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MetaTalk post: OP Spotlight
Is there a Greasemonkey script that posts "There's a Greasemonkey script for that" in every feature request thread from now on?

There should also be a script that makes a "Is there a Greasemonkey script that posts 'There's a Greasemonkey script for that'" joke.
posted to MetaTalk by Rock Steady at 6:39 PM on May 6, 2008
Ask MeFi post: Am I prejudiced about friends working in service jobs?
Upper middle class people have chauffeurs and maids? Wow... I guess I'm lower class than I thought.

You shouldn't feel embarrassed for them. They're in that job of their own volition. Maybe they're happy working a job with little responsibility that doesn't have them slaving behind a desk / computer screen 8-10 hours a day...

Is it awkward? Yeah, it's awkward. I've run into old classmates/friends who ended up serving me coffee or food.... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by twiggy at 5:49 PM on May 6, 2008
MetaTalk post: USA Only
Rather ironic that the site's URL starts with "www", doncha think?

Hey, we saved all your ungrateful asses in World War II. If you can't deal with web addresses starting with "world war winners", don't call on us to save you next time around.
posted to MetaTalk by Blazecock Pileon at 1:34 AM on May 6, 2008
MetaTalk post: Obscure bug found only because I'm realllllly bored at work
one contact: .(
posted to MetaTalk by clearly at 6:50 PM on May 5, 2008
MeFi post: The Rise of the Rest
It's not like the lizard people who secretly run everything actually care who their current front is.
posted to MetaFilter by Artw at 4:41 PM on May 5, 2008
MeFi post: Our sustainers
A couple of other related resources on this topic:
Here is some info on varieties and traditional layouts of various tribes that grew three sisters gardens
Here is a very interesting (but long) account of traditional first nations gardening in the Hidatsa tribe.
posted to MetaFilter by aquafiend at 7:35 PM on May 4, 2008
One thing all of those articles leave out are the varieties of the plants those systems encouraged. Corn, as it migrated north, went through a transition. Corn easily grown in the warmer climates is able to be easily grown sweeter. This is not to say you can't grow sweet corn in the northern climes (I live in Washington and can grow sweet corn without a problem, albeit the plants are never huge and per dollar acre here aren't worth it, but customers love it and expect it).... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by ZaneJ. at 4:08 AM on May 4, 2008
MeFi post: Microsoft gives up on its bid for Yahoo!
Flickr is nice. And Pipes shows that they still have some engineering talent. I wouldn't count Yahoo out just yet.
posted to MetaFilter by meta_eli at 6:24 PM on May 3, 2008
MetaTalk post: Yeah, I got my answer, but fuck you.
Also, what are you hoping to accomplish with this post?

I wasn't trying to "accomplish" anything other than finding out how other people felt about it. I had been noticing a lack of clarification/feedback/response/etc. in various AskMes lately, and I wondered if others noticed it too.

I also noticed that I felt frustrated (whether that's right or wrong, or "self-righteous" or "too invested" or... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by amyms at 11:37 AM on May 3, 2008
If someone doesn't respond to an AskMe post, I usually imagine them nodding appreciatively at the responses, even if they don't answer, and going on their way.

This is a simple, sane way to proceed.
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 8:50 AM on May 3, 2008
I think amyms is talking about the ones that never get a best-answer resolution? "... askers never bother to respond at all."
posted to MetaTalk by taz at 3:41 AM on May 3, 2008
MetaTalk post: Performance art?
When you get drunk in Australia, does the room spin the other way?
posted to MetaTalk by Blazecock Pileon at 10:08 PM on May 1, 2008
MeFi post: Bin Laden Determined To Strike In U.S. Part 2
We're not right back where we were in 2001. We're several trillion poorer.

Not all of us. Cheney and his backroom friends in the energy, security and military sector are doing just fine.
posted to MetaFilter by Blazecock Pileon at 7:26 PM on April 30, 2008
This all begs the question that there was some intent other than never-ending conflict requiring a huge standing army.
posted to MetaFilter by mullingitover at 7:10 PM on April 30, 2008
Ask MeFi post: But I was born here!
Oh, do I wish I were in your daughter's situation! As mentioned, it will be great for work, but it's also worth noting that some US schools have admissions policies that are need-blind for US citizens but not internationals.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by goingonit at 11:40 AM on May 1, 2008
She won't need a work permit. She can work in both Canada and the US without restrictions.

Does she have a US social security number (SSN), a social insurance number (SIN), or both? Usually you apply for SSN at the hospital when the kid is born, so she should have one of those. If she doesn't have a SSN, apply now. When you get the card, you will see that it will have no annotations on the front of the card (just a number and a signature line), which means she can work... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by crazycanuck at 11:28 AM on May 1, 2008
If she has a Social Security Number and card, she won't need a work permit.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by yohko at 11:25 AM on May 1, 2008
MeFi post: Very chummy
Sharks are statistically irrelevant in ocean related human fatalities.

Humans are the only cause of shark fatalities.

Sharks are beautiful creatures to behold.

I said it once before, but it bears repeating:
Sharks kill about 8 people globally per year, which is 10 times less than falling coconuts. You should be alot more scared of coconut palms if you are the paranoid type.

More people... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by asok at 2:46 AM on April 30, 2008
MetaTalk post: We, have, like...commas
I am shocked. Commas are grammar's sperms and I feel like my profile has been jizzed upon mightily.

That is to say, awesome.
posted to MetaTalk by robocop is bleeding at 2:00 PM on April 30, 2008
MeFi post: You know he was driving stick shift, honey...
and what kind of personality disturbances do those judges have? ugh.
posted to MetaFilter by amberglow at 1:57 PM on June 8, 2005
MeFi post: Your discarded plastic cup is floating
Oh, the earth could absolutely recover. It has done far worse to itself.

Here's my question: When we hit peak oil (or sometime thereafter) will people be mining this stuff? Not only from the ocean but from landfills and such? I think one of the biggest problems with burning oil that we don't consider is that we won't have anything to make plastic out of any more. At what point will it become economical to dig up all the stuff we have thrown out?
posted to MetaFilter by Yellowbeard at 11:44 AM on December 16, 2004
MeFi post: Purple Reign

They are winning.
posted to MetaFilter by Artw at 9:50 PM on April 29, 2008
MeFi post: Are you a hobo?
Please don't push your hobosexual agenda here.
posted to MetaFilter by Slarty Bartfast at 12:09 AM on August 12, 2006
MeFi post: He's joined Lucy in the sky...
[[[[[[[[[#\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’’^@@&_____^^^^__&&&&... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by loquacious at 4:35 PM on April 29, 2008
MetaTalk post: Just a curious question
Now is as good a time as any to mention something I've been wanting to say for a while. Because I work here, with my odd flexible schedule, and this huge crowd of bright and shiny nerds [and the rest of youse] it also lets me do the other things I do in my life like helping the little libraries of Central Vermont with their tech support issues, teaching email to old people, and travelling around the world teaching librarians why they shouldn't be afraid of computers. This would literally be... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 5:55 AM on April 29, 2008
MeFi post: Very chummy
For about $3.50 I'll douse you with tuna and let 33 stray cats have their wai with you.
posted to MetaFilter by LordSludge at 7:05 AM on April 29, 2008
I'm shocked to discover that diving in intentionally bloodied shark infested water has lead to a shark attack death.
posted to MetaFilter by The Straightener at 6:24 AM on April 29, 2008
MeFi post: Moyers interviews Wright
Niggardly - Word_origins
posted to MetaFilter by Artw at 3:55 PM on April 28, 2008
Huh? Omie, you're a smart guy, I can't believe you actually think that. Did you watch the Moyers interview? Why is it crazy to point out that America has committed enormous historical "sins" (whatever construction you want to put on that word), and that its activities in the Middle East might have had something to do with the 9/11 attacks? Does sanity now equate to blind patriotism? And why the hell should Wright choose his remarks to make sure they're "acceptable to... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by OmieWise at 2:37 PM on April 28, 2008
brevator - fair enough. I'm not from around these parts and clearly not up on this sort of thing.

I can't believe someone jsut implied that I haven't read Starship Troopers. FUCK YOU, NOW I GO TO WAR!
posted to MetaFilter by Artw at 12:01 PM on April 28, 2008
MetaTalk post: Just a curious question
We also do a lot of prosaic link/post/comment/typo correction and back and forth email/MeMail with users

As someone who has ocassionally had to email the admins to fix linking and typo errors in my FPPs, I just wanted to jump in and say that I am always so impressed with how quickly they respond (especially Jessamyn). And they're always very warm and friendly even in the briefest of interactions.

You guys/gal go above and... [more]
posted to MetaTalk by amyms at 7:02 PM on April 28, 2008
MeFi post: Lost City in the Woods
MeFi meetup/slasher movie!
posted to MetaFilter by Artw at 9:27 PM on April 25, 2008
MeFi post: Dianetics is one of them, ho ho.
That said, the description of The Celestine Prophecy as (paraphrasing) "watching Tomb Raider while a stoned hippie babbles nonsense in your ear" goes a long way toward redeeming this list.
posted to MetaFilter by kittens for breakfast at 7:59 AM on April 26, 2008
MeFi post: Silva Rhetoricae
What a welcome change from politics, war, and SUV's.
posted to MetaFilter by TedW at 10:19 AM on January 8, 2003
MeFi post: The Hobbit Movie, It's Offical
Until then, we'll have to settle for the trailer.
(You've been Bil-Bo'd)
posted to MetaFilter by hal9k at 9:25 AM on April 25, 2008
Del Toro is an interesting choice. He's more light-hearted than Jackson, I think.

Uh, Pan's Labyrinth?
posted to MetaFilter by These Premises Are Alarmed at 9:10 AM on April 25, 2008
MeFi post: It's all Jimmy Carter's fault
If the allegation is true, the bully should have been charged with attempted murder. Peanut allergies are very serious, and very deadly, despite the hurf-durfing they sometimes receive by the general public. This has nothing to do with "a gap in allergy education," as the article suggests. The bully knew the other kid was allergic, and he chose to contaminate the lunchbox. My son is allergic to peanuts, among other things, and had several anaphylactic episodes before he was finally... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by amyms at 6:25 PM on April 24, 2008
MetaTalk post: Creepy Dutch TV Host + Paedophilia Thread.
...teeth wrangling...

Tell me more about this teeth wrangling. I'm intrigued.
posted to MetaTalk by flapjax at midnite at 8:58 PM on April 24, 2008
MeFi post: "Big Bird says it's time to wake up..."
Sort of related: the world's most dangerous bird.
posted to MetaFilter by Kirth Gerson at 1:15 PM on April 24, 2008
While they may have had feathers, they also had HUGE FUCKING TEETH!!!

So, while related to birds, still much scarier than birds.
posted to MetaFilter by daq at 12:41 PM on April 24, 2008
MeFi post: The day my mama socked it to the Harper Valley PTA
For some reason, I always confuse that song with Ode to Billy Joe... Maybe on the pop culture map, the Talahatci bridge is very close to Harper Valley.
posted to MetaFilter by drezdn at 8:29 PM on April 24, 2008
Ask MeFi post: What's the point of anonymity?
Don't confuse honesty with lack of tact. Just because something is true doesn't mean that now is a good time to say it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by winston at 3:59 PM on April 24, 2008
There are a couple problems with this approach:

1. Who exactly is the real you vs this alleged persona? Who is talking when youre depressed, angry, or extremely happy? Its pretty obvious that there's no "real" anyone, just moods and sloshing brain chemicals. The idea that there is a geniune person in there that is dying to get out is faulty after you honestly consider it.

2. In Buddhism there's the concept of right speech. This doesnt... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by damn dirty ape at 3:52 PM on April 24, 2008
MetaTalk post: Creepy Dutch TV Host + Paedophilia Thread.
I added a maybe NSFW warning but I'd prefer to not have to watch creepy video before I've had my coffee, what's pedo about it?
posted to MetaTalk by jessamyn at 5:27 AM on April 24, 2008
MeFi post: New China?
On the other hand, if Beijing actually manages to pull this off, it will really illustrate just how much pollution can actually be reduced when people actually give a damn.
posted to MetaFilter by delmoi at 7:16 AM on April 23, 2008
On the other hand, if Beijing actually manages to pull this off, it will really illustrate just how much pollution can actually be reduced when people actually give a damn.

In the 1960s and 1970s, America was very badly polluted. Its leaders responded to the need to clean up the country with the Clear Air and Superfund Acts and the (don't laugh) EPA. Things slowly got better.

A (relatively) clean environment is possible, you... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Blazecock Pileon at 1:03 PM on April 23, 2008
Well, for what it's worth, the weather here in Beijing has been beautiful this week. Yesterday was crystal-clear blue skies, as nice as out in the countryside (this after two days of rain and strong winds). Today was almost as nice.

I hate to sound like a kool-aid drinker, but the pollution here is not that bad anymore. It's gotten a lot better. The first time I came to Beijing (2002) I was in slack jawed amazement at the pollution, the sun was blunted and the city was... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by bluejayk at 8:12 AM on April 23, 2008
MeFi post: Rouge Waves
Am I the only one who is disappointed that the topic of this post didn't turn out to be a giant squid?
posted to MetaFilter by The Light Fantastic at 11:05 AM on April 23, 2008
MeFi post: Feminist bloggers and racism
Some honest questions:

Should blogging now be considering "publishing" in the legal or academic sense?

Is submitting to academic or legal standards on this issue a betrayal of blogging itself?

When should you cite a blog (as opposed to a conventional publication)?

What should be the consequences if you don't?

Can there be a clearer standard than courtesy or decency?
posted to MetaFilter by ducky l'orange at 11:20 AM on April 23, 2008
True story: I stole most of my ideas about feminism from Marilyn Frye and most of my ideas about morality from John Stuart Mill.

posted to MetaFilter by Pope Guilty at 10:27 AM on April 23, 2008
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