Favorites from Malor

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MeFi post: Decider in Chief
Q: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
A: This guy!
posted to MetaFilter by zamboni at 10:19 PM on January 29, 2007
Ask MeFi post: Please pay for your coffee!
You need a photo of some eyes near that sign.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jwells at 8:21 AM on January 29, 2007
MeFi post: You, Sir (Or Madam), Are A Pontifical Nincompoop
It's a shame he's missing "callipygous," the most pompous ass-word of them all.
posted to MetaFilter by hydrophonic at 9:26 PM on January 27, 2007
MeFi post: Is jail a fair punishment for malware?
Is there something in America that makes American policy makers particularly dumb?

Yes, the voters.
posted to MetaFilter by mmahaffie at 12:27 PM on January 24, 2007
MeFi post: Microsoft Expression
However, what I'd really like to buy is a lossless DRM-free music file from whoever will sell it to me.

I believe you can actually buy several of these at once on a CD-ROM now.
posted to MetaFilter by aaronetc at 9:11 AM on January 23, 2007
MeFi post: Girlus velocitus
Sure, to you and me it looks reckless. But in Utah, it's what passes for a clean divorce, unless the girl sticks.
posted to MetaFilter by mds35 at 9:29 PM on January 22, 2007
No way Id let some redneck slingshot me off the back of a 4x4.

*Fits monocle, tells Bertrand to ready the phaeton*
posted to MetaFilter by Alvy Ampersand at 9:26 PM on January 22, 2007
MeFi post: What I've Learned...
David Bowie still rocks my world after all these years:

The depressing realization in this age of dumbing down is that the questions have moved from "Was Nietzsche right about God?" to "How big was his dick?"
posted to MetaFilter by psmealey at 5:42 AM on January 17, 2007
MeFi post: Coprophilia
posted to MetaFilter by randomination at 4:23 PM on January 14, 2007
MeFi post: All Hail Eris!
Reports of his death have been greatly reiterated.
posted to MetaFilter by gigawhat? at 1:18 PM on January 12, 2007
MeFi post: JUMAH AL-DOSSARI is a 33-year-old citizen of Bahrain.
They have wrapped me in the Israeli flag

he's ready to run for US Senator, then.
posted to MetaFilter by matteo at 9:32 AM on January 12, 2007
MeFi post: Historian arrested for jaywalking, after being assualted by Atlanta police.
cops are people too

Yeah, people with guns, incredibly thin skins, and a cast-iron sense of authority: people should do exactly what they say, when they say it, with a shit-eating grin and a "Thank you, officer, and have a good day!" or wind up in the slammer. Sure, if it's a bullshit arrest it'll get thrown out, but meanwhile the cop will have that comforting sense of not having let some asshole make a fool of him and the non-perp will... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by languagehat at 1:57 PM on January 9, 2007
MeFi post: "Law school is an unlikely option, she said."
I'm sorry, but this isn't a boneheaded move or whatever ridiculous term you want to use to denigrate Ms. Lee's intellect and actions!

We live in a purportedly free (to a "reasonable" extent) country in which we shouldn't have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of symbols and objects which--though legal to posess--might get us popped by the police or other governmental enforcers.

In her mind I'm sure she never made the connection between... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Matt Oneiros at 12:57 PM on January 4, 2007
MeFi post: Tickle Me Elmo on Fire
This reminds me of an only slightly less perverse past-time I and some friends adopted in High school and college. And some of you from the Northwest who are of a certain age may remember the...

Adventures of The Stunt Monkey! Too bad there was no YouTube to document his adventures.

I had this fantastically well designed monkey doll from childhood. It had this insane facial expression and a wire skeleton and would hold poses. In 1980 one drunken... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by tkchrist at 2:42 PM on January 2, 2007
MeFi post: FDA approves cloned meat
I'm tired of eating the same thing every night.
posted to MetaFilter by ColdChef at 8:21 PM on December 27, 2006
MeFi post: US deaths in Iraq exceed 9/11 deaths today
So George Bush's war to up his father has now killed more Americans than bin Laden, killed more Iraqis that Saddam, and left us all in a more dangerous world.

Wow. That is quite the feather in George's cap.

Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11 though, nor does it have a damn thing to do with the war on terror, so this metric actually plays into the propaganda game that Bush likes, which is to link his war to up his father with the 9/11 attacks. On... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by teece at 12:03 PM on December 26, 2006
MeFi post: POTY
Your favorite person of the year sucks. Which is you. You suck.
posted to MetaFilter by interrobang at 7:05 PM on December 16, 2006
MeFi post: There was a ghastly Trial once/Of a dead man by a live man, and both, Popes.
There was a dead pope who looked ghastly
through a deacon was heard to speak lastly
I have been disinterred
for reasons absurd
and prefer my old vestments vastly
posted to MetaFilter by Devils Rancher at 3:03 PM on December 15, 2006
MeFi post: Adios Viejo
Just to add to what micayetoca said:

Pinochet had people shot
Pinochet had people beaten to death
Pinochet had people burned to death
Pinochet had people thrown from helicopters (live people)
Pinochet had people raped
Pinochet had people raped by dogs
Pinochet had people have pipes shoved in their vaginas and asses, and rats shoved down these pipes
Pinochet had pregnant women... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by signal at 4:44 PM on December 10, 2006
MetaTalk post: I don't know how to use favorites
The more times you favorite this comment, the less likely it is that I will take off my pants.
posted to MetaTalk by loquacious at 8:44 PM on December 2, 2006
MeFi post: Just paint and profit.
They're great except the water chip has a tendency to fail.
posted to MetaFilter by Mr.Encyclopedia at 3:21 PM on November 30, 2006
MeFi post: Saddam sentenced to death.
This is one of those cases that really stretch one's commitment against the death penalty.

As someone who's against the death penalty, I disagree. What harm would it do the global society to put Hussein in jail to live out his life? The naked barbarism of the death penalty remains fully in tact; you're still ritually killing a person who could be safely held in a prison and prevented from harming anyone. I don't think anyone should be executed;... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by graymouser at 9:29 AM on November 5, 2006
That really sucks. All of us down at the liberal clubhouse were just talking about how much we hate america and how awesome it would be if he got off. Well I hope the democrats are successful on tuesday so we can hand the country over to the terrorists and abort more babies!
posted to MetaFilter by 2sheets at 1:55 AM on November 5, 2006
MeFi post: my betty's ready
Man, I'm so tired of these Bush threads on MeFi.
posted to MetaFilter by quin at 3:45 PM on November 4, 2006
MeFi post: Ted Haggard | New Life Church
Seems strange he'd choose to be gay like that.
posted to MetaFilter by ODiV at 4:13 PM on November 2, 2006
MeFi post: red or blue pill?
Hmm, I wish I had started reading this guy earlier.

I'd like to put my arm around him, give him a smile, say its okay, then smash his head as hard as I could on the desk.

"Hurts doesnt it? Good. Welcome to the real world. Sorry it took a brain-dead woman, rampant corruption, a raping of the Bill of Rights and thousands of dead soldiers overseas for you to pull your head out of your ass. We need you. Stop whining and start helping.... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by elendil71 at 4:03 PM on November 1, 2006
MeFi post: Paul Burgess Hates You
From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee

I'm getting mighty tired of all this PC white whale bashing.
posted to MetaFilter by sonofsamiam at 11:24 AM on October 31, 2006
MeFi post: Following up on the Foley sex/page/alcohol/priest/republican scandal.
He'll be relaxing by the pool with a Shirley Temple

Wouldn't he prefer a Macaulay Culkin?
posted to MetaFilter by Grangousier at 12:22 PM on October 29, 2006
MeFi post: Boom.
There was a very strong faction in the politburo, and in the military command structure, which argued that because of the development of these very missles

In particular, the Pershing 1a and 1b IRBM, which gave the US the ability to make a signficant first strike against "west side" Soviet strategic forces and Moscow in less than 10 minutes.

This put the USSR in a very bad spot -- a decapitation strike could work,... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by eriko at 5:40 PM on October 21, 2006
MeFi post: Self Linking Considered Harmful
This comment should be popular.
posted to MetaFilter by Rhomboid at 6:43 AM on October 22, 2006
MeFi post: China may back coup against Kim

It wouldn't go quite that easy for China (round about the step where they threaten to sell of 5% of the assets backing their central banks) their economy would likely tank as well

China has been diversifying thier foreign currency accounts for the last five years -- partly because they expect us to comitt suicide (finiacially) and partly because they think they'll need to use this weapon.

This is a nation that has... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by eriko at 5:58 AM on October 18, 2006
MeFi post: Hasta La Vista, Habeas Corpus
This is a big deal. The "right" of a sovereign to toss anybody in jail just because they say so went away all the way back in 1214. Talk about your good old days. Plague, divine right of kings, papal infalibility, great time to be a lord and a lousy time to be a serf. I hope I'm wrong about this, but....

posted to MetaFilter by ilsa at 8:40 AM on October 19, 2006
MeFi post: Estimating civilian casualties in Iraq
Summer of Goodbyes...
posted to MetaFilter by taosbat at 9:26 AM on October 11, 2006
Ask MeFi post: What do you call a group of ninjas?
What do you call a group of ninjas?

Sir, sir, sir, and sir.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gleuschk at 3:30 PM on October 10, 2006
What do you call a group of ninjas?

An oxymoron. Ninjas kill alone.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gmarceau at 3:23 PM on October 10, 2006
Ask MeFi post: Woz? More like Was, am I rite?!
Coming up with even a single genius idea is so astronomically, mind-blowingly hard that the very few select people who almost never achieve another. Tim Berners-Lee as made a career out of being "the inventor of the www." Marc Andreesson made a career out of the slightly more profitable title "the inventor of the web browser." Even Bill Gates' entire career can be traced to an even more profitable, yet single, title, "the inventor of the software license"... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ChasFile at 4:36 PM on October 3, 2006
MeFi post: QTVR Inside of a Wind Tunnel
Thanks! but, I still feel like a world-bestriding man-colossus. Now what?
posted to MetaFilter by Jon Mitchell at 11:45 PM on September 24, 2006
MeFi post: Media Speaks Out
After listening to repeated calls for a more critical media some guy decides to step in, abeit with a fabricated history, to do at least in small portions what people have been asking for. So in typical left wing political fashion we must castigate and shun him for not having the requisite level of ideological or historical purity.

GWB: "You're either with us or against us"

Political Left " You either are and were exactly with us... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by srboisvert at 8:53 AM on September 21, 2006
Ask MeFi post: Help me find an annoying player name for a point-and-shoot computer game.
The best name i ever came across while playing counter-strike...

Seaman Stayne
posted to Ask MetaFilter by unexpected at 11:10 PM on September 15, 2006 marked best answer
MeFi post: Esta thread est en Europanto.
Europanto, merefucker, do vous sprechen it?
posted to MetaFilter by Joeforking at 3:49 PM on September 5, 2006
Was tú parler 'bout, Wilhelm?
posted to MetaFilter by hangashore at 3:27 PM on September 5, 2006
MetaTalk post: How does admin justify keeping this post about Gitmo but deleting this one about Chechnya?
Metafilter: churlish puling since 1198
posted to MetaTalk by Kirth Gerson at 10:40 AM on August 30, 2006
MeFi post: "How could I be an enemy combatant if I was not able to stand up?"
To be eligible for release, the U.S. must conclude the detainee no longer poses a threat to the United Sates, has no further intelligence value and does not merit criminal prosecution, said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon, a
Pentagon spokesman.

This is the part I find most fucked up--that a "detainee" has to prove his innocence. In other words, this administration has no respect for the concept of natural... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Citizen Premier at 10:39 AM on August 30, 2006
MeFi post: Scientology nearly ready to unveil Super Power
As pointed out on www.scam.com, "tasten colorn depth" should probably be read as "tasting colon depth", which is pretty much self-explanatory.

That's the least popular superpower of all time, by the way.
posted to MetaFilter by dreish at 9:21 AM on August 29, 2006
MeFi post: 911 redux: would you watch?
For those of us who didn't see this the first time around, please don't ruin the ending.
posted to MetaFilter by milnak at 3:43 PM on August 25, 2006
MeFi post: Mah num ah num - The Muppets' musical debut
WALDORF: That was wonderful!
WALDORF: I loved that!
STATLER: Ah, that was great!
WALDORF: Neh–it was pretty good.
STATLER: Well, it wasn’t bad…
WALDORF: There were parts of it that weren’t very good, though.
STATLER: It could’ve been a lot better.
WALDORF: I didn’t really like it.
STATLER: It was pretty terrible.
WALDORF: It was bad.
STATLER: It was... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by sourwookie at 9:40 PM on August 17, 2006
MeFi post: The Doors of Perception
On July 14th 2049 we'll probably see a post to metafilter about a site where people take pictures of computers using their cat.
posted to MetaFilter by edd at 8:12 AM on August 14, 2006
MeFi post: I Love the Smell of Sim-Napalm in the Morning
Post in the wrong thread.
posted to MetaFilter by Smedleyman at 1:20 PM on July 25, 2006
Ask MeFi post: Help me buy a basic business wardrobe.
This comment falls under the heading of general advice for the man making a dress transition. In the old days (1950-1970 by my reckoning), when we spoke of "men's tailored clothing" [meaning suits, slacks, top coats, sport coats, dinner jackets, smoking jackets, hunting tweeds, and formal wear], we had in mind constructed clothing made to a good standard of fit [at least the "special order" level of fit in the linked chart]. In those days, it was widely understood that good... [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by paulsc at 6:45 AM on July 23, 2006
MeFi post: Speechless and saddened.
What Israel is trying to accomplish now in Lebanon, is to get from Lebanon (and eventually Syria, too), what it already enjoys from Jordan and Egypt, that being, effectively, a demilitarized zone created in the territory of the neighbor country, and secondarily, peace treaties, with the formal recognition that implies. The Israeli rationale for this is, as it has been since 1948, that Israel is such a small country, that modern weapons in the hands of adversaries immediately threaten Israeli... [more]
posted to MetaFilter by paulsc at 12:20 PM on July 22, 2006
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