise so the Reader function identifies those and blocks them.

Your best bet is to get the site looking good through preferences and read it that way. We're not... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by pb at 6:43 AM on August 19, 2012
MeFi post: Classic Video Game Ads
i am not in my late thirties shut up SHUT UP SHUT UP
posted to MetaFilter by obiwanwasabi at 5:10 PM on August 17, 2012
>way back in 1988

Fourteen years ago is 'way back'?

Give or take a decade.
posted to MetaFilter by anazgnos at 10:02 AM on August 17, 2012
"Way back in 1988?" YOU GET OFF MY LAWN!
posted to MetaFilter by entropicamericana at 7:19 PM on August 16, 2012
Ask MeFi post: How do I make peace with my 51-year-old baby brother?
Here's a reading of your post from another point of view.

So we’re clear: I certainly was beastly to my brother when we were children. I picked fights with him and ambushed him and browbeat him and that kind of thing.
You freely admit that there were aspects of your shared childhood that were abusive or at least very unpleasant for your brother.

I politely asked to be left out of the... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by yogalemon at 7:02 PM on August 8, 2012
Ask MeFi post: They didn't teach me this in grad school...
You really can say "Negotiable" or "Negotiable depending upon overall compensation" if you want to get really explanatory.

If they ask, tell them that you realize there's more to compensation than wage, and would be happy to hear their offer once they decide that you're the right person for them.

My rule of thumb in negotiations is that the person who talks first is in the weaker position, so I would try to avoid stating a... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dotgirl at 7:50 PM on August 3, 2012
MeFi post: The Amazing Contents of Steve Wozniak's Backpack
Dear Metafilter - I went and looked.

Steve Wozniak's highscore for Gameboy Tetris - Nintendo Power vol26 July 1991
posted to MetaFilter by radiosilents at 10:29 PM on July 17, 2012
MeFi post: Baked salmon, oyster rolls, codfish cakes, Baptist cakes, cream of corn soup, green turtle soup, scootin-long-the-shore, Plymouth succotash, Indian pudding, beggar’s pudding, flummery, syllabubs...
George H.W. Bush: Pork rinds, popcorn, beef jerky, hot dogs, Butterfingers, and ice cream.
How did a 12-year-old become president?
"I do not like broccoli! And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid! And my mother made me eat it! And I'm President of the United States! And I'm not going to eat anymore broccoli!"

- George H.W. Bush
posted to MetaFilter by Flunkie at 5:39 PM on July 8, 2012
MetaTalk post: Nuts to you!!

silly jokes about sexual violence against that gender

There is no such thing as a silly joke about sexual violence.

You didn't get the memo? Implications of sexual violence against men are ok here if they are funny or if the men were asking for it.

The whole thread should have gone. But maybe I'm just being hormonal, what with all the testosterone addling my brains.
posted to MetaTalk by gjc at 11:01 AM on July 7, 2012
silly jokes about sexual violence against that gender

There is no such thing as a silly joke about sexual violence.
posted to MetaTalk by Ironmouth at 10:20 AM on July 7, 2012
Ask MeFi post: Yet another iPhone/iPad app question
I'm actually working my way through my first iOS app at the moment as well (though coming from a primarily PHP background; I "knew" C and C++ years and years ago but have never really used it all that much). I've actually had good luck with the Apple-provided stuff; it's quite good. (this will be fairly generic, I don't do games.)

the first step is (and would be even if you don't go with the Apple docs) getting a dev account set up with Apple. you can sign up... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by mrg at 1:26 AM on July 6, 2012
MeFi post: carbon pricing for Australia
Warning: the "based on a lie" link is to Andrew Bolt's blog.
posted to MetaFilter by wilful at 8:23 PM on July 1, 2012
MeFi post: Circumcision in Germany is now illegal
The persistence of Germanic panic in the Anglosphere is astounding.

Seriously, this is a decision by a court in an exceedingly liberal modern democracy, which is intended to protect the rights of children to their bodily integrity until such time as they might decide, voluntarily and autonomously, for body modification.

This has fuck-all to do with the real or imagined proclivities of ethnic Germans, and everything to do with the rights of... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by edguardo at 10:40 AM on June 27, 2012
MeFi post: The Bear and the Rainbow
Other Pixar characters who did not have romances: (I haven't watched any of them more than once, so forgive me if there's romance I'm not remembering)

Mike and Sully in Monsters, Inc.
Anybody in Toy Story (? - Mr. and Mrs. Potato-Head, obviously, but anybody else?)
Russell and Dash are probably too young. Maybe Nemo too. I like that Pixar makes children's movies with actual children in them, and not teenagers. And... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jeanne at 4:16 PM on June 27, 2012
Ask MeFi post: Bringing sexy back?
Simple. Read everything published by Athol Kay on his Married Man Sex Life blog.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by lotusmish at 1:12 PM on June 1, 2012
MetaTalk post: pick a reason to flag
Yes, but the moderators admitted in a podcast that a single flag does nothing unless it is a statistically unlikely slow-news day.

It's a bit more complicated than that, though. If it's a busy day, yeah, we may not be checking out single-flag items so much because we're busy dealing with actively problematic threads or discussing/explaining stuff in metatalk or trading email with users and each other.

That's more true for... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 7:40 AM on January 25, 2011
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