Sideblog Archive

October 31, 2019
Mefites share their Halloween Pumpkins (and other seasonal fun) in MetaTalk. 🎃

Get on the the Scary-Go-Round ... Witch (Craft) Beer; 500 Years of “Historical” Halloween Costumes; Meet helvetica's evil twin: HELLVETICA; When Patti Lupone Haunted A Laundromat; doppelgĂ€ngers, ghosts, dĂ©jĂ  vu, familiar faces in ancient portraits; Jezebel's Annual Scary Story Contest; Reading Marx On Halloween, and more; goats in costumes; Scary Stories to Read in the Office; The House of Lost Souls; Strange things are afoot at TheMERL; Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach (Good Omens Fanfic); Nine Inch Nails - Closer But It's Ghostbusters; Gothtober Countdown Calendar; feetloaf for dinner; "It’s just the house settling, sweetheart!"; Blair Witch, the video game; Luigi's Mansion 3; Become a horrible eldritch ocean god (game); Behind You (illustration series); How Demons Destroyed a Florida School; Malaysian hantu: good spirits, bad spirits, and neighborly ghosts

October 30, 2019
If you've finally gulped down Wobbuffet's fantastic Weird Tales from the 18th Century and are hungerrrring for morrrre, feast your eyes and immortal soul on (Translated) Weird Tales from the 19th Century and Weird Tales from the 20th Century, all with lots and lots of lovely, juicy online links for reading late into the witching hour.

October 29, 2019
Embrace your inner banality for Halloween: Japan's Best Boring Halloween Costumes

October 28, 2019
Chirin’s Bell is like if, instead of Bambi being raised by his father after the death of his mother, he sought out the hunters who killed his mother and insisted they teach him how to use a gun: interesting post from J.K. Seazer on an unusual children's book (and film), plus a great analysis of the work.

October 27, 2019
filthy light thief posts some cute adorable fuzzywuzzy dirty rotten effulgence felons, plus see more October "Post Your Name" Month offerings here.

October 26, 2019
48 bytes to spare: From the constraints of 1860s banknote sizes to "the opulent luxury of two entire kilobytes of display memory," MeFi's own mhoye dives 2500 words deep into the history of terminal aspect ratios in cgc373's post, "80×25."

October 25, 2019
I am a woman and a journeyman plumber with a B.A. in Statistics from the University of Chicago ... cnidaria posted a fantastic answer to shapes that haunt the dusk's question about switching from the academic track to trade work in your 30s.

October 24, 2019
signal is looking for examples of or resources for identifying inherent biases in different kinds of design (industrial, service, interface, graphic, etc.)

October 23, 2019
Give me your glow ups: I kind of look and feel like something they dragged out of the Chicago River. What are your favorite (relatively) quick-result ways to perk your whole deal up? Looks and spirits alike.

October 22, 2019

Beautiful Music for Big Feelings: carlypennylane is looking for captivating contemporary instrumental music that strongly captures a mood or a moment

October 21, 2019
The Underpants Monster tells a gravediggin' story; Stanczyk tells a tale of paper and love beyond the grave; elgilito talks about the death of French rural disco

October 20, 2019
Time to pass the Quons-torch! julen asks, who wants to take over as coordinator for Secret Quonsar?

October 19, 2019
Who TF does that? Larry Ramos, that's who. 23skidoo has a great comment about Ramos' skills and background in hippybear's The Association post.

October 16, 2019
Here's a quarterly update on MeFi's site finances.

Sady recommends horror: coolname points us toward some excellent film commentary by Sady Doyle that will maybe make you rethink some things you thunk before.

October 15, 2019
Hippybear posted a very helpful link on how to write image descriptions in Twitter for people with vision impairment or low vision!

October 14, 2019
We've updated some site documentation, in particular an updated community guidelines and expectations page and some details on being aware of and avoiding common microaggressions. There's some detail in this MetaTalk post.

Looking for dead simple sauces I can make by stirring things together: CiaoMela asks for your easiest, no-hassle recipes.

October 12, 2019
Wolfdog has posted the logic puzzle blog, Grandmaster Puzzles, featuring "elegant, hand-crafted designs written by some of the world's best puzzle constructors" ... and Mefites have some more recs in comments.

October 10, 2019
anadem asks advice for building a less tippy canoe: I made a little boat, a skin-on-frame canoe. It floats nicely when empty, but when I get in it tips me out. I want to make another boat that's more stable with me in it. Don't miss the cool photos of the building process linked in the post!

October 9, 2019
verstegan has a great answer for divabat's question Why do magic wands look the way they do?

October 8, 2019
Orange Dinosaur Slide proposes Post Your Name Month in Metatalk: post something cool related to your user name, and tag it "PostYourName"!

October 7, 2019
Help Embiggen These Brains! xenization is asking for Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind, nonfiction that makes you go, "Huh. Never thought of it like that before."

October 6, 2019
As a guy who bought a few hundred thousand suits in a former life...I have thoughts: allkindsoftime weaves a winning yarn about the weft and warp of working inside the garment industry in COD's post about the decline of the power suit.

October 5, 2019
Everybody Needs a Hygge: scenes in firelit rooms while it rains outside; passing long, chilly nights; comfy interiors; hearty meals ... In Ask Metafilter, delight is looking for cozy, satisfying historical fiction for Fall.

October 4, 2019
It's episode 156 of the MetaFilter podcast with cortex and jessamyn!

October 1, 2019
Amazing post! Flagged as phantasmic*: Wobbuffet kicks off spooky season with a fabulous, deep, bookworm-friendly post on weird tales from the 18th Century.

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