Favorites from Rhaomi

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Pissed forth by gods!

And you thought Pepsi's redesign was just crappy. Well no. According to this ridiculous internal document (6MB, PDF), apparently leaked from their ad agency, the sugar-water's rebranding was 5,000 years in the making, and molded by the same elemental forces that shape the very cosmos.
Warning: Hilariously meaningless corporate drivel inside. [via]
posted to MetaFilter by Silky Slim at 4:49 PM on February 9, 2009 (178 comments)

The Power of Paint

Is it Friday yet? "Tag: The Power of Paint is a free, first-person puzzle platformer which focuses on the players’ ability to modify their environment as they see fit, simply by painting it." (Windows)
posted to MetaFilter by jbickers at 10:11 AM on February 4, 2009 (20 comments)

The music of our times

The past year in economics and politics as described by Microsoft Songsmith (SLYP) via this guy
posted to MetaFilter by mock at 8:23 PM on February 2, 2009 (10 comments)

I had always wanted to do this

Make your handwriting into a font with Yourfonts. Download the PDF, draw your alphabet, scan and upload, then download the finished result. Examples. Via Drawn!
posted to MetaFilter by Rinku at 4:26 PM on February 2, 2009 (31 comments)

Free Sound Archive

Your alarm goes off, you get up to attend to your morning ritual, have a coffee, take a shower, head off to work, get on to Metafilter, and there you discover the wonders of the Free Sound Project! (previously)
posted to MetaFilter by leotrotsky at 12:49 PM on February 2, 2009 (17 comments)

In Soviet Russia, Cats LOL You

Nyet comrade, you can not has cheeseburger.
posted to MetaFilter by Brandon Blatcher at 10:53 AM on February 2, 2009 (144 comments)

Not Safe For Kids

The Junior Christian Science Bible Lesson Show is easily the most terrifying "children's show" ever broadcast.
posted to MetaFilter by chuckdarwin at 3:20 PM on January 25, 2009 (42 comments)

Now a Major Motion Picture, Starring Ernie Hudson

The "I Can Read Movies" Series is a set of fake film novelizations, done in 1950's and 1960's illustration style. [via]
posted to MetaFilter by piratebowling at 4:26 PM on January 30, 2009 (19 comments)

Global Favela

The Places We Live is a new project by photographer Jonas Bendiksen from Magnum. Jonas (portfolio) is the author of the book Satellites [previously]. Interview (youtube) [+]
posted to MetaFilter by ig at 3:24 PM on October 12, 2008 (8 comments)

Riding the Roomba

Cat on a Roomba, Baby on a Roomba, Baby Kittens on a Roomba.
posted to MetaFilter by empath at 1:28 PM on January 30, 2009 (47 comments)

Your Favorite X Sucks. Or Not.

Pop Culture Blind Spots, Guilty Pleasures, Guilty Displeasures and Sacred Cows from The A.V. Club
posted to MetaFilter by Navelgazer at 1:06 PM on January 30, 2009 (42 comments)

No Panic in Detroit

Man found dead [warning, graphic] in the former Detroit Public Schools Book Depository.
posted to MetaFilter by cjorgensen at 12:49 PM on January 29, 2009 (86 comments)

Bomb, Blitz, Fumble, or Pass - Super Bowl Ads Go Long

It's time to get ready for the Super Bowl... Ads! Adland has freely available archives of 37 years of commercials from the big game, over 2,800 ads - from 1969, when Winston, Salem, Camel, Tareyton, Pall Mall, and Silva Thins smoked up the Bowl *cough-cough*, all the way to 2008, when the best-liked ad was Bud's dalmation inspiration (how do we know it was best liked? SCIENCE!). Some highlights of the collection include:
posted to MetaFilter by taz at 10:11 AM on January 29, 2009 (40 comments)

Go figure

Andreas Aronsson makes interesting impossible figures, documents the process, and philosophizes. Via lines and colors and Neatorama, where Aronsson shows up to call himself "an Oscar Reutersvärd ripoff." Reutersvärd is often credited as the founder of the impossible figure.
posted to MetaFilter by mediareport at 9:17 PM on January 28, 2009 (12 comments)

Imagine turning on your home computer to read the newspaper!

Newspapers rush to deliver news online. A look at the future from 1981.
posted to MetaFilter by empath at 4:55 PM on January 28, 2009 (76 comments)


It is the central, most eyecatching feature of the modern Oval Office. But for over a year, abandoned by a captain said to be harsh and venereal, it drifted slowly, its huge frame creaking, locked in ice, in the land of endless night.
posted to MetaFilter by felix at 9:56 AM on January 27, 2009 (122 comments)

Are you carrying the fire?

Snow day (in DC) flash fun: Closure. is a stark, imaginative, beautiful and a creepy platformer where the only light is the one you carry in your hands...
posted to MetaFilter by oneironaut at 7:53 AM on January 27, 2009 (21 comments)

eerie imaginings from the East

Asian Horror Movies.com. 100's of free, streaming video, full movies, which have English subtitles. Index of titles updated regularly. Japanese, Korean, Thai. Includes a wide variety of films from an eccentric fantasy like 100% Wool to a psychological thriller like Angel Dust.
posted to MetaFilter by nickyskye at 9:25 PM on January 25, 2009 (52 comments)

In case your system's fonts don't support the snowman.

Decodeunicode.org has a useful and full-featured search for the names and glyphs for those Unicode characters that display as a plain box full of despair. It is presented by the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz. Roll the dice and try it out.
posted to MetaFilter by TheOnlyCoolTim at 6:15 PM on January 23, 2009 (25 comments)

Some dads rule.

This dad draws cool pictures on his kids' brown paper lunch bags. Every day.

A new bag each day for my kids. I'm the dad. I make these during my lunch break. His kids, Dylan and Dana are getting not only kickass sacks for their lunches, but also an awesome education in pop culture. Highlights include: Mugato, Toad from Super Mario Bros. video games, Red Ryder, characters from MTV's "Daria", and more vintage-y type stuff, such as V.I.N.Cent.
posted to MetaFilter by Rudy Gerner at 10:53 AM on January 23, 2009 (67 comments)

NSA Spying: Cat now out of bag.

Russell Tice, former NSA security analyst, just came on the Keith Olbermann show revealing that the NSA's domestic surveillance programs were not only far greater in scope than formerly thought, but also were specifically targeted at journalists.
posted to MetaFilter by dunkadunc at 11:39 AM on January 22, 2009 (80 comments)

The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises. PolitiFact has compiled about 500 promises that Barack Obama made during the campaign and is tracking their progress on their Obameter.
posted to MetaFilter by Ljubljana at 11:04 PM on January 21, 2009 (65 comments)

How's Your Mind? Blown?

Fellow Mefites: I see your 13 year-old Japanese girl drumming to Rush's seminal prog. class "YYZ" and raise you an 11 year-old Japanese girl playing the whole damn thing on a synth (SLYT).
posted to MetaFilter by bardic at 8:20 PM on January 20, 2009 (38 comments)

The Onion Vs. President Bush

The whole eight years of Bush in Onion articles. (Via)
posted to MetaFilter by Del Far at 7:28 AM on January 19, 2009 (35 comments)

Presidential Inauguration Videos.

Looking forward to Tuesday, here's a blast from the past. Videos of previous Presidential Inaugurations. The first recorded on video was McKinley's Second (March 4, 1901).
posted to MetaFilter by grapefruitmoon at 1:16 PM on January 18, 2009 (26 comments)

A blame game of language and depth-first search.

"It's all {Greek -> Chinese -> Heavenly Script} to me." Mark Liberman, on Language Log, recently did some quick research on how other languages would say "It's Greek to me." And created a directed graph of his findings, which were then supplemented with reader comments.
posted to MetaFilter by shadytrees at 6:22 PM on January 15, 2009 (49 comments)

The Earth Observatory

Earth, observed. Standout photographs from NASA's Earth Observatory website.
posted to MetaFilter by homunculus at 10:42 PM on January 14, 2009 (11 comments)


Pretty Loaded is an archive of preloaders that preload other preloaders…which in turn reveal yet more preloaders. from design firm Big Spaceship, a strangely soothing site dedicated to the art of the Flash "loading..." animation. (Uhh, requires Flash.) [via]
posted to MetaFilter by Combustible Edison Lighthouse at 2:00 PM on January 13, 2009 (16 comments)

Dinners with Dubya

C. Brian Smith gets invited to dinner at a college friend's house. The father drinks "non beer" and scolds the dog for farting. Smith remembers that he has a joint in the cigarette box in his pocket. One of the sisters "severs the tension by asking her father how many words he screwed up" during a recent speech he gave. Just another family dinner at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
posted to MetaFilter by tractorfeed at 4:39 AM on January 13, 2009 (107 comments)

Runnin' With The Songsmith

By request, this has been played through this. Unmodified or post processed in anyway, it sounds a little like a bad dub. But I thought I would post it as an example for other folks to see what is possible.
posted to MeFi Music by mrzarquon at 11:43 PM on January 8, 2009 (106 comments)

Comic Sans

The story behind Comic Sans: The web's most hated typeface. Previously
posted to MetaFilter by GuyZero at 10:59 AM on August 23, 2007 (396 comments)

Microsoft Songsmith

Microsoft has just announced Songsmith. What is it? I think it is some Karaoke / Garageband / Guitar-hero like thing.

All I do know is: The promotional ad video for it is a trainwreck.
posted to MetaFilter by mrzarquon at 6:20 PM on January 8, 2009 (189 comments)

The Recently Deflowered Girl

The Recently Deflowered Girl. The Right Thing to Say on Every Dubious Occasion. Full text and illustrations of an etiquette parody from 1965, illustrated by Edward Gorey. via Jezebel
posted to MetaFilter by peep at 3:49 PM on January 8, 2009 (90 comments)

You die. She dies. Everybody dies.

You're going to die.
posted to MetaFilter by loquacious at 9:40 AM on January 8, 2009 (99 comments)

Finger painting without the mess

A collection of sketches drawn on an iPhone using only fingers, by Stef Kardos, an art director for Disney. Rough, jewel-bright, entrancing, could induce further desire for an iPhone.
posted to MetaFilter by po at 11:34 PM on January 6, 2009 (34 comments)

End Times?

Virtually all the predictions about the death of old media have assumed a comfortingly long time frame for the end of print—the moment when, amid a panoply of flashing lights, press conferences, and elegiac reminiscences, the newspaper presses stop rolling and news goes entirely digital. Most of these scenarios assume a gradual crossing-over, almost like the migration of dunes, as behaviors change, paradigms shift, and the digital future heaves fully into view. But what if the old media dies much more quickly? What if a hurricane comes along and obliterates the dunes entirely? Specifically, what if The New York Times goes out of business—like, this May?
posted to MetaFilter by netbros at 9:11 PM on January 6, 2009 (62 comments)

Online Game Manuals (for free!)

Bought a video game second hand and found it doesn’t have a manual? Or have you been thinking about that great manual that came with that copy of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past you owned years ago and wouldn't mind taking a look through it again? Well, help is at hand! Vimm offers you heaps of free pdf manuals from retro systems as old as the Atari 2600 and as recent as the N64! Meanwhile Meekeo does much the same, although it mostly looks after current generation systems (including the PC) only. Finally, if you own a Nintendo Wii, DS, Gamecube or Gameboy Advance, Nintendo is offering up full colour pdfs of games they publish(ed) for these systems, as well as manuals for some of their older games.
posted to MetaFilter by Effigy2000 at 9:24 PM on January 5, 2009 (15 comments)

I live my life like there's no tomorrow.

You loved David Lee Roth singing Running With the Devil unaccompanied, amirite? Well, then you're going to TOTALLY love the David Lee Roth Runnin' With the Devil Soundboard.
posted to MetaFilter by The Straightener at 5:24 PM on January 5, 2009 (42 comments)

Don't murder me bro.

Early on New Year's Day, Oscar Grant was involved in a scuffle with an older man he hadn't previously met. The fighting continued and when the train reached Fruitvale, BART police stopped the fight and took Grant and several others into custody. The officers were armed with stun guns as well as sidearms. Three BART officers then proceed to place Grant face down to handcuff him, then one of them stands up, draws his weapon and shoots him in the back. Graphic video of the incident.
posted to MetaFilter by Mr_Zero at 11:23 AM on January 5, 2009 (367 comments)

Just People, Talking

The recent passing of Studs Terkel sparked a renewed interest in his interview projects, like Working, Race, and Hard Times. But Studs was not just a broadcaster who liked people; he was a practitioner of oral history, a method of gathering information about the past through preserving individual recollections. It's a subfield of history, with its own ethics, techniques, professional literature, uses, and limitations. Learn how to collect and share oral histories yourself, from interviewing to recording and getting clearances to preserving and disseminating. Oral histories have been preserved as text transcripts for decades; now digital media isreinvigorating the form, bringing new ease to recording and wider opportunities for the public to see and hear the content. Explore oral history projects on the web with stories of veterans, suffragists, Tibetans, jazz cats, Nevada nuclear test site witnesses, Basque Americans, rodeo cowboys and cowgirls, musicians, Katrina survivors, ACT UP activists, Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge, Native Americans, women whose lives were affected by the Pill, survivors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire,women in World War II, Hawai'ians, workers in Paterson, NJ....
posted to MetaFilter by Miko at 9:09 AM on December 11, 2008 (20 comments)

Can you think of movies, television or radio shows which feature British actors playing American characters putting on fake British accents?

Can you think of movies, television or radio shows which feature British actors playing American characters putting on fake British accents? Extra bonus points if you can name other examples of actor from country X playing a character from country Y faking the accent of country X.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Kattullus at 4:58 PM on January 2, 2009 (28 comments)

The Press: Making Bloggers Look Good Since Before Blogging Was Invented

Of all the offshoots of the "Stuff White People Like" meme, my favorite is Stuff Journalists Like. From Free Food to Press Passes to Exclusives, this blog is covering everything in the ink-stained-wretch's lifestyle, including some things they really just barely tolerate. For a more serious look at the Journalistic Profession during this time of Transition/Crisis/Insanity, there's always Jay Rosen, whose PressThink blog has been previously seen here and is getting more attention than ever via (shudder) Twitter. Or, for something more in-between... 10,000 Words uses a bright, shiny bunch of tag clouds, maps and other visual aids (plus fun with typography) to tell the journos how it should be done while doing it.
posted to MetaFilter by wendell at 5:38 PM on January 2, 2009 (20 comments)

davesecretary's New Blog

Followup: it seems that davesecretary has a new-ish blog.
posted to MetaTalk by archagon at 11:46 AM on December 31, 2008 (65 comments)

The Chuck E. Cheese Ouroboros

In 1977, Nolan Bushnell allowed Gene Landrum to bring Chuck E. Cheese [yt] to life as a family-friendly access point to Atari games. This, perhaps, explains the pizza.
posted to MetaFilter by batmonkey at 7:33 PM on December 31, 2008 (17 comments)
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