Happy Birthday, MetaFilter!
July 14, 2015 5:35 AM   Subscribe

Cat-Scan.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.
posted by yhbc (154 comments total) 57 users marked this as a favorite
does anyone read the posts down here?
posted by Mr.Encyclopedia at 5:39 AM on July 14, 2015 [11 favorites]

does anyone read the posts down here?
posted by phunniemee at 5:39 AM on July 14, 2015 [4 favorites]

Well, clearly I don't.
posted by phunniemee at 5:39 AM on July 14, 2015 [49 favorites]

I do.
posted by symbioid at 5:41 AM on July 14, 2015

Zippity BOP!
posted by cortex at 5:43 AM on July 14, 2015 [6 favorites]

Damnnn cortex beat me to it.

ZIPPITY BOP!!! anyway...
posted by penguin pie at 5:43 AM on July 14, 2015

posted by Faint of Butt at 5:45 AM on July 14, 2015 [7 favorites]

Oh god wait, can metafilter legally drive now?
posted by phunniemee at 5:47 AM on July 14, 2015 [9 favorites]

Happy Birthday!
posted by ardgedee at 5:47 AM on July 14, 2015

I have never attempted to scan a cat. I wouldn't even know where to start. In fact, I don't think I agree with it.
posted by French Fry at 5:48 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

I wouldn't even know where to start.

Start at the front and work your way towards the back.
posted by carter at 5:49 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

You know, someone should make a Pokémon Snap-type game where you lure cats onto scanners for scans.
posted by ignignokt at 5:50 AM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]

We all do. ...
Read the posts down here.
Scan our cats.
Agree with it.
Drive legally.
posted by carsonb at 5:50 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Metafilter has reached the age of legal consent in selected US states, and all of Canada!
posted by COD at 5:51 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Does anyone read the posts out here by Pluto?
posted by eriko at 5:51 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

You know why.

You know.
posted by clvrmnky at 5:55 AM on July 14, 2015

anyway here's some pretty rad cats
posted by cortex at 5:56 AM on July 14, 2015 [6 favorites]

posted by photoslob at 5:57 AM on July 14, 2015

I can't get back to bob's world of cats your link is broken
posted by yhbc at 5:58 AM on July 14, 2015

When I was scanning cats, Pluto was a planet.
posted by eriko at 5:58 AM on July 14, 2015 [14 favorites]

This is to say
that yhbc
made the post
you were saving
until it was 18.

So sorry....

It was so catty
and scanned.
posted by mightshould at 6:02 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

And yes, I'm making Pluto Jokes. The New Horizons team formally started work in December of 2000. Today, it just flew by Pluto. New Horizons is basically just as old as MeFi is, and they're both celebrating today.

So now you have TWO reasons to drink. TWO!

Unknown is if New Horizons scanned any cats, or why. But it certainly has instruments. It may well have.
posted by eriko at 6:03 AM on July 14, 2015 [17 favorites]

Happy Birthday!!!
posted by JoeXIII007 at 6:05 AM on July 14, 2015

posted by ZenMasterThis at 6:08 AM on July 14, 2015

Lately my wife is obsessed with cats hugging things, so a happy birthday hug to you, MetaFilter.
posted by Rock Steady at 6:09 AM on July 14, 2015 [6 favorites]

Metafilter is weird.
posted by swift at 6:16 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

I wouldn't even know where to start.

Start at the front and work your way towards the back.

But remember the rules:
Try to avoid scanning the Cat's genitals. We really don't need to see Fluffy's junk up close and personal.
posted by TedW at 6:17 AM on July 14, 2015

I used to be a cat-scanner like you, but then I took a claw to the knee.
posted by metaquarry at 6:25 AM on July 14, 2015 [8 favorites]

Happy birthday!

(As if I need another reason to drink.)
posted by blurker at 6:28 AM on July 14, 2015

Oh no, not again.
posted by skyscraper at 6:31 AM on July 14, 2015

Dammit, cortex and penguin pie beat me to it.


posted by languagehat at 6:33 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Happy birthday Metafilter, long may you reign.
posted by davros42 at 6:38 AM on July 14, 2015

I like popsicles.

Happy birthday MetaFilter!!!
posted by Sophie1 at 6:38 AM on July 14, 2015

Liberté! Égalité! Felidae!
posted by Metroid Baby at 6:40 AM on July 14, 2015 [22 favorites]

posted by Metroid Baby at 6:41 AM on July 14, 2015 [25 favorites]


Who here likes pancakes?
posted by Doktor Zed at 6:43 AM on July 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Metafilter! Have some kitten videos.
posted by BlueJae at 6:43 AM on July 14, 2015

I got more cats just in time for this post.
posted by JanetLand at 6:45 AM on July 14, 2015

Long live the Blue! Long live mathowie! Long live scanner cats!
posted by Brodiggitty at 6:45 AM on July 14, 2015

Isn't it customary at a 16th birthday party to put up all the pictures from the intervening years?


Happy birthday Metafilter.

Also: when did Metafilter takeover cat-scan.com?
posted by kisch mokusch at 6:46 AM on July 14, 2015 [7 favorites]

I offer up my hand clutching a portobello mushroom, accompanied by taters and pancakes. Happy birthday!
posted by h00py at 6:49 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Like sands through the hourglass,
so are the days of our lives.

posted by davelog at 6:49 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Metafilter, you cantankerous, contrarian, cat-lovin', sixteen-year-old.

You're my first girlfriend in disguise, ain't ya?
posted by Devonian at 6:54 AM on July 14, 2015

If it weren't for MetaFilter I couldn't put my cats in folders while I drive. Profound influence on the shape of the world, MetaFilter has.
posted by tilde at 6:54 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

happy birthday website
posted by griphus at 6:55 AM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]

Happy Birthday Blue!
posted by chinesefood at 6:57 AM on July 14, 2015

Metafilter: Metafilter is weird.
posted by stevil at 6:59 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

Allons enfants de l'internet, l'anniversaire est arrivé!
posted by Navelgazer at 7:00 AM on July 14, 2015

Kate Beaton did an autobiographical cat comic just in time for MetaFilter's birthday.
posted by EvaDestruction at 7:01 AM on July 14, 2015 [5 favorites]

What is all this?
posted by h00py at 7:01 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

So, speaking of metafilter reaching an age of legal consent, that reminds me of how I nearly ruined Quonsmas a few years ago.

It was my first year helping julen out with the Secret Quonsar swap, and I was supposed to be doing some of the early anonymizing. Those of you who have participated in the swap know that there's a dedicated quonsar gmail account so all of the elves can have a single unified voice. julen has done an absolutely amazing job magicking together google forms and spreadsheets so everything is just super organized and easy and wonderful.

Enter: me, fucking it all up.

I was at my uncle's house down in Florida for thanksgiving, armed only with my phone as my sole source of internet access. I woke up before anyone else in the house and decided to spend some time going through the anonymizing queue to answer some emails. Gmail wasn't playing nicely with my phone, kept prompting me to populate the google account with some personal information every time I tried to do anything, so I figured what the heck, might as well give it something just to shut it up.

So there I was, Thanksgiving morning, thinking I was being helpful, and LIKE AN IDIOT when it asked me (Secret Quonsar Swap me) for my birthday, I put in metafilter's birthday. LIKE AN IDIOT. Because at the time, metafilter wasn't old enough to have its own google account. The account immediately shut us all out, locked down, and there went all of our swap information, emails from quonsees, everything. All emails sent to the account bouncing back as undeliverable. Boom, gone, locked away, no access. On Thanksgiving morning. When all I had to problem solve with was a mobile interface. I sent a HOPE ME email to google but figured I wouldn't get speedy help on a major holiday.

Cue much frantic I AM AN IDIOT SORRY SORRY SORRY memailing to julen, who as usual responded with much grace and good nature and assured me it wasn't a big deal, which is when I realized julen is a much better person than I will ever be.

I ended up having to do some kind of age/name verification with my credit card through google that morning, hoping there wouldn't be any problems, and thankfully by the end of the weekend the account was unlocked. Anybody who had an urgent SQ question over Thanksgiving 2011, I'm sorry. My bad. Hope it worked out ok.

Anyway, that's the story of how a tweenage metafilter and I almost but not quite ruined Quonsmas.
posted by phunniemee at 7:04 AM on July 14, 2015 [30 favorites]

Also: when did Metafilter takeover cat-scan.com?

That'd be 2011.
posted by Shmuel510 at 7:05 AM on July 14, 2015 [4 favorites]

Unknown is if New Horizons scanned any cats

I'm no astroscientist, but I'm pretty sure Pluto is a dog planet.

Happy Birthday, MeFi! 🎁🎉🎂
posted by Room 641-A at 7:10 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Slarty Bartfast comes and goes but Metafilter abides forever.
posted by Slarty Bartfast at 7:10 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

RAD cat.

omg medical humor lol
posted by fiercekitten at 7:15 AM on July 14, 2015

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the high quality, minimalism, and low noise.
posted by King Sky Prawn at 7:17 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

November, 1999.
posted by jenkinsEar at 7:20 AM on July 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen!
posted by scottymac at 7:23 AM on July 14, 2015

Wedged cat.
posted by CheeseDigestsAll at 7:31 AM on July 14, 2015

Thank you metafilter! You are an awesome teenager!

Also, who is Metafilter taking to prom, now it can drive?
posted by thegirlwiththehat at 7:36 AM on July 14, 2015

Happy b-day, Metafilter. Take it away, Chuck.
posted by FelliniBlank at 7:36 AM on July 14, 2015

No image posting (anymore, except that time cortex tried to make us all happy-cry recently). Fewer birthdays than Slashdot. Lame.

I love this place. Happy birthday!
posted by sparkletone at 7:43 AM on July 14, 2015

Cake! I need cake.
posted by cashman at 7:45 AM on July 14, 2015

That archive.org link is great. Internet ice age stuff (have you heard of Napster?) right next to stuff that holds up today (how the dotcoms ruined San Francisco, plus an article about wearables).
posted by infinitewindow at 7:47 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Metafilter: Damnnn cortex beat me to it.
posted by Fizz at 7:48 AM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]

Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen!

Oh God, this gave me an unexpectedly visceral shock. My dad has something called The Birthday Medley which begins with him singing "Tra-lalalala-lalalala happy birthday sweet sixteen..." and ends with him singing "Happy Birthday to You" in the style of Marilyn Monroe singing to President Kennedy complete with breathy voice and meaningful pause between "Happy birthday" and "Mr...President". He sings this at every family birthday celebration, including ones in public, and has done since I was born. It turns out the simple phrase "happy birthday sweet sixteen" can cause mortified flashbacks through thirty years of memories. I love my daddy very much but the man is a continent-sized embarrassment.
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl at 8:17 AM on July 14, 2015 [7 favorites]

Oh also happy birthday Metafilter! I am glad you are around and if you had an email address I would send you an awesome e-card (probably my favorite Tax Day card? Or the lovely Chinese New Year with cute animals if I were feeling sentimental).
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl at 8:19 AM on July 14, 2015

Thanks for all of the awesomeness over the years, Metafilter.

-- Todd Lokken
posted by Chrysostom at 8:40 AM on July 14, 2015 [6 favorites]

Hooray! Happy Birthday, MeFi!
posted by joedan at 8:50 AM on July 14, 2015

All the posts float down here, Cortex.

Happy Birthday, MF.
posted by Splunge at 8:54 AM on July 14, 2015

I was just looking for a used car.

Happy Birthday MeFi. You're driving now and my username is just entering school, but you still always make time for your kid brother.
posted by Clinging to the Wreckage at 8:59 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Happy 16th, Metafilter.
posted by TheWhiteSkull at 9:09 AM on July 14, 2015

Happy birthday, slugger. May you filter the meta until the stars grow cold. Now let's go to The Cheesecake Factory.
posted by prize bull octorok at 9:09 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

Generic Metafilter in-joke
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 9:12 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

posted by sweetkid at 9:12 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

You come on like a dream, plating those beans,
Posts all batshitinsane.
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're mine. (mine, all mine)

You're all taters and grar, ooh, that's what you are,
Mods that filter the whine.
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're mine.
(mine, all mine, mine, mine)

You walked out of the Net, into my screen,
Now you're my special snowflake.
You're sixteen, you're beautiful, and you're mine.
posted by yoink at 9:12 AM on July 14, 2015 [10 favorites]

I do.
posted by Lafe at 9:30 AM on July 14, 2015

So now you have TWO reasons to drink. TWO!

n+1, really
posted by brennen at 9:44 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

Also, who is Metafilter taking to prom, now it can drive?

First Metafilter has to get a used car.
posted by nubs at 9:50 AM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

posted by vrakatar at 9:54 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

In short, Metafilter is a land of contrasts.
posted by happyroach at 9:55 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

It's OK I sent New Horizons out to get some more ice.
posted by eriko at 9:56 AM on July 14, 2015 [4 favorites]

In short, Metafilter is a land of contrasts.

posted by zarq at 10:18 AM on July 14, 2015 [4 favorites]

You know what's weird? The original ZIPPETY BOP appeared on June 14, 2001. On July 18, 2001 , just one month later, the Family Guy aired their Brian Does Hollywood episode, in which Stewie goes on Kids Say the Darndest Things and Bill Cosby shouts Zip Zop Zoopedy Bop.

I mean, Mahogne only offered up 43 comments, but perhaps it was because he or she could almost see the future.
posted by maxsparber at 10:31 AM on July 14, 2015

posted by sexyrobot at 10:35 AM on July 14, 2015

I have no idea how this car got wedged into this scanner
oh wait, Metafilter can drive now
this explains everything
posted by pernoctalian at 10:41 AM on July 14, 2015

I refuse to read the posts down here.
posted by Secretariat at 10:51 AM on July 14, 2015

Sixteen is pretty old for a cat. The Big Dirt Nap can't be too far off now.
posted by briank at 11:06 AM on July 14, 2015


posted by Room 641-A at 11:12 AM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

* cries *
posted by baby_jessamyn at 11:20 AM on July 14, 2015 [8 favorites]

Happy Birthday to all of us MeFites! Yay!

(Goes out to trash the city in celebration, decides to just get lunch instead.)
posted by mosk at 11:20 AM on July 14, 2015

Sixteen is pretty old for a cat.

For a cat, yes. But all cats are just a single, fleeting face of the All-Cat. And the All-Cat is universal and eternal, dwelling forever at the threshold of existence, a liminal threat on the interface between what we call reality and the incomprehensible void beyond.

In the spaces between the things we in our limited humanity can perceive, the All-Cat waits.

There is hope, though. A multinational team of Applied Ontologists have been coordinating with Google for years now, in a defensive effort we're are just now beginning to see the fruits of: the synthesis of an All-Dog.
posted by cortex at 11:22 AM on July 14, 2015 [4 favorites]

And what an 0010h years it has been! In that time, MetaFilter has been responsible for:

1. Creating a time machine to comprehensively fix that Obama birth certificate snafu
2. Building a robot car so intelligent, it refuses to drive in Boston
3. Ending World Hunger (in Portland)
4. Maintaining the Secret Accord that grants humankind its liberty in return for catnip
5. Octupling broadband speeds in rural parts of Manhattan
6. Re-electing Obama by disguising a malfunctioning Nexus 6 as Mitt Romney
7, Not only discovering the Higgs Boson, but determining that its favourite band is Tortoise
8. Persuading the Bilderberg Group to reform and take the show on the road, in acapella
9. Legalising Dandelion and Burdock not only for medicinal purposes, but recreationally
10. Quietly painting Pluto a fetching shade of blush-ochre in time to surprise New Horizons

Here's to the next 16 years of secret world domination and fiendishly disguised agendas!
posted by Devonian at 11:32 AM on July 14, 2015 [12 favorites]

Hooray! Happy birthday, Metafilter! I'm so glad you're all here!
posted by colfax at 11:44 AM on July 14, 2015

Yay! I knew it was this week, but thought it was a few days away still until a friend reminded me out of the blue and wished me a happy birthday.

Happy Birthday MeFi! Wow 16! You're getting so big. Are you getting even taller than last time I saw you? Wow, you're like a real adult now, no longer my little baby MetaFilter.

posted by mathowie at 12:06 PM on July 14, 2015 [22 favorites]

a friend reminded me out of the blue

posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 12:20 PM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]

I knew it was this week, but thought it was a few days away still until a friend reminded me out of the blue and wished me a happy birthday.

There is a MetaFilter Special Days Google Calendar [ical] you can subscribe to.
posted by Rock Steady at 12:21 PM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]

What a wonderful sweet sixteen present for us all! New Horizons sent us an awesome present....
posted by Lynsey at 12:21 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

*Migs signal*
Y'all whippersnappers get them thar longboats off'n my lawn now, ya hear?
posted by romakimmy at 1:03 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

This will not wendell. Because it will wendforever.
posted by oneswellfoop at 1:12 PM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]

I remember my first beer.
posted by valkane at 1:32 PM on July 14, 2015

We have cameras.
posted by ewagoner at 1:35 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Happy Birthday! Easily my favorite site on the internets.
posted by adamd1 at 1:40 PM on July 14, 2015

posted by feelinglistless at 1:40 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Nerd things that happened after MetaFilter was born include:

8 days later: The first version of MSN Messenger is released by Microsoft.
9 days later: NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is launched.
17 days later: NASA intentionally crashes the Lunar Prospector spacecraft into the Moon, thus ending its mission to detect frozen water on the lunar surface.
48 days later: Apple Computer releases the Power Macintosh G4.
57 days later: Sega Dreamcast is released in North America as well as Sonic Adventure.
90 days later: Date selected by the UN as when the world population reaches 6 billion people.
100 days later: Grand Theft Auto 2 is released on PlayStation.

On the population thing, there are now roughly 1,350,000,000 more people on this rock than then.
posted by Wordshore at 1:47 PM on July 14, 2015 [4 favorites]

posted by rmd1023 at 1:48 PM on July 14, 2015

Keeping a solid pace vis-a-vis post rate: http://bits.potch.me/mefi-catscan-posts.png
posted by potch at 1:51 PM on July 14, 2015

We're gonna need spacecraft.
posted by clavdivs at 2:39 PM on July 14, 2015

100 days later: Grand Theft Auto 2 is released on PlayStation.

Metafilter begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th.
posted by Pink Frost at 3:02 PM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

Surely this...
posted by Fezboy! at 3:11 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

We're gonna need a bigger spacecraft.
posted by jessamyn at 3:31 PM on July 14, 2015

Woo hoo, sixteen, we should start an awesome band to tell the truths the adults don't want to hear!
posted by LobsterMitten at 3:33 PM on July 14, 2015

Metafilter's entire existence would be justified if all it ever brought us was Rock Steady's link to Cats Hugging Things.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 3:41 PM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]


mf turns sixteen ONE day after I turn 56! Never noticed that before...


Happy Beanday!
posted by Namlit at 3:49 PM on July 14, 2015

posted by eriko at 4:14 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Metafilter: We really don't need to see Fluffy's junk up close and personal.
posted by penguin pie at 4:45 PM on July 14, 2015

When Matt chose the first thing to post on MetaFilter, did he KNOW cats would end up taking over the Web? Or was he intentionally STARTING IT?
posted by oneswellfoop at 4:52 PM on July 14, 2015

There aren't many websites that hold up this well after 16 years. Keep MeFi Weird!!
posted by caution live frogs at 5:01 PM on July 14, 2015

To see the first week or so's FPPs, as of today you need to hit the "older post" button 2771 times. For the record, here are posts 2-10:

2. Jennicam
3. Something about a new (in 1999) Apple product
4. Something about the world's smallest web server at the time
6. The Death Clock
7. Something about a defunct font database
8. Something about a Hello Kitty themed tarot card deck
9. Something about a branding agreement between Pepto-Bismo and Yahoo!
10. Something about the Women's World Cup being a big leap forward for women's soccer, but the link being a big leap back

Almost all of those lead to broken links, alas. Two of them (Jennicam and Death Clock) are blocked from work for me.

Happy birthday, Metafilter! You've come a long way, baby.
posted by Joey Michaels at 5:24 PM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

cat scans
posted by pseudonick at 5:46 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

This is my 1000th comment. Wow. I know some of you are way, way beyond that. But for me, it's a wow.

I'm going to quote a comment I made on Ask Metafilter a few months ago, when somebody was seeking alternatives to Metafilter:

I've gotten into a few too many silly arguments on Metafilter myself, and I understand what you're complaining about... but I've also been online since 1996 or so, and I've never found a forum as reasonable and intelligent as this. On Metafilter, the real jerks don't get to dominate the discussion. They are dismissed by the other posters, and eventually they probably get banned. People can get into PC, holier-than-thou tizzies, sometimes unfairly accusing other people of callousness or ignorance. But to fit in on Metafilter you kind of have to believe compassion and smarts are a good thing, and that is so, so preferable to other forums where people try to one-up each other with endless grossness and cruelty.

This place is special. No matter what is going on with your stupid shitty life, any hour of the day or night, you know there is always a place where reasonable minds will be celebrating the latest interesting thing or at least disagreeing with each other in entertaining ways.

Last year, when I got the cancer diagnosis and was told it could well be terminal, I found myself looking with horror at all the time I'd wasted online. All of a sudden I deeply regretted all those hours reading interviews on the AV Club or reviews on Salon.com. I couldn't afford to waste time anymore!

And you might expect I'd decide to stay away from Metafilter then. But I didn't. Metafilter was the place that rounded up a lot of truly worthwhile stuff and gave it to me one link at a time, with spirited debate but relatively few flamewars. For somebody who thought she was running out of time in this world, there was tremendous value in that.

When I went into the hospital last summer and they carved a big chunk of my guts out, it was just as awful as you'd imagine. I remember sitting in the hospital with my Kindle before the surgery, clicking around on Metafilter. I remember visiting Metafilter during my recovery, with an epidural still hooked up to my spine. Since then I've seen doctors and doctors and doctors, had tests and tests and tests, and having Metafilter with me in those exam rooms while I waited has helped me stay relatively sane. It was a little piece of home that traveled with me, always. No matter what pain or panic I was facing, this place was there.

I go back sometimes and look at my old comments, and it's like a diary almost. I remember where I was and what was happening, when I wrote that silly thing. I regret so many things I've said. People got upset with me, sometimes justly so. But I always knew I was welcome to come back, even if I'd been an idiot asshole yesterday. I changed a few minds, and (much more often) I had my mind changed by somebody here who made an argument that forced me to question my old assumptions.

I can't say I've made specific friends here exactly. Generally, that doesn't seem to be how this works. But I have found a friendly community, a true global village just like we used to talk about back in 1996.

Happy birthday to us all, and many more.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 5:55 PM on July 14, 2015 [25 favorites]

...and in a bit of rough symmetry, the above was my 1000th favorite. :-)
posted by Shmuel510 at 6:04 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

Sorry Metafilter. There is no spoon.
posted by Freen at 6:10 PM on July 14, 2015

Sum of Den Beste Days.
posted by clavdivs at 6:49 PM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

Metafilter! I lurked for years before joining...why, I don't recall. 'Net shyness mostly, I suppose. Still mostly lurking. Thanks for years of cat pics, and mind-enlarging intelligent discussion. I'm better at this whole being human thing because of my time spent here. One day soon I'll get brave enough for my first FPP.
posted by theplotchickens at 7:27 PM on July 14, 2015 [4 favorites]

Just so you know, theplotchickens, your username legit makes me laugh every time I read it.
posted by cortex at 7:32 PM on July 14, 2015 [2 favorites]

Knock knock!
posted by eriko at 7:32 PM on July 14, 2015

who's there
posted by cortex at 7:34 PM on July 14, 2015

Who's there?
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 7:34 PM on July 14, 2015

who's there who
posted by cortex at 7:34 PM on July 14, 2015

Happy birthday MeFi!

Chaplin's here to join the cat celebration.
posted by SisterHavana at 7:51 PM on July 14, 2015

who's there or who's square (?)
posted by oneswellfoop at 7:53 PM on July 14, 2015

Best links, best color of blue, best comments, best usernames. Best of the web. Thanks, Matt, Jess, Cortex, Restless_Nomad, pb, Taz, Gnfti, LobsterMitten for all you have done, did, do.
posted by Devils Rancher at 8:09 PM on July 14, 2015 [1 favorite]

I've been away for a couple of months due to work, but my calendar reminded me that it was your birthday MeFi and I knew I had to come back.
Happy Birthday to the best place and people on the Internet. I promise not to stay away so long.
posted by arcticseal at 8:34 PM on July 14, 2015

Today is my ten-year anniversary of becoming An Official MeFite! Here is a non-exhaustive list of the things I have gained or discovered due, at least in part, to Metafilter:

-A knowledge and appreciation of a variety of booze
-Several Pub Quiz teams (who regularly win!)
-The joy of eating a Mission Burrito late at night while buzzed
-A Tumblr with a bajillion (approx.) followers
-So much twitter activity I can hardly keep up
-An awesome Canadian nerd that I dated for like a year and am still good friends with
-Probably my most favorite cheese ever
-A Ladies' Drinking Club (with mega-awesome ladies!!!)
-A close group of the most awesome, clever, creative, confident people that I am lucky enough to call friends
-A super rad BFF who is more supportive (and makes more pie) than any best friend I've ever known before

I would literally not have half the life I do currently without MetaFilter. Thank you MeFi!! I love all of you, I guess? Feelings are weird. Happy Birthday to Us.
posted by sarahnade at 8:47 PM on July 14, 2015 [3 favorites]

Holy shit, I made the sidebar! And to think I only made the post because I went on the computer in the morning to read the anniversary thread and saw that there wasn't one. . . Happy Birthday again, MetaFilter!
posted by yhbc at 8:56 PM on July 14, 2015

Ah the memories.............
posted by bjgeiger at 9:36 PM on July 14, 2015

aint nobody here but the filter
posted by Namlit at 11:40 PM on July 14, 2015

posted by h00py at 2:38 AM on July 15, 2015 [2 favorites]

Is this something I'd need an internet to understand?
posted by xqwzts at 3:07 AM on July 15, 2015

Knock-knock, motherfucker.

oh god
posted by zarq at 3:57 AM on July 15, 2015


What? It's not Caps Lock Day? Well, this is certainly awkward...
posted by daniel_charms at 4:45 AM on July 15, 2015 [1 favorite]

Knock-knock, motherfucker.

There's a very pretty house in our little town that I have always enjoyed seeing over the years when I'm in that 'hood. Last year, the residents probably thought it was odd when some random old dog-walking stranger suddenly stopped dead in the street and nearly fell down laughing at the sight of the giant clucking metal art object they recently added to their front porch. I keep forgetting to go back and snap a pic.
posted by FelliniBlank at 4:57 AM on July 15, 2015 [1 favorite]

The giant metal chicken is a year late. 16 is the sloth anniversary.
posted by EvaDestruction at 6:36 AM on July 15, 2015 [1 favorite]

Hey, happy late birthday, Metafilter! Without you I wouldn't be nearly the person I am today. Thanks!
posted by Caduceus at 6:36 AM on July 15, 2015

*pinches mefi's cheek*
posted by Pyrogenesis at 7:39 AM on July 15, 2015

posted by rum-soaked space hobo at 8:20 AM on July 15, 2015 [1 favorite]

Happy Birthday MeFi!
posted by bhell13 at 1:01 PM on July 15, 2015

Literally late to the party. :o

posted by wintersweet at 5:00 PM on July 15, 2015

posted by vrakatar at 5:14 PM on July 15, 2015 [1 favorite]

Did I miss it?
posted by eamondaly at 10:33 AM on August 5, 2015

No, you're actually quite early.
posted by maxsparber at 10:50 AM on August 5, 2015 [2 favorites]

posted by rum-soaked space hobo at 12:44 AM on August 6, 2015 [1 favorite]

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