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Displaying comments 151 to 200 of 953
MeFi post: The Novice Effect
You know that thing where crazy people need a reference point outside of crazy to tell them they're crazy, but they don't accept it and they keep saying things like "wake up, sheeple" and "learn the truth". And those people want to keep telling other people about their ideas and by extension their "crazy" based on them. Like it sounds like they may know what their talking about but the ideas are unsound. At some point they admit they don't know what they are... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by P.o.B. at 5:40 PM on March 12, 2010
MetaTalk post: Reality check, please.
This thread makes me want to give my guy a lap dance. It will probably be drunk and silly :) song suggestions please?
posted to MetaTalk by By The Grace of God at 3:14 AM on April 17, 2010
"Cowgirl up," you're projecting. Here, let me tell you about your partner because I certainly know him better than you since we're both men [insert chest thumping].

This tactic of derisively caricaturing someone's comments (and annotating them with imagined gestures) doesn't lead in the direction of anything constructive as far as I've ever seen.
posted to MetaTalk by Wolfdog at 11:30 AM on April 16, 2010
MetaTalk post: How do I know it's really you?
At least once person pretended to not be themselves, but that's probably a weird stone best left unturned.
posted to MetaTalk by Alvy Ampersand at 4:56 PM on April 11, 2010
MetaTalk post: Man Acquitted For Being Naked In Own Kitchen
Too bad it cost him 10-15K.
posted to MetaTalk by Mitheral at 11:32 AM on April 8, 2010
MetaTalk post: It's not okay when Republicans do it, it's not okay when you do it.
cortex, what you said makes sense, but it's an assumption on your part. (You admit this in your last sentence.) I never once heard afroblanco, fff or any of the others who were offended say, "we get that it's not a direct comparison, but just by evoking those two ideas in the same sentence, you're risking people making an irrational connection between the two."

Had they said that, I WOULD have been satisfied. We then could discuss whether or not such risks are... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by grumblebee at 1:51 PM on March 27, 2010
At last, a sensible remark! This year they're going all the way, friend!

All the way with animals, maybe. They've got to get further than first base with something.
posted to MetaTalk by pracowity at 1:54 PM on March 27, 2010
MetaTalk post: The word that begins with the letter "c."
Skygazer: Friendly reminder that there's a big world out there full of people (including many women) who would not have had a problem with your original comment. Metafilter is not representative of the whole planet. And even within Metafilter, you are now fighting a battle with a group of people who are self-selected as the type of people who want to put their time and energy into a Metatalk thread about the appropriateness of the word "cunt." Could this really have turned out any... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by bingo at 12:35 PM on March 27, 2010
MetaTalk post: It's not okay when Republicans do it, it's not okay when you do it.
You know, there's probably a sensitive, nuanced conversation to be had about misuse of comparisons/analogies for political purposes -- when a facile similarity is put in service of some intended echo on deeper levels.
This is not that conversation.

This is almost a failure to come to grip with simple terms.

A comparison: Homosexuality and zoophilia share no similarities.
Another comparison: Homosexuality and zoophilia are... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Durn Bronzefist at 5:32 PM on March 26, 2010
I've never understood the Injunction Against Comparing. "If you compare FDR to Hitler, you find that FDR was much more liberal and less inclined to the gassing of Jews." OMG YOU JUST COMPARED FDR TO HITLER!!!!11
posted to MetaTalk by DU at 4:29 PM on March 26, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Life on the sinister side
As a lefty the only daily issues I can think of are I tend to smudge my writing (both pen and pencil) when writing. Hence quick drying ink pens are almost a necessity. Other than that I quite enjoy life on the sinister side!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Captain_Science at 8:58 AM on March 25, 2010
MeFi post: They probably refer to themselves as 'Freedom Fighters'
Really, last night's Rachel Maddow was pretty solid on discussing this. Say what you will, she is on a major network and she did go into it and the reasons behind it.

this is true and completely fair. I spoke in frustration, but I believe what I said. On the other hand, Maddow is kind of always my exception to the rule of poor news coverage, and I'm intensely thankful that she exists. So yeah, let me say for the record that there are decent voices... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by shmegegge at 1:53 PM on March 24, 2010
Lynchburg? Really?

I grew up there. ja. rly.
posted to MetaFilter by Naberius at 12:44 PM on March 24, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Bringing friendship into the workplace
If this was for a long-term position, I would say hell to the no and be done with it. But if your friend is definitely okay with you being there for the summer alone, I would... consider it. There are definitely a ton of downsides, which you mentioned, but if you're correct about it being a good chance to network and meet other contacts. So if I were you, and worried about getting a job right away, I would take this one under the explicit agreement that it would be for the duration of the summer.... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by amicamentis at 10:32 AM on March 24, 2010
MetaTalk post: MetaFilter Poll & Research Discussion Thread
Not sure if occupation is a factor. If you work in software, the CamelCase convention suggests that MeFi is two words, Me and Fi. I think I'd pronounce it differently if I thought it was a single word Mefi.
posted to MetaTalk by TheophileEscargot at 10:31 AM on March 24, 2010
Did anybody actually have reasons for their pronunciation? Cause I didn't. The first time I saw "MeFI" I knew how to pronounce it. There was no reasoning invovled.
posted to MetaTalk by nooneyouknow at 9:49 AM on March 24, 2010
MeFi post: "Quiet dear, the men are talking..."
I don't have any experience with the Wisconsin Synod Lutherans, but I am intimately familiar with another branch of Christendom that typically doesn't permit women to speak. I think it is really tempting to read this as an example of the men oppressing the women just for the sake maintaining their own power and control, but in my experience that's too facile.
It gives the men credit for more intentionality than has actually occurred. It was correctly stated up above that the... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Pater Aletheias at 9:31 AM on March 24, 2010
MeFi post: The Commodore 64 Returns
20 GOTO 10

posted to MetaFilter by DU at 9:01 AM on March 24, 2010
Ask MeFi post: “That’s so gay”: How do you ask/remind people to be a little bit more sensitive without being a buzzkill in social situations?
"Ugh, that movie/store/band was so gay."

"Whoa, let's leave gay people out of this. They've been through enough, they don't deserve to be associated with that trainwreck. No, for this we've got to think of something else."

Then suggest that you all try to think up who DOES deserve to have their name slandered by this abomination, based on public figures or things that are universally reviled among your group of friends.... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by castlebravo at 10:01 AM on March 17, 2010
MetaTalk post: Catholic threads on Metafilter
I think the meta-discourse about whether or not Metafilter "does religion well" is really interesting, mostly because I perceive it as being interesting and fruitful but see it characterized as being horrible/offensive and/or boring.

I said that religion threads here are generally boring because the discussion generally winds up being about religion in general and not about the actual topic(s) raised in the post. I was particularly... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by moxiedoll at 1:00 PM on March 15, 2010
Rory Marinich: "We can hate the subject of child abuse and hold the Church accountable without descending into bigotry; when somebody calls out the bigotry, they aren't instantly saying the subject of child abuse isn't serious."

The thing is, we're not dealing with bigotry here. I think a lot of it is conflation of "the Church" the organization that is based out of the Vatican and "the Church" as in the body of Christ (or... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by charred husk at 11:03 AM on March 15, 2010
I don't quite understand this. When you are financially and vulgarly supporting an institution, aren't you at least to some small degree responsible for what that institution does?

We've discussed before that a lot [all?] of us spend some of our money supporting a lot of fucked up institutions in various ways. Not on purpose, but as a consequence of spending money generally. I'm aware that tithing is not exactly the same as, say buying an automobile... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 10:32 AM on March 14, 2010
Personally, I'd rather have over 9,000 morons from 4chan here spewing idiocy than this trend of pissing and crying and whining about every single in-groups precious precious little toesie-wosies getting stepped on; it's pathetic and it's embarrassing and it's ruining discourse at this site, and I'm referring to the whole lot of it, not just to this thread.
posted to MetaTalk by paisley henosis at 6:33 AM on March 14, 2010
MeFi post: Hundreds, perhaps thousands dead? Those were the good old days.
I hope that toke was worth it, folks. If I still smoked, I think I'd quit now.

My weed is locally grown.
posted to MetaFilter by Max Power at 5:00 AM on March 15, 2010
MetaTalk post: "pretty ordinary stuff for a state full of people that are 48% inbred."
Maine, at least rural Maine, is desperately poor. And this long-term poverty really develops a nasty mindset and some really ugly behavior.

I'll not stand by and see the lumpenproletariat disparaged in this way. Not while I sit reading Metafilter watching the petit bourgoisie displaying their own nasty mindset and ugly behaviour.
posted to MetaTalk by PeterMcDermott at 10:11 PM on March 12, 2010
I think what everyone is failing to remember is that 48% of all people are stupid. I mean, c'mon, go down to your local mall, and look around. See?

Actually, that number's a bit low. By definition, approximately 49.5% of the population is of below average intelligence. And 49.5% is above average. Consider yourself lucky that's there's an internet, so that no matter where you live, you can talk to the percentage of your choosing.
posted to MetaTalk by MexicanYenta at 8:06 PM on March 12, 2010
MetaTalk post: Unreal
I am happy to be in a community that has very little tolerance for intolerant comments.

That's a funny sentence.

...if you go back through the thread, you'll see that, rather than blanket condemnation, a lot of the comments request further explanation, or give the commenter a chance to explain the comment, or politely responds with disagreement. This is not quite the pitchfork festival you seem to suggest it is.... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by stinkycheese at 12:26 PM on March 12, 2010
4. Person or persons respond, etc.

5. I do nothing, and continue doing nothing indefinitely.

I do pretty much the same thing, except that I give myself two responses rather than one.

One thing that makes step 5 hard to do is if for some reason their last comment takes my comment out of context or otherwise misrepresents what I'm saying, it's hard to let that stand and not make one last comment to reject... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by burnmp3s at 11:26 AM on March 12, 2010
I went straight to the FPP to see if I could identify the homohobic comments on my own.

The problem really is that it's not one dismissive comment that is the problem, it's the fact that the thread started with a few comments that were sort of crappy and lulzy and then people responded and were annoyed and with each new comment it becomes harder to talk about the actual topic because there's so much noise.

I don't even... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 8:03 AM on March 12, 2010
explosion writes "I suppose it's all about context, but I don't read 'Prom Lesbians: a feature, not a bug' as voyeuristic hetero-male fantasy. It's well known that diversity is an oft-touted and oft-sought 'feature' in companies and universities. Being able to claim that your university has 12% lesbians, or your company has benefits for same-sex couples promotes a culture of diversity that extends beyond the immediate beneficiaries."

This... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Mitheral at 7:49 AM on March 12, 2010
MetaTalk post: Klang went Boom!
Some hospitals will forgive bills for uninsured (or underinsured) people who can't afford to pay astronomical costs. Look into the hospital having such a program.
posted to MetaTalk by cass at 8:27 AM on March 10, 2010
MeFi post: "Real men marry women"
Um, what, fourcheese?
posted to MetaFilter by Pollomacho at 4:48 AM on March 10, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Should I feel bad about wanting this?
I'll refer you to a few other questions on AskMe that I think may be helpful for thinking about this

- Should I tell my wife about my new fetish [guy decides he would like to try anal with his wife, pretty sure she's going to flip out. has happy ending]
- (can't find link, I paraphrse) My boyfriend jabbed his dick in my ass when we were taking a shower, what to think? [points to buttplay being "trendy" and a lot of people viewing this sort of thing... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jessamyn at 2:01 PM on March 9, 2010
Only if you're willing to go first, would be my reply to that.

So, if his answer is yes, he would be willing to go first, then his attitude is justified? This answer seems completely and utterly asinine.

Is he wrong to expect anal sex? Yes. But not because he wouldn't be willing to do it in her position. He's wrong because he's not respecting her boundaries, and seems to compare his relationship to a bartering arrangement.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by !Jim at 10:03 PM on March 8, 2010
MeFi post: Hollywood produces weird gays
Ah. I think I understand.

Look, ericb: you can read "Hollywood makes you weird" in different ways. I can understand reading that (and the comment by Faint of Butt) and seeing something like "Hollywood people are really awful, messed-up people who you wouldn't want to spend any time with." And that would be idiotic, even offensive, at least unfairly dismissive. But – you might also just read that as a statement about the... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by koeselitz at 2:11 PM on March 8, 2010
MeFi post: Food Choice Sometimes Isn't
I mention vegan up there not as a reflection of vegans as a class, but as something food-related that tends to be very heavily politicised - often to the detriment of people like meloukhia who can't keep up with it all and have to make some compromises.

There's a misconception that politicised eating is black or white: that it must be all one way or all another way. If you have the interest in being food-political but, for whatever reason, you have... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by tybeet at 6:04 AM on March 6, 2010
MetaTalk post: roll truck roll said "I'd like to talk about how we're quoting each other."
I guess my question back at folks is whether the absence of this is causing usability or functionality problems for the site right now, do you think?

It's not a capital-P Problem. But it's a nagging imperfection, definitely, to not have a convenient and simple built-in quote function. The current ctrl-v & italics convention is ok, but not better than ok.

A button next to the [+][!], maybe [Q] or something like that, that... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Forktine at 5:53 PM on March 6, 2010
MeFi post: Put a shirt on that!
quin> I would have loved it if the artist reaction had been "So, you're getting prurient thoughts from looking at a bunch of snow? That says a lot more about what's wrong with you that what's wrong with my sculpture."

Let me take this opportunity to highlight that "what's wrong with them" isn't that they're getting sexual thoughts by looking at a depiction of a human body, but rather that they consider those thoughts shameful... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by mindwarp at 4:53 PM on March 4, 2010
MeFi post: Take that, Khufu and Druids
I can't say I think much of the theories the guy espouses, though. Then evidence is known to be so fragmentary and sparse, not to mention non-randomly selected, it's a fool's errand to base a theory on it.
posted to MetaFilter by DU at 6:23 AM on March 5, 2010
MeFi post: Queen of steaks?
cheese from a can.

Whiz is from a jar. Easy Cheese is from a can.

Dalessandro's for life.
posted to MetaFilter by wemayfreeze at 10:14 AM on March 4, 2010
MeFi post: Arabian Goggles?
And then you get people like HTuttle that make you wish you'd never said anything that could be even remotely associated with him.
posted to MetaFilter by aspo at 7:24 PM on March 4, 2010
klangstonklangston, responding to me, said:

Given that the status quo is a poor one for both women and men, that means that men concerned with misandry should both be concerned with misogyny and be vocal about acknowledging that context, arguably more vocal than they would be in discussing something in which they had no personal stake. Women are largely exempted from this rhetorical requirement by dint of the existing power structure massively favoring men.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jaltcoh at 7:00 PM on March 4, 2010
You know, it's really striking if the Metafilter community isn't unanimous in shunning ads like these. This ad doesn't just use gender stereotypes -- it uses a vicious stereotype and states it perfectly clearly.

Maybe someone could explain to me how the fact that "men are privileged" or "women have more disadvantages" has any bearing on this whatsoever. I'm not seeing it. Why wouldn't we simply call out vicious... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jaltcoh at 1:19 PM on March 4, 2010
MeFi post: Judaism is a science fiction religion
Larry David as Professor Kirke
Harvey Fierstein as Mr. Tumnus
Joan Rivers as the White Witch
Richard Lewis as Father Christmas Uncle Hanukkah


Woody Allen as Aslan


You Want That We Should What?
posted to MetaFilter by griphus at 8:24 AM on March 3, 2010
MetaTalk post: Gear up, soldier!

I am going to hell
posted to MetaTalk by The Whelk at 7:01 AM on March 3, 2010
MetaTalk post: Reverend Moonpie Wants to Marry YOU!
Hooooo boy--up to 8 couples I think? And I've told them all to tell folks in line to list me if they need a name, so it could very well be more. I have weddings planned at the courthouse Tuesday morning, at my house later that evening, and on various weekends for the rest of the month. I have a news crew who I'll be meeting Tuesday (Channel 9, CBS).

Little ol' me. Wow.
posted to MetaTalk by MrMoonPie at 4:26 AM on March 3, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Boyfriend has fat fetish and monogamy issues - how to deal with it?
He's totally finding an excuse to cheat.

For me, I have a "lady fetish." That is to say, I'm bisexual and primarily sexually attracted to women. I never view "straight" porn, or anything with a real penis in it. Any fantasies I have are about women. My partner is a man. Obviously, he can't become a woman.

And I absolutely 100% do NOT use this as an excuse to go out and find some lady to sleep with and justify it with "I... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by grapefruitmoon at 5:54 AM on March 2, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Yer crossing the line, buck-o...
I think its very useful to go drinking with the boys after work. I find that getting tipsy with coworkers lets people know that you trust them as they really are and that you all don't take yourselves that seriously. Also you get all the good gossip or a chance to bend someone's ear or pick someone's brain.
However, you don't have to do it every single time they go out (unless you really want to) and you don't have to get smashed. I generally avoid getting much more than buzzed the... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by captaincrouton at 8:17 PM on March 1, 2010
Ask MeFi post: Hostages to fortune
Uh, the world was messed up when you were a kid, too.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by delmoi at 5:57 PM on February 24, 2010
MeFi post: Delightfully tacky, yet overvalued
Went to a hooters in Vancouver BC once with the whole family. I can't remember exactly why it was selected but I do know that it was chosen not by the males in the family but by the females.

I do recall that it was underwhelming for the naughtiness factor but that the waitress was memorably good at her job as a server.
posted to MetaFilter by bz at 12:16 PM on February 24, 2010
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